
Fiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022) Budget 

Adopted Budget

The Adopted Budget Report is a comprehensive report covering BART's annual operating and capital budgets. Also includes the strategic work plans and organizational charts of each BART department.

FY 22 Adopted Budget Report

Preliminary Budget Memos:

A preliminary memo covering BART's annual operation and capital budgets in the development stage.

FY22 Preliminary Budget Memo

BART's operating budget funds the annual operation and maintenance of the train system. The operating budget sources include passenger and parking revenue, taxes, and financial assistance from local, state and federal sources. The capital budget funds the construction, expansion, renovation, or replacement of physical assets (new train cars, station improvements, etc.) Capital funding consists of federal/state/local grants, voter approved bonds and measures specifically for capital improvements, and allocations from the operating budget.

The Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Preliminary Budget Memo provides a starting point for FY22 budget discussions with the BART Board, riders, and the public. The Memo outlines BART’s current ridership and budget outlook, as well as new initiatives to help rebuild ridership, improve the rider experience, and support regional recovery. 

The BART Board of Directors will discuss and take action on the budget at upcoming board meetings, which are tentatively scheduled as follows:

  1. April 22, 2021: FY22 Preliminary Budget Overview
  2. May 13, 2021: FY22 Budget Sources, Uses, Service Plan, and Capital Budget
  3. May 27, 2021: Public Hearing on FY22 Annual Budget
  4. May 27, 2021: FY22 Proposition 4 Appropriations Limit (for action)
  5. June 10, 2021: Resolution Approving the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Budget (for action)

Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021)

Adopted Budget

The Adopted Budget Report is a comprehensive report covering BART's annual operating and capital budgets. Also includes the strategic work plans and organizational charts of each BART department.
FY21 Adopted Budget Report
FY21 Adopted Budget Resolution
FY21 Adopted Annual Budget Report (Income Statement)

Financial Reports:

Quarterly Financial Reports:


Budget Development Process:

FY22 Preliminary Budget Overview (4/22/21)
COVID-19 Update -- Presentation (3/25/21)
COVID-19 Response Update (1/28/21)
FY21 Budget Update (1/14/21)
FY21 Budget Outlook (11/19/20)
FY21 Budget Outlook (10/22/20)
FY21 Budget Outlook (9/24/20)
FY21 Budget Outlook (9/10/20)
FY21 Budget Outlook (8/27/20)
COVID-19 Presentation (7/23/20)
FY21 Budget Adoption (6/25/20)
FY21 Budget Public Hearing (6/11/20)
Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Sources Uses Service Plan and Capital Budget (5/28/20)
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Overview (5/14/20)

Preliminary Budget Memos:

A preliminary memo covering BART’s annual operation and capital budgets in the development stage.

FY21 Working Budget Memo

Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020)

Adopted Budget Summary:

FY20 Year-End Budget Revisions Executive Decision Document
FY20 Adopted Budget Report
FY20 Adopted Budget Resolution

Financial Reports:

Quarterly Financial Reports:

FY2020 Q4 QFR
FY2020 Q3 QFR
FY2020 Q2 QFR
FY2020 Q1 QFR

Preliminary Budget Memos:

FY20 Preliminary Budget Memo (Budget Pamphlet)

Fiscal Year 2019 (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019)

Adopted Budget Summary:

FY19 Year-End Budget Revisions Executive Decision Document
FY19 Adopted Budget Report
FY19 Adopted Budget Resolution Amendment
FY19 Adopted Budget Resolution

Financial Reports:

Quarterly Financial Reports:


Preliminary Budget Memo:

FY19 Preliminary Budget Memo (Budget Pamphlet)

Program Plans

Short Range Transit Plan/Capital Improvement Program:

An annual overview of BART's long-term operating and capital outlook. The SRTP projects the operating forecast for the next 10 years. The CIP details capital investment for the next 15 years. The latest SRTP/CIP is the draft version for FY19 Report.



System Renewal Program: In 2017, BART district voters approved a $3.5 billion infrastructure bond to help fund system repairs and improvements such as rails, tunnel walls, and computer control equipment.

Click here for the Program's website

Click here to read the Annual Report from the Measure RR Oversight Committee


BART Official Statement:

Government issued document for general obligation and sales tax revenue bonds


Fitch Ratings Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Rating Change - August 19, 2021

Standard and Poor's Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Affirmation - March 25, 2021

Standard and Poor’s General Obligation Bonds Rating Change – March 10, 2021

2020 Official Statement General Obligation Bonds

2019 Official Statement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds

2019 Official Statement General Obligation Bonds

2017 Official Statement Tax Revenue Bonds

2017 Official Statement General Obligation Bonds

2016 Official Statement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Refunding Series A

2015 Official Statement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Refunding Series A

2013 Official Statement General Obligation Bonds

2012 Official Statement Sales Tax Revenue Bond Refunding

2010 Official Statement Sales Tax Revenue Bond Refunding

2007 Official Statement General Obligation Bonds

Green Bond Framework

Green Bond Framework - August 18, 2021

Other Reports

Audited Financial Reports:

An examination of BART's financial statements by an independent organization.

FY20 Audited Financial Reports

FY19 Audited Financial Reports

FY18 Audited Financial Reports

FY17 Audited Financial Reports

FY16 Audited Financial Reports

FY15 Audited Financial Reports

Quarterly Report from the Controller Treasurer:

Updates on employee compensation, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financing.

March 2021

December 2020

September 2020

June 2020

March 2020

December 2019

September 2019

June 2019

March 2019

December 2018

September 2018

June 2018

March 2018

December 2017

June 2017

March 2017

Employee Reimbursements:

in compliance with CA Government Code 53065.5

2020 Employee Reimbursements

2019 Employee Reimbursements

2018 Employee Reimbursements

2017 Employee Reimbursements

2016 Employee Reimbursements 

2015 Employee Reimbursements

Gift to Agency Form:

FPPC Form 801 is used by government agencies when payments to the agency provide a personal benefit to an official of the agency.

Relevant documents related to BART can be viewed here.

Independent Registered  Municipal Advisors Exemption Language

Click here.

VTA's BART Silicon Valley Phase I

Operations and Maintenance Agreement By and Between VTA and BART

The Operations and Maintenance Agreement between BART and VTA relates to the revenue operations phase of the Silicon Valley BART Extension and addresses, among other things: (i) BART's and VTA's individual operations and maintenance responsibilities for the extension; (ii) use of real property associated with the extension; and (iii) VTA's funding and payment of BART's costs.

Financial Policies

Financial Stability Policy

Debt Policy

Investment Policy