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Become an Oral Communication Tutor

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Love public speaking?  Love helping others?  Help others love public speaking!

About OCTs

Who are OCTs?

Oral Communication Tutors (OCTs) are peer speaking tutors who support students at all stages of the oral presentation process. Undergraduates and graduate students can work as OCTs. 

What do OCTs do?

OCTs work with graduate and undergraduate students from a variety of academic disciplines to brainstorm, organize, and rehearse oral presentations. OCTs work with students on all kinds of issues related to speaking, including structure, delivery, voice, pacing, non-verbal communication, effective use of visual aids, interviewing skills, and overcoming speech anxiety. OCTs work with students during individual consultations in the Hume Center, and OCTs also often work with classes that emphasize instruction in oral presentation, e.g. PWR 2 classes and WR-2 seminars. OCTs make occasional visits to classes to conduct mini-workshops or to provide in-class assistance with students' oral presentations.

Requirements for being an OCT

We are seeking applicants from all backgrounds and disciplines. We invite undergraduate students and graduate students to apply. Graduate students are especially encouraged to apply. OCTs must be legally eligible to work in the United States and must not exceed the limits on hourly work outlined in Administrative Guide 10.1.1 and Administrative Guide 10.2.2.

We look for applicants who have a strong interest in oral communication, tutoring/teaching, and multimedia presentation, and who showcase the qualities of an effective tutor. Please note that prior experience in these areas is not required.

All applicants who are offered positions as OCTs must complete a 2 unit training course in Spring 2021 (ORALCOMM 119: Oral Communication Tutor Teaching Practicum; Wednesdays, 2:30-4:20pm) before they can begin work as an OCT in Autumn 2021. In this course, readings, exercises, and supervised teaching refine students’ own speaking skills and prepare them to work as peer speaking tutors in a variety of academic disciplines.

Time Commitment

Minimum of 4-5 hours per week. OCTs often work 4-6 hours per week.

Starting Salary for 2021-2022

$17.00/hour for undergraduates; $24.00/hour for graduate students.

When to apply

Applications for the 2021-2022 academic year were due on Monday, February 1st, 2021. The deadline has now passed. Thank you for your interest in becoming a tutor at Hume!

How to apply

  • Submit the application webform, which includes a 250-400 word essay.
  • Submit an unofficial Stanford transcript (required for undergrads only) and resume.
  • A reference who is familiar with your skills in oral communication will need to write a brief recommendation for you. Please provide your recommender with this link to the recommendation form:

Recommendations are due by 11:59 PM on February 1, 2021.


Contact or (650) 725-7667