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Important Information Regarding COVID-19

For quickest response to an issue, please submit a ServiceNow Ticket to the Student Services Center. If you prefer to talk to an SSC Specialist, we offer advising sessions via Zoom by appointment. SSC specialists are also available for live chat from LiveChat Monday – Friday, 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. via the Service Now portal.

Latest information about the University's response to COVID-19 • Academic questions are extensively answered in the TeachAnywhere FAQ • Latest updates for: UndergraduatesGrad Students and Postdocs

See the Registrar's COVID-19 and Academic Continuity page for information for students, faculty, and staff relevant to classes and academic activities and administration.

Degree Checkout Statuses

Degree Checkout Statuses

The Registrar’s Office enters the degree checkout status for each graduating student. Students’ checkout statuses change during the weeks and days prior to Commencement. The possible degree checkout statuses are below. Staff can view the latest degree checkout status in the Student Program Plan. Students can view their status in Axess.

Applied (AG)

The student has filed an application to graduate.

In Review (IR)

The student has not completed all University and/or departmental requirements. This includes in progress grades. Many students are “in progress” until all grades are submitted, unless they have completed all University requirements Winter term.

Pending (PN)

The student has completed all University requirements. Most students are moved to pending after the grading deadline, when all their grades are submitted.

Withdrawn (WD)

The student has withdrawn the application to graduate.

Approved (AP)

The student has been cleared by both the University and department(s). Eligible students are usually moved to “approved” the Thursday evening before Commencement, and they are sent an email at that time.

Denied (DN)

The student has not been cleared by either the University or department(s). Students are usually moved to “denied” status the Thursday evening before Commencement, and are sent an email at that time with the reason(s) for being denied.

Awarded (AW)

The degree has been officially conferred.