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Digital Media Consultant Resources

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The following are resources for the Hume Center's digital media consultants.

General Resources

Video / Film

CS2C:  "Multimedia Production" 

About the course:  In this multimedia production course, led by Erin Scott, students are introduced to Photoshop, Garageband, iMovie, and 3D motion graphics.  The final project requires students to include "CS2C" in some way (verbally, visually, narratively, etc.)—students often choose to present their final project in the form of a video or mini-film (less than 3 minutes long, uploaded onto YouTube).  Students are encouraged to incorporate techniques they have never used before (i.e., movement along diagonal XY-axes, use of a smash cut, and extreme attention to inserting realistic diegetic sounds).  Regardless of technique, the "best" multimedia productions are ones that incorporate these techniques effectively and rhetorically as part of the video's message or narrative.

Students are expected to meet with a digital media consultant on storyboards of their video project between weeks 2-5 of the quarter to work on storyboarding.

Sample Videos: The "Best Of CS2C" videos


Other Digital Media Courses

PWR 2SL:  "Got Ads?  Visual Design in Print Advertising"

This PWR 2 course, taught by Sohui Lee, introduces students to visual design theories through print advertising techniques in order to help them reflect on design techniques in slideware (PowerPoint or Keynote).  Students are introduced to visual design, PowerPoint, and Photoshop. The final project for this course is the revitalization of a "failed" ad campaign—students must present their new revitalized concept ads (targeting two audiences) in a final slideshow presentation, drawing upon market research of industry, company, and consumer groups. 

Students are encouraged to bring their concept ads or slideshows to Hume Center Digitial Media Consultants.

Sample Student Ads:  Over 100 examples of PWR 2SL concept ads are available on the Visual Resource Center's ImageBase,  Click on "Imagebase," then "Collections by Academic Department." Choose "PWR," and then "Got Ads."

PWR 1AO:  "Visual Rhetoric Across the Globe:  Capturing Culture in Images"

This PWR 1 course, taught by Alyssa O’Brien, examines how visual rhetoric texts, or images that make arguments, both reflect culture and shape public opinion across the world.  Students learn visual analysis and are asked to write two essays on visual texts: a rhetorical analysis and a research-based argument.  In addition, during the final week of classes students will have a chance to share their work in a multimedia symposium of projects. 

Students are encouraged to bring their drafts to Hume Center writing and digitial media consultants. Suggestions for consultations include help with analysis of visual texts, research about visual texts, or production of multimedia projects for the closing symposium.

Sample Student Projects:  Over 250 student essays analyzing visual texts are available on the Companion Website for the course textbook, Envision: Writing and Researching Arguments (Longman, 2011).

Reading:  See Mark Rice-Oxley’s account of visual rhetoric traveling across the globe in this article that we read in class: “In 2000 Years, Will the World Remember Disney or Plato?”  The Christian Science Monitor, 15 January 2004. 

Other Resources

StoryViz:  Stanford's storytelling and visual communication studio blog. Provides great tips for planning and shooting video, sites for free music, and links to video clips of interesting camera/video techniques.