Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources
We train the next generation to help solve critical environmental and sustainability challenges.
Photo by Shannon Switzer Swanson
Drive solutions for a sustainable futureD
Join us to develop the knowledge, skills, perspectives, and ways of thinking necessary to help solve the world’s most significant environmental and resource sustainability challenges. With our program now in its 20th year, E-IPER students and faculty work across academic disciplines—the physical and natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities, law and policy, medicine, and business—to yield new insights and novel solutions to urgent global problems. They include clean energy, climate change, food security, water quality and quantity, land conservation, human health and sanitation, sustainable cities, ocean health, and biodiversity loss.
Degree ProgramsD
Events related to E-IPERE
EIPER-related NewsE
Thinking beyond the academic degree
A new certificate program provides a framework for Stanford Earth graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to learn new skills, gain practical experience, and produce portfolio pieces that will broaden their professional preparedness. The program will be carried into the new school focused on climate and sustainability.