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Forms & Processes

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This page is designed to help you navigate the university’s forms, petitions, and request processes. For more information about the Student eForms Portal, please see the eForms help page.

Questions about forms or procedures? Please submit a help ticket to the Student Services Center.

Form Details

13th Quarter Petition - UG



Annulment of Summer Registration




  • Deadlines: For a full refund, you must submit before the first day of classes. All else, before the Term Withdrawal Deadline.
  • More info: Use to annul or cancel your summer registration.
    • Please note: visiting Summer Session students do not use this eForm annulment process, and should contact for assistance. 
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 1-2 weeks after the form is received by the Registrar's Office

Application for Auditor, or Permit to Attend - Non-matriculated





  • Deadline: Final Study List Deadline of the effective quarter. Not valid after this date. Not available for Summer quarters.
  • More info:
    • Not for use by matriculated students. Use this form to apply for an auditor status (for those affiliated with Stanford only; no fee) or Permit to Attend Status (see Tuition and Fees for current year charges) in order to audit courses. Consult the Student Policies for applicable policies. See also Cardinal at Work.
    • Obtain the approval(s) of the instructor(s) of the courses and submit the completed and signed form to the email address at the top of the PDF.
  • Where: Coming Autumn Quarter 2022
  • Processing: 2 business days

Application for Candidacy for Degree of Engineer 

  • Deadline: Must be submitted by candidates for Engineer degree by the end of the second quarter in the program (fourth quarter for Honors Cooperative students).
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department).

Application for Candidacy for Doctoral Degree 

  • Deadline: You are expected to be admitted for candidacy by the end of the second year of doctoral study.
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department).

Application for Extension of Candidacy or Master's Program 

  • More info: If your candidacy or master's program has expired, this form should be completed and submitted to your department for approval.
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department).

Application to Graduate & Withdraw Application to Graduate








Change of Adviser or Reading Committee Member 

  • More info: If changes are made in your reading committee, this form must be submitted to your department and approved by the chair.
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department).

Commencement Walkthrough Petition for Department Ceremonies



  • Deadline: Deadlines may vary by department
  • More info: Used to request permission to participate in your department's Commencement ceremony without graduating in Spring Quarter. For information regarding participation in the university's Commencement ceremony, please see  
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department).

Note: This form is not used by all departments. Please check with your department first regarding their walkthrough process.

Coterm Application


  • Deadline: Application deadlines vary by department, but completed and approved application must be submitted to the Registrar's Office no later than last week of classes of the quarter prior to matriculation.
  • More info: Applying to Coterm
  • Where: Submit online

Coterminal Course Transfer Form

Course Enrollment Request 


  • Deadline: Final Study List Deadline of the effective quarter. Not valid after this date.
  • Open: When enrollment opens for the effective quarter
  • More info: Used rarely and only in instances of Axess technical error. May not be used to petition exceptions after the deadline.
  • Where: PDF in Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 3-5 business days

Course Enrollment Request - Nonmatriculated GR


  • Deadline: Final Study List Deadline of the effective quarter. Not valid after this date.
  • More info: If you are an admitted, non-matriculated student, obtain the approval(s) of the instructor(s) of the courses and submit the completed and signed form to the email address at the top of the PDF.
  • Where: Downloadable PDF, not available in eForms Portal
  • Processing: 3-5 business days

Declaration or Change to a Field of Study for Graduate Students (Subplan change)


  • Please see the Registrar's Diploma website (additional diploma-related subpages are indexed in the sidebar menu).

Doctoral Dissertation Agreement Form 


Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee Form 

  • More info: Submit to initiate the department appointment of a Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee.
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department)

Early Return from Leave of Absence






Enrollment & Degree Certifications/Verifications

Enrollment Change Petition - GR




  • Deadline: Current quarter petitions should be submitted by the last day of the effective quarter. Prior-quarter submissions are allowed but less likely to be approved
  • More info:
    • Current-quarter enrollment changes considered are: late adds, changes to variable units, drops, withdrawals, and grading basis changes
    • Prior-quarter requests are limited to: late adds, changes to variable units, withdrawals, and extensions of "Incomplete" ("I") grades
  • Where: Axess eForms portal 
  • Processing: 2 weeks

Enrollment Petitions - Coterm

  • Note: For enrollment petitions, coterm students should use the petition protocol applicable to the course: Use the undergraduate process (via Academic Advising) if the course is on the undergraduate transcript; use the graduate process if the course is on the graduate transcript.

