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SGF: Stanford Graduate Fellowship in Science & Engineering

About SGF

The multi-year Stanford Graduate Fellowship in Science and Engineering (SGF) supports exceptional incoming and continuing doctoral students in the natural and social sciences, education, engineering, and the basic sciences in the School of Medicine.

View SGF details

Students must be nominated by an eligible department to be considered for a SGF. Most nominees are newly admitted students in the sciences or engineering.

Departments that are eligible for SGF

Recent News

Aug 24 2017 | Stanford Medicine
Scientists from Stanford and their collaborators have linked a traditional population’s seasonally varying diet to cyclical changes in the number of gut-residing microbial species. More evidence that our intestinal microbes are profoundly influenced by the foods we eat — or don’t: The gut...
Aug 4 2017 | Stanford News
Stanford environmental engineers have developed a planning tool called AquaCharge that helps urban water utilities develop efficient, cost-effective systems to replenish aquifers. The federal government reports that 40 states expect water shortages by 2024 and water worries already plague some...
Jul 24 2017 | Science
You’re at home playing a virtual reality (VR) game on the Oculus Rift, dodging zombies like a pro. But then you step too far back or look behind you, and suddenly you’re frozen in space, as the system’s infrared cameras can no longer see the lights on your goggles and it loses track of you. Instant...
Jul 10 2017 | Stanford News
A global study based on daily steps counted by smartphones discovers “activity inequality.” It’s similar to income inequality, except that the “step-poor” are prone to obesity while the “step-rich” tend toward fitness and health. Stanford researchers using smartphones to track the activity levels...

SGF Related Events

Speaker and audience
October 9, 2017 - 4:30pm
Hartley Conference Center, Mitchell Earth Sciences Building
For Current Fellows
graphic image of screen and people
October 26, 2017 - 4:30pm
Hartley Conference Center, Mitchell Earth Sciences Building
For Current Fellows