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Graduate Fellowships & Awards

The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) supports graduate students each year through graduate fellowships and research funding.

We are now accepting applications for graduate student fellowships and awards for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Applications are due April 17, 2017.

Graduate Student Fellowships

The fellowships provide up to three quarters of fellowship support in the form of tuition and a graduate student stipend to qualified applicants pursuing policy-relevant economics research. Awardees are asked to submit a summary of their work upon completion of the fellowship. Graduate students seeking tuition and stipend support from SIEPR may apply to SIEPR’s fellowship application and will be matched to appropriate fellowships by the review committee.

Most funding is reserved for graduate student in their final year who are completing their dissertations. However, for the 2017-18 academic year, SIEPR will offer three fellowships for 3rd and 4th year PhD students working in one or more of the following priority research areas: social insurance programs; tax policy; state and local government finances; retirement and saving; education; and crime, policing and incarceration.

To apply, you must complete our online application form and submit a project description, prospectus, CV, and letter from your thesis supervisor or academic mentor.


Shultz Graduate Student Funding in Economic Policy

Every year, SIEPR funds a select number of graduate students through the Shultz Dissertation Fund to support graduate students with gathering and working with primary economic data. The funds may be used to pay for travel and expenses necessary to put together original data sets or to acquire commercial data sets.

All dissertation-level students enrolled at Stanford and working on economic issues are eligible for support.

To apply, you must complete our online application form and submit a project description, budget, CV, and letter from your advisor.


Landau Discussion Paper Prize

The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) awards the Claire and Ralph Landau Student Discussion Paper Prize for the best student-written SIEPR working paper.
The $2,500 prize is a tribute to the Landaus and their countless contributions to SIEPR and Stanford’s economics department.


Named SIEPR Fellowships:

To support economics graduate students working on policy-oriented issues, with particular emphasis in medical economics.

To support outstanding students completing their Ph.D. dissertation research that has an emphasis on public policy.

To support economics graduate students working in the fields of finance, international finance, international economics, money and banking.

To provide fellowships to graduate students in Economics.

To provide fellowships to graduate students in Economics.

To support dissertation candidates in Economics.

To support dissertation candidates in Economics.

To cover the costs of empirical research by graduate students from all departments seeking to build primary data sets or acquire commercial data sets.