Courage is the complement of fear. A man who is fearless cannot be courageous. (He is also a fool.)

—Lazarus Long

Archive for October, 2002

Armed children

Thursday, October 31st, 2002

The Bear of Considerable Brain, writes:
“This does not mean every man, woman and child should roam the streets
packing heat, much as some of my more rabid hoplophile colleagues in
the Blogosphere might enjoy the sight.”
N.Z. was probably thinking of me as one of his “rabid hoplophile
colleagues.”; I’d be rather disappointed if he weren’t, actually. I
endorse [...]

Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 5)

Sunday, October 20th, 2002

function swtchon(nav){document[nav].src=””};
function swtchoff(nav){document[nav].src=””};

Changes are deliberately not marked. Read the whole thing, this is
a final pre-publication draft. Most of the changes from version 4
are deletions of excess verbiage.
Counting email, this now reflects approximately 200 comments from
across the blogosphere. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions.
Since this process has to close sometime, I’m declaring that [...]

A request to web artists

Friday, October 18th, 2002

I am planning on publishing the Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto soon, via and possibly other channels. My hope is that
enough bloggers will sign it and talk about it to get the position it
describes some notice in the more blog-friendly of the mainstream
Towards this end, I’m seeking volunteers to design a web button for
the Manifesto. Use [...]

Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 4)

Friday, October 18th, 2002

Substantive changes from version 1 to 2 are marked in red; changes from 2 to 3 are marked in blue; changes from 3 to 4 are marked in purple.
Counting email, this now reflects approximately 200 comments from
across the blogosphere. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions.
Since this process has to close sometime, I’m declaring that [...]

Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 3)

Thursday, October 17th, 2002

Substantive changes from version 1 to 2 are marked in red; changes from 2 to 3 are marked in blue. I think the changes largely
speak for themselves. I will say that I think some of the criticisms
I received reflect a conservative bias in the blogosphere population,
and that for appeal to a wider audience [...]

Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 2)

Wednesday, October 16th, 2002

Substantive changes from version 1 are marked in
red. I think the changes largely speak for themselves. I will
say that I think some of the criticisms I received reflect a
conservative bias in the blogosphere population, and that for appeal
to a wider audience it is necessary to excoriate the Right a
little harder than a lot [...]

Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 1)

Wednesday, October 16th, 2002

WHEREAS, the year since the terrible events of 9/11 has exposed
the vacuity and moral confusion of all too many of the thinkers,
politicians, and activists operating within conventional political
WHEREAS, the Left has failed us by succumbing to reflexive
anti-Americanism; by apologizing for terrorist acts; by propounding
squalid theories of moral equivalence; and by blaming the victims of
evil for [...]