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All 2013 VPGE Fellows

We are pleased to announce the 2013 recipients of fellowships and awards administered by the VPGE office.

Supported by endowment and general funds, the following fellowships are designed to attract the most talented students to Stanford's doctoral programs, and to honor and support our most outstanding current doctoral students. Each program has a distinct focus, and while the selection processes vary, all are highly competitive and involve several levels of faculty review. With the exception of ARCS, each fellow will receive tuition support and an annual stipend of $36,500 in 2013-14. The fellowship awards are one, two, or three years in length. Total direct funding to graduate students from VPGE-administered support will exceed $30 million for the 2013-14 year.

Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Fellows

The ARCS Scholar Award recognizes outstanding students who have a record of past achievement and who show exceptional potential to make a significant contribution to the scientific and technological strength of the nation. Each year, the Northern California Chapter of the ARCS Foundation allocates an award to Stanford, which VPGE then uses to support as many PhD students as possible through a combination of ARCS and University funds. ARCS scholars can select a two- or three-quarter award configuration, depending upon their academic and tuition needs.

Read more about ARCS

Read more about the Northern California Chapter of the ARCS Foundation

Sarah Barrett, Geophysics
Ryan Bloom, Bioengineering
Madeleine Flint, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ryan Hadt, Chemistry
Sarah Harrison, Physics
Garrett Hayes, Materials Science and Engineering
Daniel Litt, Mathematics
Kunal Mehta, Bioengineering
Holly Moeller, Biology
James Yoon, Environmental Earth System Science

Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence (DARE) Doctoral Fellows

The DARE Doctoral Fellowship Program awards two-year fellowships to advanced doctoral students who want to investigate and prepare for academic careers and whose presence will help diversify the professoriate. The DARE program aims to better prepare Stanford doctoral students from diverse backgrounds for successful faculty careers, and to contribute to the richness of Stanford’s educational environment. The 2013 DARE fellowships are awarded to 22 outstanding Stanford doctoral students, bringing the total DARE fellowships awarded to 100 in the six years since the program began.

Read more about DARE

Swethaa Ballakrishnen, Sociology
Alexis Charles, Modern Thought and Literature
Koji Chavez, Sociology
Rodolfo Cortes Barragan, Psychology
Helen Craig, Applied Physics
Liliana De La Paz, Chemical Engineering
Lindsey Felt, English
Sara Harrison, Electrical Engineering
Rebecca Hernandez, Environmental Earth System Science
Brian Johnsrud, Modern Thought and Literature
Melissa Kemp, Biology
Liza Renee Lizcano, Education
Ariel Mendez, Political Science
Rachel Newman, Art and Art History
Fernando Novoa-Perez, Materials Science and Engineering
Jason Okonofua, Psychology
Beth Red Bird, Sociology
Terry Reyes, Cancer Biology
Maribel Santiago, Education
Linsey Seitz, Chemical Engineering
Trisha Stan, Immunology
Nina Vaidya, Electrical Engineering

2013 DARE Alternates
Peter Belmi, Graduate School of Business
Saad Bhamla, Chemical Engineering
Zoe Cullen, Economics
Christine Exley , Economics
Jesse Foster, Education
Charlie Gomez, Education
Alejandra Guzman, Microbiology and Immunology
Winnie Liang, Chemistry
Shaila Musharoff, Genetics
Guadalupe Ruiz-Jones, Biology

Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellows

The SIGF Program awards three-year fellowships to current doctoral students engaged in interdisciplinary research and the pursuit of questions that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. Applications were submitted by students from 43 doctoral programs in seven schools. This group of 20 fellows is the sixth cohort of SIGF recipients.

