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Posted By: Max | Mar 20th @ 2:45 PM | Comments: 2
Stefan Is... diving into Live Search API 2.0 (Episode 003)

You asked to go deeper, we listened.  Stefan and I met with Roopali from the Live Search team.

We had a high-level discussion about the 2nd Pillar in project “Silk Road”: the Live Search API 2.0.  This is the very same back end used for some little known websites… like Facebook, heard of it? Wink

We’ll circle back to Pillars 1 and 3 in future sessions, so stay tuned and keep on rockin’.

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Posted By: Beth Massi | Mar 20th @ 9:16 AM | Comments: 0
Using the Touchless SDK with Visual Basic
The Touchless SDK enables developers to create multi-touch based applications using a webcam for input. "Touch without touching." In this interview, Touchless SDK creator - Mike Wasserman and Visual Basic Spec Lead - Lucian Wischik explain the project and show off a game they developed using Visual Basic 9 in Visual Studio 2008. I almost got my block knocked off playing the game but you'll see how it was worth it...[more ]
Posted By: Charles | Mar 19th @ 6:20 PM | Comments: 3
Miguel de Icaza: Moonlight
Miguel de Icaza of Mono fame and the Moonlight team recently announced Moonlight 1.0. What are the Moonlight People up to these days? What does Miguel think about Silverlight 3, anyway?Dan Fernandez caught up with Miguel in Sin City at MIX09 to discuss these questions and more. Tune in.

Enjoy.[more ]
Posted By: Charles | Mar 19th @ 11:19 AM | Comments: 2
IE8 RTM: Top 5 Reasons for IT Pros to deploy, 10 Add-Ons in 60 Seconds
David Tesar has posted the top 5 reasons for IT Pros to deploy IE8. Check it out.

1. Increased Productivity
2. Better Security
3. Granular Management
4. Ease of Deployment
5. Ease of Migration

On Channel 10, Larry Larsen has posted 10 videos on 10 Add-Ons in 60 seconds. Nic Fillingham proclaims IE8 is HERE! IE8 on Mix Online.[more ]
Tag: IE8
Posted By: Glucose | Mar 18th @ 4:09 PM | Comments: 5
Hanselminutes on 9 - Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood preparing for StackOverflow Keynote
Security is tight here at Mix09 but I've snuck past the guards and followed Joel Spolsky (JoelOnSoftware) and Jeff Atwood (CodingHorror) up the escalator to their Keynote Rehearsal. The fans went wild! Well, one fan. A lady on the escalator recognized them. But still! The air is electric. Let's listen in...[more ]
Tag: Mix09
Posted By: Glucose | Mar 18th @ 2:51 PM | Comments: 2
Hanselminutes on 9 - Johnny Lee on Computer Vision
Wow. I just bumped into Johnny Lee in the halls here at Mix09. I'm a huge fan boi with a man-crush on this dude. You've seen Johnny before on Channel 9 talking to Robert Hess.  Johnny's a legend (in my mind) in the computer vision space, and he put up with me gushing at him here at Mix09. We chatted in the hall about computer vision, what he's working on, how he got the gig at Microsoft and where he sees the future of human-computer-interaction.[more ]
Tags: Mix09, Wii
Posted By: Charles | Mar 18th @ 12:12 PM | Comments: 28
Scott Guthrie: Inside Silverlight 3
Scott Guthrie, Corporate Vice President, leads the teams that create the .NET developer and designer technologies and tools. Silverlight 3 has arrived in beta form. Expression 3 also ships today in Preview form. Grab the bits and play. Provide feedback. OK. That's the housekeeping stuff. Now, on to this conversation with Scott. We talk about many things in this interview and weave the deeply technical view on Silverlight 3 with more surface level perspectives. So, if you're looking for bite size marketing messages, this video isn't for you Smiley
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Posted By: Adam Kinney | Mar 18th @ 10:15 AM | Comments: 2
ASP.NET MVC 1 with Phil Haack
ASP.NET MVC 1.0 has been released today at MIX09!  Phil Haack stopped by the studio last week to explain what makes this version 1 of the MVC Framework for ASP.NET and spends a little time explaining the MVC pattern.  Phil then demos the scaffolding functionality which allows you to quickly build a functional website based on your existing data services.
Posted By: Adam Kinney | Mar 18th @ 10:02 AM | Comments: 9
First Look at Expression Blend 3
Unni Ravindranathan takes on a tour of the new Expression Blend 3 Preview released at MIX09.  Not only has Blend been updated to support Silverlight 3, but many new features have been added including improved graphic design tools, Intellisense, TFS integration and improved extensibility.
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