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Fees, Responsibilities, Restrictions, and Privileges for Undergraduate Visiting Researcher Interns

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NOTE: Faculty or staff interested in creating an Undergraduate Visiting Research Intern (UVRI) position can get more details about the process and policies at the Inside Student Services website.

Schools and departments can sponsor an Undergraduate Visiting Research Intern (UVRI) to work under a faculty member in a Stanford research lab or research project. The university assigns the student intern the Undergraduate Non-Matriculated Student status only during the internship, which is valid exclusively for Summer Quarter. It can begin as early as June 1 and cannot exceed August 31.

If you are a current or prospective UVRI, you should familiarize yourself with the following information about the fees, responsibilities, restrictions, and privileges associated with the role.

Intern Fees

UVRIs are subject to the following fees. You must:

  • pay the $500 Undergraduate Visiting Research Internship status fee. Stanford does not waive or prorate the fee; the student is responsible for the full amount.
  • pay the Campus Health Services Fee. Stanford does not waive or prorate the fee; the student is responsible for the full amount.

For more information, including fee, see Campus Health Services Fee. Also, see health insurance responsibility below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The department may elect to use university funds to cover expenses (e.g., for your health insurance, campus health service fee, stipend); however, the department must ascertain that the target funds allow for such expenses.

Intern Responsibilities

UVRIs are subject to the following rules and regulations of Stanford University. You must:

  • Sign the SU-18 Stanford Patent and Copyright Agreement (available electronically through the student Axess portal).
  • Observe the Honor Code and Fundamental Standard. Violations of these behavioral standards are subject to termination of your Stanford appointment.
  • Complete safety training. The faculty member who invited you is responsible to ensure that you receive any required training in order to be able to carry out research at Stanford, including appropriate health and safety training, instruction in the protection of human subjects, or any other instruction required by the work that you are assigned.
  • Have health insurance coverage. To ensure you are protected by health insurance, you are automatically enrolled and billed for Stanford’s student health insurance — Cardinal Care — for Summer Quarter. For details on the cost, contact Vaden Health Services.

Intern Restrictions

UVRIs are subject to the following restrictions on their affiliation status. You:

  • are not permitted to enroll in or audit any classes
  • cannot have a Stanford fellowship or assistantship
  • are not eligible for Stanford loans
  • cannot use research performed while participating in this program to satisfy requirements in a current or future educational activity (e.g. degree programs or publishing); all research performed, findings, and work products remain the property of Stanford University

Additionally, if you are a non-U.S. citizen/legal permanent resident, you:

Intern Privileges

UVRIs, through their affiliation status, are granted certain Stanford University privileges. You:

  • are provided a Stanford campus ID (including photo ID card) that permits
    • entry to and borrowing privileges from Stanford libraries
    • access to Stanford recreational facilities
  • are provided a SUNet ID that permits
    • access to the Stanford University network and some university systems (e.g., the student Axess portal)
    • access to Stanford University email services
  • are eligible for on-campus housing, on a space-available basis
  • may receive compensation for their research at Stanford