Read more about SIGF

Laura Bloomfield, Biology, James and Nancy Kelso Fellow
Gregory Bratman, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources, James and Nancy Kelso Fellow
Shengya Cao, Biochemistry, Morgridge Family SIGF Fellow
Liz Chen, Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, Rogers Family Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow
Jon Connolly, History, Leslie Parker Hume Graduate Fellow
Diana Dakhlallah, Sociology, The Jack and Anita Saltz Fellow
Adam Jaffe, Chemistry, Satre Family Fellow
Corey Johnson, Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow (Anonymous)
Shiri Krebs, Law, Christiana Shi Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow in International Studies
Thomas Lampo, Chemical Engineering, Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow (Anonymous)
Ye Henry Li, Structural Biology, William and Lynda Steere Fellow
James Notwell, Computer Science, Affymetrix Bio-X Fellow
Bethany Percha, Biomedical Informatics, Morgridge Family SIGF Fellow
Junjie Qin, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Satre Family Fellow
Benjamin Seligman, Biology (PhD program) and Medicine (MD program), Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow (Anonymous)
Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Computer Science, Hsieh Family Fellow
Emily Warren, Economics, Karr Family Graduate Fellow
Rebecca Weiss, Communication, Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow (Anonymous)
Patrick Ye, Bioengineering, Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie Fellow
Bo Zhang, Chemistry, Mona M. Burgess Fellow

Gerald J. Lieberman Fellows

The Gerald J. Lieberman Fellowships were established in 1993 to honor Stanford Professor and Provost Gerald Lieberman for his many years of distinguished service to the University. Designed to support the next generation of academic leaders across a broad array of disciplines, the Lieberman Fellowships are awarded to advanced doctoral students nominated by each school’s Dean. The honorees intend to pursue careers in academia and have demonstrated potential for leadership roles through their research accomplishments, teaching and university service.

Read more about the Lieberman Fellowship

Michael Birnbaum, Immunology
Agnes H. Chong, Law*
Craig Gorin, Chemistry
Judy Hicks, Education
Melina Platas Izama, Political Science
Mia Catharine Mattioli, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Talya Meyers, English
Vivek Narsimhan, Chemical Engineering 
Lauren Oakes, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources
Sara Shirazyan, Law* 
Lauren Szczurek, Psychology
Mericcan Usta, Management Science and Engineering

*Alternates annually between the Graduate School of Business and the School of Law.

Stanford Graduate Fellows in Science and Engineering

Stanford Graduate Fellowships in Science and Engineering (SGF) is a group of more than 300 endowed fellowships, each named by a donor. Both new and continuing doctoral students are nominated by their departments to receive two- and three-year awards.

