Global Experiences

How can you change the world if you don’t understand it? Participating in a global experience is a requirement — and a highlight — of the Stanford MBA Program. Gain a rich perspective of global management issues, and experience life-changing insights, as you take part in these exciting global opportunities.

Global Management Immersion Experience

GMIX provides you with an immersive way to understand the culture, business environment, and social norms of a country that is new to you. You’ll spend at least four weeks during the summer working on projects for a sponsoring organization in an industry such as consumer products, international development, energy, finance, health care, media and entertainment, technology, and telecommunications. You can apply for projects the school sources or develop a unique GMIX focused on your specific interests.


Jun Qu, MBA ’19
Student Spotlight

I had the privilege of doing a GMIX in Israel and Palestine with UNICEF, and spent the last four weeks of my summer investigating the feasibility of small scale PV-powered desalination in the Gaza Strip. This opportunity really allowed me to dive head first into a culture and a part of the world that I had had little exposure to, and to further my passion for improving resource sustainability. It’s rare to get the chance to be truly immersed in a completely different culture and environment, and it made for an incredibly memorable and challenging summer.


Tess Manning, MBA ’19
Student Spotlight

My Sri Lanka GST and Nairobi GMIX were incredible opportunities to learn from and work within organizations that are accomplishing impressive feats and breaking down walls in complicated and unique emerging markets. I learned firsthand from my month in Kenya that impact as a global leader is earned by building deep relationships, trust, and humility with coworkers from regions and cultures wildly different from mine.

Global Study Trips

Spend eight to 10 days in an intensive group-learning experience run by student leaders. Through global study trips, you will gain the skills needed to critically examine a challenging global issue by meeting a variety of stakeholders (CEOs, small-business owners, young professionals, government officials, and entrepreneurs) to understand their wide range of perspectives. Global study trips foster a unique learning community of 20 to 30 students and a faculty member through formal and informal learning, including pre-trip meetings, on-the-ground activities, and discussions and reflection before, during, and after the trip.

Recent global study trips have explored the role of sports in economic development (UK, Greece, and Switzerland), value creation in resource-constrained economies (Hong Kong, Singapore, and Macau), and movement in the global value chain (Ghana and Togo).


Sara Egozi, MBA ’19
Student Spotlight

Leading a GST to Cuba and Miami was the highlight of my Stanford GSB experience. I had the opportunity to share my family’s history with classmates and grow meaningful relationships in the process.

Stanford-Tsinghua Exchange Program

During STEP, you’ll enroll in a Stanford GSB course and collaborate with MBA students from Tsinghua University in China on academic projects of mutual interest. You’ll also spend nine days in Beijing participating in a variety of academic, business, and cultural activities. Then, you’ll host Tsinghua students when they visit Stanford GSB for a reciprocal experience.

This exchange program between Stanford GSB and the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management will help you develop a deeper, more nuanced understanding of doing business in China, as well as China’s role in the global economy.


Nate Nunta, MBA ’19
Student Spotlight

STEP is a uniquely invaluable experience because I got to meet accomplished, ambitious, and inspiring friends from Beijing. The program has two segments (in Beijing and in the Bay), which provided longer time to connect with Tsinghua students, both in person and online. Leading this program was unique because I had to practice influencing without authority. Another important aspect was understanding and managing different working styles with the leadership counterparts from Beijing.

Self-Directed Experiences

Interested in creating your own global internship? Or perhaps you want to develop an independent study course with a Stanford GSB faculty member? We provide the support you need to create an individualized global experience that fulfills your academic and career goals.


Simon Quinn, MBA ’19
Student Spotlight

The self-directed global experience option provides virtually unlimited freedom to explore whatever matters to you! This freedom allowed me personally to study technology in sports, something I’ve always been passionate about. It gave me experiences I’ll never forget and will take with me anywhere in my career.

Last Updated 3 Jul 2020