
The economics academic area includes faculty that study a broad range of topics in their discipline, including economic theory, industrial organization, labor economics, macroeconomics, econometrics, environmental economics, and international trade.

The economic faculty bring ideas from economic research (both their own and those from the broader community of economic scholars) to the classroom.

The group teaches principles of economics and statistics in managerial foundations classes, as well as applications of economics in classes on strategy, public policy, human resource management, global management, and other topics.

The rigorous application of economic principles permeates the MBA, Stanford MSx, and Executive Education curricula. The economics area extends its impact beyond Stanford by publishing, by educating PhD students, and by influencing public policy.

Recent Journal Articles in Economics

Gregory J. Martin, Ali Yurukoglu
American Economic Review. September
2017, Vol. 107, Issue 9, Pages 2565-99

We measure the persuasive effects of slanted news and tastes for like-minded news, exploiting cable channel positions as exogenous shifters of cable news viewership. Channel positions do not correlate with...

Nicholas A. Bloom, Philip Bunn, Paul Mizen, Pawel Smietanka, Greg Thwaites
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin. September
2017, Vol. 57, Issue 2, Pages 110-120

The article reports that the Bank of England has launched the Decision Maker Panel (DMP) survey of senior executives from British companies which aims to measure the effects of uncertainty...

Raffaella Sadun, Nicholas A. Bloom, John Van Reenen
Harvard Business Review. September
2017, Vol. 95, Issue 5, Pages 120-127

Business schools teach MBA students that you can’t compete on the basis of management processes because they’re easily copied. Operational effectiveness is table stakes in the competitive universe, according to...

Bar Ifrach, Gabriel Weintraub
The Review of Economic Studies. July
2017, Vol. 84, Issue 3, Pages 1106-1150

In this paper we introduce a new computationally tractable framework for Ericson and Pakes (1995)- style dynamic oligopoly models that overcomes the computational complexity involved in computing Markov perfect equilibrium...

A. Bumpus, Stephen Comello
Nature Climate Change. June
2017, Vol. 7, Issue 6, Pages 382-385

Early-stage capital providers and clean energy technology incubators are supporting a new wave of innovations focused on end-use efficiency and demand control. This wave complements expanding investments in supply technologies...

Eric Bettinger, Christopher Doss, Susanna Loeb, Aaron Rogers, Eric Taylor
Economics of Education Review. June
2017, Vol. 58, Pages 68-85

Class size is a first-order consideration in the study of education cost and effectiveness. Yet little is known about the effects of class size on student outcomes in online college...

Takuo Sugaya, Alexander Wolitzky
Theoretical Economics. May
2017, Vol. 12, Issue 2, Pages 691-729

We provide a simple sufficient condition for the existence of a recursive upper bound on (the Pareto frontier of) the sequential equilibrium payoff set at a fixed discount factor in...

Susan Athey, Guido W. Imbens, Thai Pham, Stefan Wager
American Economic Review. May
2017, Vol. 107, Issue 5, Pages 278-81

There is a large literature on semiparametric estimation of average treatment effects under unconfounded treatment assignment in settings with a fixed number of covariates. More recently attention has focused on...

Ali Yurukoglu, Eli Liebman, David B. Ridley
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. May
2017, Vol. 9, Issue 2, Pages 348-382

Beginning in the mid-2000s, the incidence of drug shortages rose, especially for generic injectable drugs such as anesthetics and chemotherapy treatments. We examine whether reimbursement changes contributed to the shortages,...

Susan Athey, Guido W. Imbens
Journal of Economic Perspectives. May
2017, Vol. 31, Issue 2, Pages 3-32

In this paper, we discuss recent developments in econometrics that we view as important for empirical researchers working on policy evaluation questions. We focus on three main areas, in each...