Read more about SGF

Antonio Baclig, Materials Science and Engineering, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Fellow
Whitney Bagge, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources, David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellow
Steven Barrett, Biochemistry, Lucille P. Markey Biomedical Research Fellow
Maria Baryakhtar, Physics, Anonymous
Nicholas Bayless, Immunology, Smith Fellow
Nathan Benjamin, Physics, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Cora Bernard, Management Science and Engineering, PACCAR Inc Fellow
Michael Bocek, Cancer Biology, Benchmark Fellow
Nathan Bogdanowicz, Applied Physics, ARCS Foundation, Inc., Northern California Chapter Fellow
Daniel Borup, Mechanical Engineering, Office of Technology Licensing Fellow
Michael Boucher, Microbiology and Immunology, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Jacob Bow, Materials Science and Engineering, Burt and Deedee McMurtry Fellow
Jonathan Bradshaw, Civil and Environmental Engineering, David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellow
Susanna Brantley, Developmental Biology, Gabilan Fellow
Engin Bumbacher, Education, Cisco Systems Fellow
Lauren Burton, Mechanical Engineering, Charles H. Kruger Fellow
Gun Woo Byeon, Genetics, Benchmark Fellow
Ava Carter, Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, Smith Fellow
Cheng Chen, Electrical Engineering, Cadence Design Systems Fellow
Clare Chen, Electrical Engineering, Gabilan Fellow
Yunhan Chen, Mechanical Engineering, Larry Yung Fellow
Zhuoyu Chen, Applied Physics, Benchmark Fellow
Amelia Christensen, Electrical Engineering, Texas Instruments Fellow
Darin Christensen, Political Science, Gerhard Casper Fellow
Caitlin Clancy, Mechanical Engineering, Alyce B. and Henry J. Ramey Jr. Fellow
Megan Conlon, Biology, Gabilan Fellow
Derek Croote, Bioengineering, Kou-I Yeh Fellow
Ashok Cutkosky, Computer Science, Benchmark Fellow
Angela Dai, Computer Science, Professor Michael J. Flynn Fellow
Richard Deans, Chemistry, Burt and Deedee McMurtry Fellow
Michelle Deng, Mechanical Engineering, Gabilan Fellow
Ohiremen Dibua, Mechanical Engineering, Mr. and Mrs. Chin-Nan Chen Fellow
Jonathan Diep, Microbiology and Immunology, Smith Fellow
Yishun Dong, Electrical Engineering, Sony Fellow
Karel-Alexander Duerloo, Materials Science and Engineering, Gerhard Casper Fellow
Adem Dugalic, Economics, Albion Walter Hewlett Fellow
Camille Everhart, Mechanical Engineering, Chambers Fellow
Timothy Ewan, Mechanical Engineering, Benchmark Fellow
Erin Fahle, Education, Anonymous
Farzan Farnia, Electrical Engineering, Sequoia Capital Fellow
Richard Fenrich, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Winston and Fu-Mei Chen Fellow
Jenna Finch, Education, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Marvin Gee, Immunology, Smith Fellow
Sydney Gordon, Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Gabilan Fellow
Seshadri Gowrishankar, Chemical Engineering, Office of Technology Licensing Fellow
Bo Gu, Biology, Henry Fan Fellow
David Hallac, Electrical Engineering, Sequoia Capital Fellow
Ya-Yu Monica Hew, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Gabilan Fellow
Oliver Hinder, Management Science and Engineering, PACCAR Inc Fellow
Eran Hoffmann, Economics, Koret Fellow
Skyler Holloway, Civil and Environmental Engineering, William and Martha Campbell Fellow
Julian Homburger, Genetics, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Lin Huang, Computer Science, Pierre and Christine Lamond Fellow
Abbas Kazerouni, Electrical Engineering, Sequoia Capital Fellow
Benjamin Keep, Education, Gerhard Casper Fellow
Chandler Kemp, Energy Resources Engineering, Chevron Fellow
Garrett Kingman, Developmental Biology, William K. Bowes Jr. Fellow
Inbar Klang, Mathematics, Gabilan Fellow
Ana Klimovic, Electrical Engineering, Cadence Design Systems Fellow
Tobias Konitzer, Communication, Gerhard Casper Fellow
Opher Kornfeld, Chemical and Systems Biology, Smith Fellow
Ivan Korolev, Economics, Koret Fellow
Timea Kosztin, Mechanical Engineering, Gabilan Fellow
Manikanta Kotaru, Electrical Engineering, Thomas and Sarah Kailath Fellow
Stefan Kowalski, Mechanical Engineering, Benchmark Fellow
Michelle LaComb, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Eugene Holman Fellow
Himabindu Lakkaraju, Computer Science, Robert Bosch Fellow
Matthew Landry, Chemistry, Robert and Marvel Kirby Fellow
Nicholas LaPlante, Microbiology and Immunology, Smith Fellow
Samuel Lederer, Physics, ABB Fellow
Cheuk Ting Li, Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Alumni Fellow  2 years, separate match for third year
Christina Li, Chemistry, Abbott Laboratories Fellow
Qian Lin, Applied Physics, Henry Fan Fellow
Yi Liu, Biomedical Informatics, Benchmark Fellow
Alexandros Manolakos, Electrical Engineering, Alcatel-Lucent Fellow
Jessica Martin, Biology, Gabilan Fellow
Omid Mashayekhi, Electrical Engineering, Cisco Systems Fellow
