Visiting Scholars

Home Institution:
Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Project Title:
Cross-linguistic influences of the acquisition of English lexical stress by Kazakh-Russian bilinguals
Dates in Residence:
January 2019 - January 2021


Dr. Mahire Yakup (Chinese translation: Yakefu Mayila) is Assistant Professor of World Languages, Literature, and Culture at the School of Humanities and Social Science (SHSS) at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan. She received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Kansas, and  her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Psychology from Peking (Beijing) University.

Her broad research interests include language processing and comprehension among bilinguals, language contact in Central Asia and Uyghur regions, and phonology and morphology of related Turkic languages. Dr. Yakup has published articles in several peer-reviewed journals, including: “Acoustic correlates of lexical stress in Uyghur” (co-authored with Joan Sereno),Extending models of visual-word recognition to semi-cursive scripts: Evidence from masked priming in Uyghur” and “How is letter position coding attained in scripts with position-dependent allography?” (both with Manuel Perea and Joan Sereno). She also collaborated with Dr. Arienne Dwyer from the University of Kansas on the Uyghur textbook: Teklimakandin Salam: hazirqi zaman Uyghur tili qollanmisi / Greetings from the Teklimakan: a handbook of Modern Uyghur, Vol. I, published by University of Kansas Scholar Works.