Common Space Use Policies

Common Space and Policies

Common Space Use Policies

General Eligibility

  1. You must be a registered, matriculated Stanford graduate student with a valid SUID number or a Graduate Life Office Dean to reserve the space AND
  2. The event must be for Stanford Graduate Students
  3. The reservation may not be made on behalf of a company or outside organization.  Commercial events are not permitted in the GCC

Party Planning Information

GVSOs and individual graduate students must review the party planning guidelines to determine the appropriate level of their event and the requirements for planning. Party planners should pay close attention to the requirements for parties that are open to the graduate community, include large numbers of students and their guests, and includes the service of alcohol. Specifically, please be aware of security, notification, and ID/wristband requirements. Complete party planning information is available at

*Please be aware that if party guidelines are not followed, individual or group users may lose future reservation privileges.

Space Reservation Priority Levels

  1. Student organizations that serve the broad graduate community: Graduate Student Council, Graduate Student Programming Board, Community Associates (one Priority Level event per residence), Graduate Life Office and Student Housing.
  2. Graduate Volunteer Student Organizations and joint graduate/undergraduate students groups (GVSO) registered with the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). GVSOs must register annually with the OSA. Any officer of the GVSO may reserve space in the GCC
  3. Individual graduate students
Priority Level Reservation Period Reservation Window
Level 1 1 year 1-4 weeks prior to first day of classes.
Level 2 1 quarter 1-7 days prior to first day of classes.
Level 3 1 quarter Any time after the first day of classes.

Unless otherwise noted, all priority levels are limited to one two-hour block of time each week during their reservation period. The two-hour limit applies to reservations of the Bogata, Nairobi, and Sydney rooms.

Room Descriptions and Reservation Policies

  • For all large events that include alcohol, the group or event representative must have attended a Party Planning Workshop offered by the Office of Student Activities and must adhere to all University policies regarding event planning. Please review the party planning guidelines at to determine the requirements for your event.
  • If children (toddlers and up) are involved in the reservation, the children’s playroom (Sydney) must be reserved concurrently; at least one adult must supervise children inside the play room at all times.
  • When scheduling an event, please allow 30 minutes between the end of the previous event and the beginning of your event.
  • All scheduled events and drop-in use must end no later than 11:45pm, 15 minutes before the GCC closing time of 12 midnight
  • Event Organizers are responsible for cleaning, trash removal, and returning chairs and tables to storage areas immediately following an event. To allow adequate time for clean-up, it is recommended that parties or large gatherings in the Havana Room end one hour prior to the end of your reservation period, e.g., reservation periods that end at 11:45 p.m. should schedule the event to end at 10:45 p.m. Although the majority of cleaning tasks will occur once participants have left the Center, it is recommended that you begin some clean-up activities about 30 minutes before the event ends, i.e., pick up trash, take trash and recyclables to trash removal area, etc. Please encourage participants to quietly and quickly retrieve bicycles and depart from the areas surrounding the building to minimize disruption to nearby residents.
  • Groups/individuals who repeatedly fail to show up for a reservation will lose their priority and may also lose their reservation privilege.
Room Description Occupancy Reservation Policy
Nairobi Room Rm.213 Meeting room, carpet floor, conference table, chairs, 2 whiteboards. 45 Standard policy (as outlined above)
Bogota Room Rm. 212 Meeting room, carpet floor, conference table, chairs, whiteboard. 25 Standard policy
Barcelona Room Rm. 214 Meeting/study room, carpet floor, conference table, chairs, whiteboard. 18 Non-reservable; drop-in use only
Sydney Room Children's Playroom Rm.215 Play room or meeting space, carpet floor, two small conference tables (height adjustable), whiteboard. 15 Standard policy
TV Lounge Large comfortable lounge, carpet floor, sofa and chairs, plasma TV. 102 Non-reservable; drop-in use only
Kitchenette Small kitchen with stove, refrigerator, microwave, sink.  21 Non-reservable but can be used by groups or individuals who have reserved a space.
Pub Large common area, tile floor, café tables, chairs.   Non-reservable; drop-in use only
Havana Room Multipurpose Room 102A Large common room, 22 long buffet (6 ft.) tables, 120 stackable chairs.


Daily 8 am-5 pm flexible scheduling. Daily, from 5 pm – close, one event allowed per night.
Level 1:  4 events/quarter Level 2:  2 events/quarter Level 3:  1 event/quarter

Havana Drop-In Policy

It is possible for an eligible group/individual to use the Havana Room on a drop-in basis. If the room is available the group representative will have to sign in at the Rains Front Desk and agree to take responsibility for the Havana Room while in use for the drop-in event. Drop-in users will be held to the same policies as groups that have reserved it online. Please keep in mind that there is only one event allowed in the Havana Room per night. Rains Front Desk office hours are 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday.

Food and Beverage

If an event requires food and beverage or alcohol in the Havana Room, Ray’s Grill at the GCC must be contacted at least 1 week in advance.

Ray’s Grill Catering Services
(650) 380-5763

Alcohol Policy

  1. Any groups reserving the Havana Room who are planning to serve alcohol at their event must work with Ray’s Grill at the GCC and must purchase any alcohol to be served in the Havana Room from them. Please contact Ray’s Grill at the GCC to make any arrangements needed. Call Elizabeth Aguilar at 650-380-5763, or email her at
  2. Hard liquor must not be served in the Havana Room
  3. All party-goers who wish to consume alcohol should be visibly identified as being 21 or older. Wristbands must be used; hand-stamps are not acceptable.
  4. There must be no more than three points of service for alcohol. One point of service is highly recommended.
  5. All points of service must include appropriate types and amounts of EANABs for the duration of the party.

Rules 3, 4, & 5, above are directly taken from OSA's Party Planning Guide that you are agreeing to abide by when submitting your reservation request.

For all events that include alcohol, the group or event representative must have attended a Party Planning Workshop offered by the Office of Student Activities.

Cleaning and Care of Rooms

  • Groups and individual users are responsible for all cleaning immediately following an event. Cleaning includes wiping tables free of spills, vacuuming carpeted area, sweeping and moping tile and hardwood floors. Cleaning supplies are located in the first floor janitor's closet across from the vending machines. Users of the second floor kitchenette are required to clean all inside and outside surfaces of appliances. The stove and microwave can only be used to heat food for scheduled events. Appliances must be turned off immediately following use.
  • Collect and remove all trash and recyclables and place in appropriate receptacles located in the parking lot adjacent to the building.
  • Reposition tables and chairs to their original location and return borrowed tables and chairs to storage areas.
  • Additional chairs are located in the 1st floor storage area and in room 211 on the 2nd floor. Please return extra chairs to storage areas following your event.
  • Furniture may not be moved between rooms. Furniture and carpets in the Ray’s Grill area cannot be moved. If additional furniture is needed, please use the tables and chairs located in the first floor storage area.
  • Failure to clean and ready a room for subsequent use will result in cleaning charges that will be billed to the group or the individual user. Damage to rooms or furniture will also be billed to the group or the individual user. Repeated incidents of failure to clean or damage by a group or an individual may result in denial of future reservation privileges.
  • Decorations, flyers, etc. cannot be adhered to wall surfaces and cannot be hung or attached to ceiling.
  • Candles are prohibited in the Center.
  • Please exercise care during set-up and clean-up. Do not stand on tables or chairs. Be alert to slippery floor surfaces during cleaning.