Speeches, Op-Eds and Testimony

Jason Furman, Chairman 

Op-Ed: How to Avoid Spectrum Crunch
The Wall Street Journal
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January 22, 2015

Op-Ed: The Truth About Immigration and the Economy
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December 9, 2014

The Global Economy: Demand, Supply and Interdependence
Globes Israel Business Conference: download pdf
December 7, 2014

As delivered at Palestine Economic Research Institute: download pdf
December 9, 2014

Patents, Innovation, and Productivity
Georgetown Law and Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
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November 7, 2014

Structural Challenges and Opportunities in the U.S. Economy
London School of Economics
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November 5, 2014

Remarks on Social Security and Retirement Security
National Academy of Social Insurance
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October 23, 2014

Remarks on Public Sector Spectrum Policy
Brookings Institution
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September 23, 2014

Business Tax Reform and Economic Growth
New York University School of Law
Speech Text and Charts: download pdf
Slides: download pdf
Speech as published in Tax Notes: download pdf
September 22, 2014

The Economics of America’s Clean Energy Future
University of Pennsylvania Wharton’s Public Policy Initiative
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September 22, 2014

Remarks on the Clean Power Plan
American Action Forum and R Street Institute
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September 17, 2014

Op-Ed: Good News on Employer Premiums Is More Evidence of a Dramatic Economic Change for the Better
Huffington Post
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September 10, 2014

Opportunities and Challenges in the U.S. Labor Market: An Update
Macroeconomic Advisers’ 24th Annual Washington Policy Seminar
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September 10, 2014

America’s Millennials in the Recovery
The Zillow Housing Forum
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July 24, 2014

Rural America and the Role of Agriculture in the Broader Economy
Rural Opportunity Investment Conference
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July 23, 2014

Opportunities and Challenges in the U.S. Labor Market
The Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution
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July 17, 2014

Op-Ed: Unemployment is Down, and We Still Have Work to Do
Washington Post
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July 4, 2014

Op-Ed: On Energy, ‘All of the Above’ Is Working
Politico Magazine
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May 29, 2014

Remarks at NYU Wagner’s School Convocation Ceremony for the Class of 2014
NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
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May 22, 2014

Op-Ed: White House: New Policy Will Help Home Buyers
CNN Money
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May 21, 2014

Introduction of Joseph Stiglitz, Sixth Annual Moynihan Prize Award Ceremony
American Academy of Political and Social Science
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May 8, 2014

Global Lessons for Inclusive Growth
The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA)
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May 7, 2014

Lessons for Inclusive Growth from OECD Countries
OECD Forum
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May 5, 2014

The Role of Housing in the Economic Recovery and the Path Forward
Real Estate Roundtable
Speech Text and Charts: download pdf
Slides: download pdf
April 29, 2014

Op-Ed: The Moment Is Right for Housing Reform
Wall Street Journal
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April 25, 2014

Whatever Happened to the Great Moderation?
Hyman P. Minsky Conference
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April 10, 2014

Democracy Article on Poverty and the Tax Code
Democracy Journal
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March 19, 2014

The Economic Outlook and the President’s Agenda
National Association of Business Economists
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February 25, 2014

Keynote Speech at Tax Council Policy Institute’s Tax Symposium
Tax Council Policy Institute
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February 20, 2014

50 Years into LBJ’s "War on Poverty": What’s the Role for Tax Policy?
Tax Policy Center
download pdf
January 24, 2014
Also see: Democracy Article on Poverty and the Tax Code: download pdf

The Path Forward for Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10
Economic Policy Institute
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January 14, 2014

Op-Ed: ObamaCare Is Slowing Health Inflation
The Wall Street Journal
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January 1, 2014

Fiscal Policy: Accomplishments, Challenges and Opportunities
University of Wisconsin at Madison
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November 18, 2013

Prepared Testimony for Hearing on "The Economic Outlook"
Joint Economic Committee
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November 13, 2013

Total Factor Productivity and Telecommunications: Policy Ingredients for Shared Growth
AEI’s Center on Internet, Communications and Technology Policy
download pdf
September 17, 2013

The View from the Administration
Macroeconomic Advisers’ 23rd Annual Washington Policy Seminar
download pdf
September 12, 2013

Betsey Stevenson, Member 

The Role of the Council of Economic Advisers in Bringing Economic Research to Policy Making
University of Michigan’s Ford School Hosted at the Federal Reserve
download pdf
May 30, 2014

Family Participation in the Workforce
Urban Institute
Speech Text: download pdf
Slides: download pdf
April 30, 2014

More Than a Number: Combatting Pay Discrimination in the Workplace
Center for American Progress
download pdf
April 7, 2014

Next Steps in the White House Evidence and Innovation Agenda
Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy, UPENN
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November 5, 2013