Exchange Program at Stanford for UC Berkeley or UC San Francisco Students - GR


  • Deadline: At least four weeks before requested exchange quarter
  • More info: For UC Berkeley or UC San Francisco graduate students who wish to enroll in Stanford courses. 
  • Where: Downloadable PDF
  • Processing: 1 week

Exchange Program at UC Berkeley Application for Stanford Students - GR

  • Deadline: 1 month prior to the start of the exchange quarter
  • More info: For Stanford graduate students. See Registrar's Exchange-Out website
  • Where: PDF in Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 2-4 weeks

Exchange Program at UCSF Application for Stanford Students - GR

  • Deadline: 1 month prior to the start of the exchange quarter
  • More info: For Stanford graduate students. See Registrar's Exchange-Out website
  • Where: PDF in Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 2-4 weeks

Graduate Program Authorization Petition ("Grad Auth")




  • Deadline: The submission portal closes after the last day of classes each quarter. The petition must be submitted prior to degree conferral.
  • Open: After the student enrolls in classes--but prior to the last day of classes each quarter, the Grad Auth may be submitted for the current term or for an upcoming future term (activation for a future quarter typically occurs 10 days before Axess opens for enrollment for that quarter)
  • More info: See Graduate Changes of Degree Programs and Graduate Program Authorization Petition
  • Where: Submit via Axess

Graduate Residency Transfer Credit Application 


  • Deadline: Final Study List Deadline of degree conferral quarter
  • More info: Graduate Residency Transfer Credit or the Stanford Bulletin Transfer Work page
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 2-4 weeks. Exception: during Spring Quarter, processing is paused on applications from students who are not planning to go to a TGR or Graduation Quarter status in that quarter.

Graduation Quarter Petition




H-1B Certification Letter Request


  • More info: Available only to students conferring a degree in Winter Quarter. Please see Registrar's H-1B Degree Certification Letter page
  • Where: Submit via specialized help ticket; available only during submission window for Winter Quarter
  • Processing: Letters will be issued once all requirements are met upon the Grades Due deadline for the quarter

IvyPlus Exchange Scholars Program Application - GR



  • Deadline: At least two months before the enrollment date at the host institution
  • More info: Stanford doctoral students who wish to participate in the the IvyPlus Exchange Scholars Program with other IvyPlus schools should submit this completed application to your department who should then submit the approved form to Degree Progress in the Office of the University Registrar
  • Where: Downloadable PDF
  • Processing: 2-4 weeks

Joint Degree Student Checklist

  • More info: Students use the Joint Degree Program Student Checklist as a guide to plan a joint degree program. The form is for student use, and does not need to be submitted to the University.
  • Where: Downloadable PDF

Last Units Out of Residence - UG


  • Deadlines: Preliminary Study List Deadline of degree conferral quarter
  • Open: When enrollment opens for the degree conferral quarter
  • More info: Registrar's website
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: Expected to be processed by the Final Study List Deadline of the effective quarter

Late Study List Add Petition - GR



  • Deadline: Last day of class for the effective quarter
  • More info: Use to petition for reinstatement and enrollment if you were discontinued this quarter due to no enrollment. Students who were discontinued in a previous term must submit the Reinstatement in Graduate Study Application to the Graduate Admissions Office.
  • Where: eForm via (Note: not the standard path to the Axess eForms portal)
  • Processing:3-5 business days

Leave of Absence



Leave of Absence For Discontinued Students




Major, Minor, Honors, or Degree Program Change or Declaration - UG

Major-Minor and Multiple Major Course Approval Form - UG

  • Deadline: Final Study List Deadline of the quarter in which the student intends to graduate
  • More info: If there are changes to your courses or plans after you initially submit this form, you will need to submit a new form prior to conferring your degree
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 2 weeks

Multiple Career (Dual and Joint Degree) Enrollment Change Form



  • Deadline: Final Study List Deadline of effective quarter
  • Open: Only available during the open enrollment period for the effective quarter
  • More info: Use when Axess will not permit dropping below 3 units in one career even if the student remains at full-time status across both degrees. Starting in Autumn 2020, SimpleEnroll allows coterminal students to drop to 0 units in one of their careers if they meet the minimum enrollment in their other career
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 3-5 business days

Part-time Enrollment Petition for Graduate Students


  • Deadline: Preliminary Study List Deadline of effective quarter
  • Open: When enrollment opens for the effective quarter
  • More info: Registrar's website
  • Where: Axess eForms portal 
  • Processing: Expected to be processed by the Final Study List Deadline of the effective quarter

Part-time Enrollment Petition for Graduate Students - OAE Accommodation

  • Deadline: Preliminary Study List Deadline of effective quarter
  • Open: When enrollment opens for the effective quarter
  • More info: Registrar's website
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: Expected to be processed by the Final Study List Deadline of the effective quarter

