Guides to Reappointment and Promotion

Over the last three years, the Office of Academic Affairs has sponsored a series of workshops aimed at demystifying reappointment and promotion criteria, policies and processes for faculty members whose reviews are on the horizon. 

Below you will find a set of guides that cover topics discussed in some of these workshops, with information specific to faculty lines as well as information that is broadly applicable.

The Evaluation of Independence and Impact in the Tenure Line

For Assistant Professors

Promotion to Professor in the University Tenure Line

For Associate Professors

The Evaluation of Teaching Excellence

For Assistant and Associate Professors in the MCL, UTL, and TL

The Evaluation of Scholarship in the Medical Center Line

For Assistant and Associate Professors

The Candidate's Role in Reappointment and Promotion

For Assistant Professors in the MCL, RL, and UTL

Assistant Professors and Sabbatical

For Assistant Professors in the MCL, UTL, and RL

  • Chapter 3 from the University Faculty Handbook (sabbatical section)
  • Sabbatical request form (including Attachment A regarding grants and the Data Security Attestation, required)
  • Example sabbatical accrual spreadsheet

Reappointment and Promotion


Previous Workshops

  • Promotion to Associate Professor in the Medical Center Line: Building a Regional Reputation (Powerpoint)
  • MCL Assist Profs - Preparing for the Reappointment Review
  • The Evaluation of Clinical Excellence
  • Building a National Reputation (for MCL associate professors)
  • Evaluation of Clinical Excellence
  • Reappointment Review: Preparation of the Curriculum Vitae and Candidate’s Statement
  • Promotion to Professor in the Tenure Line
  • Reappointment as Medical Center Line Assistant Professor
  • Reappointment/Promotion of Tenure Line Assistant Professors
  • Promotion to Professor in the Medical Center Line