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Chair's Welcome Message

Steven G. Boxer

Welcome to Stanford Chemistry!

Message from the Chair, Steven G. Boxer

The students and faculty in our Department explore a broad range of atomic and molecular systems, create new forms of matter, and develop experimental and theoretical tools to understand and control the behavior of electrons, atoms, molecules and materials – to the benefit of science and society.  Some of our research groups focus on core aspects of physical and synthetic chemistry, while others explore open questions at the interface with materials science, energy science, catalysis, neuroscience, chemical biology, and biophysics.  We are dedicated to developing the next generation of scholars in the chemical sciences and building an inclusive learning environment. 

Our Department is located in close proximity to other Departments in the natural sciences - biology, physics, applied physics, statistics and mathematics - the Schools of Engineering and Medicine, as well many interdisciplinary centers and state-of-the-art shared facilities, making Stanford a rich environment for our students and faculty.  SLAC, housing the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab, the ultra-fast x-ray laser and many other resources, are close by.  Our outstanding facilities and beautiful location south of San Francisco provide an exceptional environment for teaching and research.

Steven G. Boxer
Camille Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Department of Chemistry