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Latest information about the University's response to COVID-19 • Academic questions are extensively answered in the TeachAnywhere FAQ • Latest updates for: UndergraduatesGrad Students and Postdocs

See the Registrar's COVID-19 and Academic Continuity page for information for students, faculty, and staff relevant to classes and academic activities and administration.

Graduation Reporting Tools

Commencement Reporting Tools

Oracle Business Intelligence (

Degree Progress

Acad Summary, Grad Student (SR014)

Details of grad students degree progress, incl: Units completed & in progress, Residency, Advisors, Milestones, Plan eligibility/candidacy

Acad Summary, Undergrad (SR015)

Detail of undg students degree progress, including: Units completed & in progress, Milestones, GPA. Undergraduate plan info only.)

Grad Degree Progress (SR093)

Summary reports by plan, including: milestones, candidacy/elig dates, units compl & in-prog, residency, advisors, reading committee

Milestones Due-Plan End Dt (SR027)

Students with milestones where the date req is approaching/past, and/or whose graduate plan eligibility end date is approaching/past

Print a Graduate Student (SR034)

Provides a one-page summary of a graduate student, including bio info, contact info, and a complete academic summary.

Print an Undergrad Student (SR035)

Provides a one-page summary of any undergraduate student, including bio info, contact info, and an academic summary.

STF View Recommending Lists (PeopleSoft)

Provides official list of students who have applied to graduate. Department must select approve or deny for all students. List must be submitted to Chair and Office of the University Registrar by deadline. PeopleSoft path is:

Home>Records and Enrollment>Graduation>STF View Recommending List

Recommending List, Prod (SR047)

Graduate Engineering departments only - Provides official list of students who have applied to graduate. Department must select approve or deny for all students. List must be submitted to Office of the University Registrar by deadline.

Enrollment and Grading

Grade Roster Status (a) (SR022a)

Lists the grading status of all generated course grade rosters. For Central Registrar's Office and Academic Departments.

Student Study Lists (SR037)

Student enrollments for a Term. W/out grades. Includes advisor name, and option for sorting/printing by advisor. Also student unit totals for term.


Commencement Basics (SR017)

For Depts. Basic diploma dist info for students graduating summer thru spring -- For detailed info (thesis title, etc.) see Formal report.

Commencement Formal Data (SR018)

For depts. Diploma-related info for students graduating summer thru spring- formal descrs of plans/subplans, distinction, thesis, advisers, etc.

EFS Checklist Report (SR020)

Shows English for Foreign Students (EFS) checklist items statuses for students who have applied to graduate.

Graduating: Lists & Grades (SR024)

For Depts. Stdnts who have appl to grad (undgs & grads): Courses in prog/completed, (missing or "GNR") grades. Incl name/plan/email summary.

Graduating School Lists (SR107) For Depts. Provides degree checkout summary by Academic Plan. May be used to identify whether students were approved or denied for their degree for a term (or terms.

Graduating: Req Sts not UG SR025)

Rpt SR025: Degree req summary for grad stdnts who have applied to graduate: milestones, candidacy/elig dates, total units, residency, summary list with email. This report has day-old data. For real time data see STF Clear for Graduation below.

STF Clear for Graduation (PeopleSoft Report)

Real time grades, degree status, degree requirement summary for clearing students on Thursday before Commencement. PeopleSoft path is: Records and Enrollment>Graduation>STF Clear for Graduation