Permanently Withdraw from a Degree Program 



Permit to Attend for Services Only (PSO) - UG

Petition for Non-Academic Council Doctoral Committee Members

  • More info: This petition is to be submitted to the department to request approval for doctoral dissertation reading committee and/or university oral examination committee members who are not members of the Stanford Academic Council
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department)

Ph.D. Minor Application


Program Proposal for a Master's Degree 

  • More info: Proposal form for M.A., M.F.A., M.A.T., or M.S. students
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department)

Reading Committee Page Sign Off




  • Deadline: To accommodate processing times, we recommend that students submit this form at least 48 hours prior to the Dissertation Deadline of the effective quarter
  • Open: Closes after the Dissertation Deadline. Reopens the first day of classes of the subsequent quarter
  • More info: Registrar's Dissertation and Thesis website. This form is a prerequisite for dissertation submission and requires processing time
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 2 business days

Reduced Course Load (OAE Accommodation) - UG

Reinstatement in Graduate Study Application




  • Deadline: Preliminary Study List Deadline of the quarter of requested re-enrollment
  • More info: If you are an admitted graduate student who has not maintained continuous registration (and has not been on an approved leave of absence), you must apply for reinstatement. After completing this form, submit it to your department for approval and they will submit it to Graduate Admissions. If approved for reinstatement, you will be billed for the reinstatement fee. Coterms: please see Registrar's website.
  • Where: Downloadable PDF
  • Processing: 1-2 weeks

Request for Exception to Change Course Enrollment - UG


Request for Exception to Exceed Maximum Units - Coterm

Request for Exception to Exceed Maximum Units - UG

Request to Return and Register in Undergraduate Study

Second Repeat Petition - GR



  • Deadline: Second repeat petitions need to be submitted by the Final Study List Deadline of effective quarter
  • Open: eForm is open but submissions should adhere to above deadlines
  • More info: Second repeats (third enrollments in non-repeatable courses) will still adhere to the Repeat Policy
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 2 weeks

Section Change Petition for Graduate Students 







  • Deadline: Submissions for quarters over three years past will not be reviewed
  • More info: This is a petition form that should be used after the Final Study List deadline and include a personal statement and instructor sign off. You can only change sections within the same course; this form may not be used for late unit or grading basis changes or late adds or drops of courses. Typical section changes include:
    • Change from the undergraduate section to the graduate section of a course (e.g., from a 100-catalog number to 200-catalog number of the same course) 
    • Change sections of a course in which you are currently enrolled (e.g. moving from one instructor to another in an Independent Study or TGR course)
  • Where: PDF in Axess eForms portal 
  • Processing: 3-5 business days

Student-Athlete Course Enrollment Request






  • Deadline: Drops and unit adjustments by the Final Study List Deadline; withdrawals by the Withdrawal and Grading Basis Deadline
  • Open: When enrollment opens for the effective quarter
  • More info:This form should be used by student-athletes requesting a course drop, withdrawal, or unit adjustment to be enrolled below the unit minimum when system restrictions or policy prevent you from completing the action for the course(s) online via Axess. Students must discuss this change in enrollment with an AARC advisor to determine the impact on athletic eligibility prior to submitting this form.  This form will only be processed following approval from the Compliance Services Office in the Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation. 
  • Where: PDF in Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 3-5 business days

Summer Course Enrollment Form 



  • Deadline: Due prior to the Final Study List Deadline or Grading Basis Deadline for your particular alternate-schedule Summer class. May not be used after the applicable deadline
  • More info: For use only by students enrolled in alternate-schedule Summer courses who are unable to update their study lists in Axess after the standard Final Study List Deadline of the effective quarter
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 3-5 business days

TGR (Terminal Graduate Registration) Request 



  • Deadline: Preliminary Study List Deadline of effective quarter
  • Open: When enrollment opens for the effective quarter
  • More info: Registrar's website. This eForm is also used to request "TGR Final Registration"
  • Where: Axess eForms portal 
  • Processing: Expected to be processed by the Final Study List Deadline of the effective quarter

Transfer Credit Evaluation Request - UG


Tuition Agreement for Students with Multiple Programs (TAGM)




  • Deadlines: After the Grad Auth is processed to add the second degree within the quarter
  • Open: Do not submit  this eForm until both programs are fully matriculated
  • More Info: If graduate students matriculate in two programs in different schools (e.g., School of Education M.A. adding a Graduate School of Business M.B.A.), then the Tuition Agreement for Students with Multiple Programs form is required to determine the tuition amount assessed each quarter and to prevent duplicate tuition charges.
  • Where: Axess eForms portal
  • Processing: 3-5 days

University Oral Examination Form

  • Deadline: Once the examiners, date, and time for your oral examination have been established, this form must be submitted to your department for approval two weeks prior to the proposed date of your examination.
  • Where: Downloadable PDF (submit this form to your department)