Performance and Quality Improvement

Faculty from Stanford’s division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine are well integrated into the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford quality and performance improvement operations which are supported by the Packard Quality Management System (PQMS).  Hospitalists serve as medical directors of both the hospital’s Center for Quality and Clinical Effectiveness (Paul Sharek, MD, MPH) and Performance Improvement Departments (Terry Platchek, MD).  In their roles, Dr. Sharek and Dr. Platchek create and oversee the implementation of hospital-wide quality and safety goals, advise on hospital quality and safety strategy, and prioritize and guide the selection and implementation of significant hospital-wide quality and performance improvement initiatives.  In addition, Hospitalists lead multiple organization wide improvement efforts including in the areas of length of stay reduction, bronchiolitis, asthma, discharge, family centered rounding, hand hygiene, conscious sedation, and primary care provider communication.  Faculty from the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine also lead pediatric resident education in Quality and Performance improvement (Lauren Destino, MD).