Posted By: Larry Larsen | Mar 20th @ 1:00 PM

10 Add-ons in 60 Seconds or Less  (each)

By now you've heard the IE8 announcement from MIX. They're actually giving out a special release of IE8 at the MIX Conference that includes some extensions developers created that give us an idea of what we can expect from add-ons. Latika Kirtane from the Internet Explorer Product Management Team has taken up the challenge to show us 10 add-ons in less than 60 seconds (each). 

1. eBay Visual Search Provider
2. Amazon Visual Search Provider
3. Accelerators
4. Digg Accelerator
5. Shop and Save with Live Search
6. Facebook Accelerator
7. Mix Webslice
8. Hotmail Webslice
9. eBay Webslice
10. OneRiot Webslice

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