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Title IX Processes and Related Policies


Stanford’s sexual harassment policies continue to apply during remote learning. Any harassment or discrimination that occurs within a program or activity of the university, including all online instruction, is subject to university policies. Stanford will also respond to concerns in which harassment or discrimination happens outside of university matters where that conduct is so severe as to cause significant harm within the university community or to a community member. We are continuing to take in reports and to investigate matters while the campus is operating remotely. We are using remote technology to investigate cases and hold hearings. We continue to work to hold cases to existing university timelines.

Stanford’s 2020 Sexual Harassment/Assault Policies & Pilot Procedures

In 2020, Stanford developed new sexual harassment and assault policies and pilot procedures to comply with federal regulations issued on May 6, 2020 by the Department of Education. Stanford Administrative Guide 1.7.1 defines what conduct is expected of all Stanford community members, including conduct that the federal government has defined as Title IX prohibited conduct, as well as conduct that the federal government did not address but Stanford chose to prohibit. Stanford also developed three procedures that describe the manner in which Stanford investigates and adjudicates alleged violations of Administrative Guide 1.7.1 – the Title IX Procedure (effective August 14, 2020), the SHARE Hearing Procedure, and the SHARE Investigation Procedure. The facts and circumstances of each complaint brought to the SHARE Title IX Office – including the nature of the conduct alleged, the location where it occurred, the date of occurrence, and who is involved – dictates which process applies. The following graphic provides a high-level summary of these procedures.

When the University is made aware of conduct experienced by a student prior to their matriculation to Stanford the SHARE Title IX Office will offer the student Supportive Measures even though no investigation is available through Administrative Guide 1.7.1. In instances where the University learns of alleged prohibited sexual conduct that occurs in violation of a prospective student's admission agreement the matter will be refered to the Office of Admissions for review. 

University Identified Attorneys for Title IX Procedure, SHARE Hearing Procedure, and SHARE Investigation Procedure

The Title IX Procedure and both SHARE Procedures entitle most parties, dependent on the party's affiliation with the University, to some amount of attorney counsel paid for by the university as outlined within the Procedure documents themselves, as well as the chart below. The list of available University-identified attorneys can be found here.

Three Investigation Type Overview Chart

Related Stanford Policies 

Fundamental Standard

Administrative Guide 1.7.1 - Stanford Sexual Harassment Policy

Stanford Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships in the Workplace & Educational Setting Policy