Political Economy

Through its research, teaching, and course development, the Stanford GSB political economy group has consistently led the way in business schools’ awakening to the enormous impact of nonmarket forces on business practice and performance.

Political economy courses blend cutting-edge research with contemporary business cases. Spanning theory and practice as such provides future managers with systematic frameworks for understanding behavior outside the traditional sphere of markets. Important features of the nonmarket environment include strategic aspects of NGOs and activists; business-government relations in lawmaking, rulemaking, and regulation (locally and globally); the legal environment of business; and the interplay of strategy and ethics.

The political economy faculty is composed of world-class economists and political scientists whose research epitomizes the unique benefits of rigorous interdisciplinary social science. The faculty not only strives for excellence in its own research and teaching but also takes pride in its incomparable PhD Program, which regularly trains the world’s best new political economists.

Recent Journal Articles in Political Economy

Jon A. Krosnick, Neil Malhotra, Cecilia Hyunjung Mo, Eduardo F. Bruera, LinChiat Chang, Josh Pasek, Randall K. Thomas
PLoS ONE. August
14 , 2017, Vol. 12, Issue 8

Most Americans recognize that smoking causes serious diseases, yet many Americans continue to smoke. One possible explanation for this paradox is that perhaps Americans do not accurately perceive the extent...

Jeremy Ferwerda, Jens Hainmueller, Chad J. Hazlett
Journal of Statistical Software. July
2017, Vol. 79, Issue 3, Pages 1-26

The Stata package krls as well as the R package KRLS implement kernel-based regularized least squares (KRLS), a machine learning method described in Hainmueller and Hazlett (2014) that allows users...

Kirk Bansak, Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner
Nature Human Behaviour. June

What type of common asylum regime would Europeans support? We conducted a survey asking 18,000 citizens of 15 European countries about their preferences regarding different mechanisms for allocating asylum seekers...

Neil Malhotra, Christopher McConnell, Yotam Margalit, Matthew Levendusky
Harvard Business Review. May
19 , 2017, Pages 2-4

After the bruising and contentious 2016 U.S. presidential election, it’s not surprising that Americans’ evaluations of members of the opposite political party have reached an all-time low. According to data from the Pew...

Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner, Giuseppe Pietrantuono
American Political Science Review. May
2017, Vol. 111, Issue 2, Pages 256-276

We study the impact of naturalization on the long-term social integration of immigrants into the host country society. Despite ongoing debates about citizenship policy, we lack reliable evidence that isolates...