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Job Changes



Job changes can occur for a variety of reasons including promotion, reclassification, career development and lateral moves.  

Your manager works with the local human resources manager or representative to evaluate how the job duties have changed, select the appropriate job description from the Job Description Library (in the Axess portal) that is the best fit based on operational need and determine the the appropriate type of job change listed below.

Types of Job Changes

Promotion A promotion is defined as a move from a job in a lower grade to a job in a higher grade with different and/or increased level of responsibility.


A reclassification is defined as a move from one job code and title to a different job code and title due to significant changes in core duties of the job.

Due to compliance with overtime requirements, changes from non-exempt to exempt requires prior approval by UHR Staff Compensation.

Career Development A career development job change is defined as a move to a different job code and title in the same or lower grade.
Lateral A lateral job change is defined as a move to the same job code and title outside of the current department. 

Refer to Internal Staff Pay Changes for additional information.