Working Papers

These papers are working drafts of research which often appear in final form in academic journals. The published versions may differ from the working versions provided here.

David Broockman, Greg F. Ferenstein, Neil Malhotra
September 5, 2017

If wealthy businesspeople reliably support policies in their material self-interest, they can be expected to use their tremendous political influence to exacerbate inequality. We argue business elites in an industry can share distinctive values and...

Lisa De Simone, Lillian F. Mills, Bridget Stomberg
August 22, 2017


We use confidential Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data on the magnitude of U.S.-foreign intercompany transactions to develop a financial statement-based measure of the likelihood that U.S. multinational entities (MNEs) make...

John E. Bistline, Stephen D. Comello, Anshuman Sahoo
August 5, 2017

Many irreversible long-run capital investments entail opportunities for managers to respond flexibly to changes in the economic environment. However, common levelized cost measures used to guide decision-making, such as the levelized cost of electricity, implicitly...

Darrell Duffie, Leif Andersen, Yang Song
August 1, 2017

We demonstrate that the funding value adjustments (FVAs) of major dealers are debt-overhang costs to their shareholders. In order to maximize shareholder value, dealer quotations therefore adjust for FVAs. Contrary to current valuation practice, FVAs...

Peter C. Psarras, Stephen Comello, Praveen Bains, Panunya Charoensawadpong, Stefan J. Reichelstein, Jennifer Wilcox
August 2017

The fabrication and manufacturing of industrial commodities such as iron, glass and cement is carbon-intensive. A major reason capture of carbon dioxide from flue gases of industrial processes has not been widely adopted as a...

Benjamin Hébert, Michael Woodford
July 26, 2017

We propose a new principle for measuring the cost of information structures in rational inattention problems, based on the cost of generating the information used to make a decision through a dynamic evidence accumulation process....

Lisa De Simone, Richard Sansing
July 18, 2017

This study investigates the use of a cost sharing arrangement (CSA) by a multinational corporation (MNC) to shift the income attributable to valuable intellectual property (IP) to low-tax foreign jurisdictions. Using a strategic tax compliance...

Shai Bernstein, Josh Lerner, Filippo Mezzanotti
July 18, 2017

Do private equity firms contribute to financial fragility during economic crises? We find that during the 2008 financial crisis, PE-backed companies increased investments relative to their peers, while also experiencing greater equity and debt inflows....

David J. Lowsky, Donald K.K. Lee, Stefanos Zenios
July 16, 2017

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged savings account available only to households with high-deductible health insurance. This paper provides initial answers to two questions related to HSAs: 1) How should a household determine...

Susan Athey, Stefan Wager
July 10, 2017

Many scientific and engineering challenges – ranging from personalized medicine to customized marketing recommendations – require an understanding of treatment effect heterogeneity. In this paper, we develop a non-parametric causal forest for estimating heterogeneous treatment...

Shannon Chen, Lisa De Simone, Michelle Hanlon, Rebecca Lester
July 10, 2017

We study whether innovation box tax incentives, which reduce tax rates on innovation-related income, are associated with tax-motivated income shifting and local investment in the countries that implement these regimes. Using a matched sample...

Shai Bernstein, Timothy James McQuade, Richard R. Townsend
July 7, 2017

Do household wealth shocks affect employee output? We examine this question through the lens of technological innovation, by comparing employees that worked at the same firm and lived in the same metropolitan area, but experienced...

Susan Athey, Stefan Wager, Julie Tibshirani
July 6, 2017

We propose generalized random forests, a method for non-parametric statistical estimation based on random forests (Breiman, 2001) that can be used to fit any quantity of interest identified as the solution to a set of...

Yash Kanoria, Daniela Saban
July 5, 2017

Two-sided matching platforms, such as those for labor, accommodation, dating, and taxi hailing, can control and optimize over many aspects of the search for partners. To understand how the search for partners should be designed,...

Jung Ho Choi
July 2017

I evaluate the role of accrual accounting in improving firms’ production decisions and resource allocation across firms. I introduce both cash flow and accounting earnings as imperfect measures of performance into a general equilibrium model...

Matthew Corritore, Amir Goldberg, Sameer B. Srivastava
July 2017

This article deepens our understanding of how the culture of an organization can reflect its underlying capacity for execution and creative exploration and thereby foreshadow how it

Lisa De Simone, Jordan Nickerson, Jeri K. Seidman, Bridget Stomberg
June 27, 2017

Can common empirical tests reliably identify tax avoidance? This is an important question because our understanding of the determinants of tax avoidance largely depends on results generated using such tests. We address this question...

Anat R. Admati
June 26, 2017

Financialized corporate governance as commonly practiced causes significant inefficiencies and harm. Corporations and governments routinely fail to design and enforce rules that reduce the opacity of corporations, create effective commitments that prevent harm, and ensure...

John-Paul Ferguson, Rembrand Koning
June 18, 2017

Racial segregation between American workplaces is greater today than it was a generation ago. This increase has happened alongside the declines in within-establishment occupational segregation on which most prior research has focused. We examine more...

Baris Ata, Yinchuan Ding, Stefanos Zenios
June 7, 2017

The deceased-donor kidney transplant candidates in the US are ranked according to characteristics of both the donor and the recipient. We seek the ranking policy that achieves the best efficiency-equity tradeoff, taking into account patients’...