Rohan Mehta, Biology, David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellow
Lance Middleton, Cancer Biology, Regina Casper Fellow
Bojan Milic, Biophysics, William R. Hewlett Fellow
Chris Miller, Neurosciences, Regina Casper Fellow
Benjamin Nachman, Physics, Office of Technology Licensing Fellow
Prerna Nadathur, Linguistics, Gerhard Casper Fellow
Patricia Loren Nano, Chemical and Systems Biology, Robert and Ruth Halperin Fellow
Jun Nishida, Chemistry, Japan Stanford Association Fellow
Idoia Ochoa, Electrical Engineering, Richard and Naomi Horowitz Fellow
Fabian Ortega, Biochemistry
Christopher Overstreet,  Physics, Burt and Deedee McMurtry Fellow
Johanna Palmstrom, Applied Physics, Gabilan Fellow
Saket Patkar, Computer Science, Junglee Corporation Fellow
Michael Pearce, Physics, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
William Perreault, Chemistry, Benchmark Fellow
Alexander Piggott, Electrical Engineering, Andreas Bechtolsheim Fellow
Mohammad Pour Ansari, Mechanical Engineering, John and Kate Wakerly Fellow
Pranav Ramesh, Electrical Engineering, National Semiconductor Corporation Fellow
Courtney Reichhardt, Chemistry, Althouse Family Fellow
Ian Roberts, Electrical Engineering, Rambus Corporation Fellow
Isamar Rosa Plata, Civil and Environmental Engineering, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Shireen Rudina, Bioengineering, Burt and Deedee McMurtry Fellow
Erica Seigneur, Neurosciences,  Regina Casper Fellow
Subhabrata Sen, Statistics, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Austin Sendek, Applied Physics, Office of Technology Licensing Fellow
Dor Shaviv, Electrical Engineering, Robert Bosch Fellow
Anne Siders, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources, David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellow
Sumeet Singh, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Office of Technology Licensing Fellow
Daniel Slotcavage, Materials Science and Engineering, Albion Walter Hewlett Fellow
Kirby Smithe, Electrical Engineering, John and Kate Wakerly Fellow
Benjamin Snyder, Chemistry, Munger, Pollock, Reynolds, Robinson, Smith & Yoedicke Fellow
Janet Song, Genetics, Gabilan Fellow
John Subosits, Mechanical Engineering, Office of Technology Licensing Fellow
Gil Tabak*,  Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
Steven Tan, Chemical Engineering, John Stauffer Fellow
Natalie Telis, Biomedical Informatics, Hewlett-Packard Fellow
Valerie Troutman, Mechanical Engineering, Gabilan Fellow
Bradley Turnwald, Biology, Regina Casper Fellow
Anil Variyar, Aeronautics and Astronautics, J. Hewes Crispin and Marjorie Holmes Crispin Fellow
Qinxia Wang, Electrical Engineering, Texas Instruments Fellow
Zhiyu Wang, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Herbert Kunzel Fellow
Ellen Marguerite Ward, Environmental Earth System Science, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Matthew Ware*, Physics
Eric Wei, Electrical Engineering, Mr. and Mrs. Chun Chiu Fellow
Kara Weisman, Psychology, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Tim Wheeler, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Burt and Deedee McMurtry Fellow
Robin Wilson, Mechanical Engineering, Gabilan Fellow
Jonathan Wosen, Immunology, Lucille P. Markey Biomedical Research Fellow
Lisa Yan, Electrical Engineering, Eric and Illeana Benhamou Fellow
Qi Yang, Physics, Henry Fan Fellow
Shuolong Yang, Applied Physics, Larry Yung Fellow
Clara Yoon, Geophysics, Chevron Fellow
Yajie Yuan, Physics, Gabilan Fellow
Pak Yan (Daisy) Yuen, Mechanical Engineering,, Charles H. Kruger Fellow
Jingyuan Linda Zhang, Applied Physics, Gabilan Fellow
Xianfei Sophie Zhang, Civil and Environmental Engineering, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow
Rick Zhang, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dr. Cleve B. Moler Fellow
Zhiwen Zhao, Sociology, Anonymous
Zhengyuan Zhou, Electrical Engineering, Rambus Corporation Fellow
Alexander Zoellner, Mechanical Engineering, William R. and Sara Hart Kimball Fellow

* = Honorary Stanford Graduate Fellow

VPGE Academic Achievement Awards for the Community Centers

These awards honor graduate students affiliated with the ethnic and community centers who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and serve as role models to undergraduate and graduate students. Each center determines its own selection process and criteria.

BCSC/VPGE Graduate Student of the Year Award, Bertrade Mbom, Biology
VPGE Academic Achievement Award for El Centro Chicano y Latino, Elda María Román, English
VPGE Research Award for the Asian American Activities Center, Haerin (Helen) Shin, Comparative Literature
VPGE Graduate Feminist Scholar Award, Sara Jordan-Bloch, Sociology
VPGE Academic Achievement Award for the Stanford LGBT Community Resources Center, Brendan Hugo Hamel-Bissell, Electrical Engineering
VPGE Academic Achievement Award for the Native American Cultural Center, Sandra Tioswate Nicole Kjono (Mohawk), Electrical Engineering