James Stock, Former Member 

Op-Ed: On Energy, ‘All of the Above’ Is Working
Politico Magazine
download pdf
May 29, 2014

Op-Ed: The Moment Is Right for Housing Reform
Wall Street Journal
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Cyclical Stabilization and the Structure of Mortgage Finance
The Housing Finance Policy Center at the Urban Institute
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November 13, 2013

The Economic Recovery Five Years after the Financial Crisis
NABE Annual Meeting Breakfast Address
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September 10, 2013

Alan B. Krueger, Former Chairman 

Fairness as an Economic Force
Learning and Labor Economics Conference at Oberlin College
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April 26, 2013

The Economic Benefits of Commonsense Immigration Reform
The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC
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March 19, 2013

Six Challenges for the Statistical Community
2012 American Statistical Association Conference, San Diego, CA
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July 30, 2012

Six Challenges for the Statistical Community
2012 American Statistical Association Conference, San Diego, CA
download pdf
July 30, 2012

Reversing the Middle Class Jobs Deficit
The Center on Global Economic Governance, Columbia University,  
Read the remarks  |  View the charts on slideshare
April 26, 2012 

The Rise and Consequences of Inequality in the United States 
Center for American Progress, Washington, DC 
Read the remarks |  View the charts on slideshare
January 12, 2012

Finding Economy Certainty in an Uncertain World
World Affairs Council of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. 
download pdf
December 21, 2011

Carl Shapiro, Former Member

The American Jobs Act: What Our Economy Needs Now
Council of Economic Advisors
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September 13, 2011

Christina Romer, Former Chair

Not My Father's Recession: The Extraordinary Challenges and Policy Responses of the First Twenty Months of the Obama Administration
The National Press Club
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September 1, 2010

Impact of the Recovery Act and the Economic Outlook
Testimony to the Joint Economic Committee
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July 14, 2010

Finishing the Job: The Policies Needed to Ensure Full Recovery and Fiscal Stability in the United States 
OECD Forum
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May 27, 2010

New Policies for a New Century: Recent Economic Actions through the Lense of the New Deal
College of William and Mary
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May 16, 2010

Treatment and Prevention: Ending the Great Recession and Ensuring that It Doesn’t Happen Again
City Club of Cleveland
May 3, 2010

Back to a Better Normal: Unemployment and Growth in the Wake of the Great Recession
Princeton University Colloquium on Public and International Affairs
April 17, 2010

Moving Forward on Jobs
National Association of Business Economists' 26th annual Washington Economic Policy Conference
March 9, 2010

The Economic Assumptions Underlying the Fiscal 2011 Budget
Statement to the Press on the Rollout of the FY2011 Budget
February 1, 2010

Health Care Reform and the Budget Deficit
Center for American Progress
October 26, 2009

From Recession to Recovery: The Economic Crisis, the Policy Response, and the Challenges We Face Going Forward
Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee
October 22, 2009

Back from the Brink
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
September 24, 2009

So, Is It Working? An Assessment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act at the Five-Month Mark
The Economic Club of Washington D.C.
August 6, 2009

Preparing the Workers of Today for the Jobs of Tomorrow
Video discussion about a new CEA report featuring questions from Facebook and WhiteHouse.gov
July 13, 2009

The Economic Case for Health Care Reform
Statement before the Committee on Education and Labor of the U.S. House of Representatives
June 23, 2009

The Economic Case for Health Care Reform
Statement before the Committee on the Budget of the U.S. House of Representatives
June 19, 2009

The Lessons of 1937
Guest Article in The Economist
June 18, 2009

The Economic Case for Health Care Reform
Commonwealth Club, San Francisco
June 8, 2009

Health Care Reform is an Economic Necessity
Op-ed Contributor to the Yahoo! Newsroom
June 2, 2009

Growth without Bubbles
Council on Foreign Relations
May 12, 2009

The Economic Crisis: Causes, Policies, and Outlook
Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee
April 30, 2009

Lessons from the New Deal
Testimony before the Economic Subcommittee, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate
March 31, 2009

Lessons from the New Deal for Economic Recovery in 2009
Brookings Institution
March 9, 2009

Fiscal Policy and Economic Recovery
National Association of Business Economists Washington Policy Conference
March 3, 2009

The Case for Fiscal Stimulus: The Likely Effects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
U.S. Monetary Policy Forum
February 27, 2009

Cecilia Rouse, Former Member

The State of the American Child: The Impact of Federal Policies on Children
Testimony to the Subcommitee on Children and Families
Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
United States Senate
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July 29, 2010

Work-Life Programs: Attacting, Retaining and Empowering the Federal Workforce
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce and the District of Columbia
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate
May 4, 2010

The First Year of the Recession: Key Census Indicators of Family Well-Being in 2008 and the Administration's Policy Responses in 2009
Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee
September 10, 2009

Suggest an idea for White House White Board
Economic Report to the Preisdent