The more you love, the more you can love – and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority that are decent and just.

—Lazarus Long

Archive for October, 2003

Great War II

Thursday, October 30th, 2003

Donald Sensing has suggested that it may have been a bad thing that
the Allies won the First World War, and sketched
an alternate history. Stephen Green has replied.
Donald, I buy your scenario in the West (Germans go home, keeping
Alsace-Lorraine) but I think Steve is right that your take on German
war aims in the East was [...]

What Planet does Naomi Wolf Live On?

Wednesday, October 29th, 2003

Naomi Wolf’s essay The Porn Myth strongly suggests that she lives on some other planet. It has been pretty well fisked over at Haight Speech and elsewhere. But so far, all of the people I’ve seen shredding it are women.
Perhaps this is because it’s politically incorrect for us panting, grunting persons-of-testicle to trash-talk a [...]

Stupid Like A Fox

Monday, October 27th, 2003

For the kind of articulate extrovert who tends to go into politics or the
media, it can be very difficult to believe that a stumble-tongued,
inarticulate man can be other than an idiot. As an articulate extrovert
myself, I’ve had to struggle with this. Like most of our media and
chattering classes, my instinct too was to [...]

Attack of the Malaysian Moonbats

Tuesday, October 21st, 2003

Today, a bunch of prominent warbloggers were hit by a
denial-of-service attack apparently orchestrated by a bunch of
comically incompetent al-Qaeda affiliates in Malaysia — and
I wasn’t a target.
I’d ask what I’ve been doing wrong with my life that I missed out
on the honor of being personally targeted by Osama’s fuckwit brigade.
But alas, I know full well [...]

Why Howard Dean Won’t Get My Vote

Monday, October 20th, 2003

After a previous post in which I called for the Democratic Party to
walk the pro-firearms walk if it wanted to stop alienating freedom-loving
independents like me, I was asked in comments what I think of Howard Dean
— who, it is alleged, has an A++ rating from the NRA.
OK, I like the fact that Dean is pro-gun. [...]

Hey, DLC, Rethinking Is Not Enough

Sunday, October 19th, 2003

The Democratic Party is getting hip to the fact that advocating gun bans loses them elections. Way to go, Dems! For a crowd widely touted in the media as the best and brightest, it has taken you far too long to wake up.
But there is still a weird feeling of unreality about the [...]

Planets of Adventure

Friday, October 17th, 2003

Bless Jim Baen, who at times seems determined to reprint the entire
Golden Age midlist of SF. for he has given us a good thick anthology of
some of the best stories of Murray Leinster — a writer once counted
among science-fiction’s reliable best, but since unfairly forgotten.
I come away from Planets of Adventure (pb, Baen 2002,
ISBN 0-7434-7162-8) [...]

Toxic Christianity, round two

Wednesday, October 15th, 2003

In the October 15th Best of the Web, James
Taranto asks:

So let’s see if we have this straight: The head of the Anglican
Church is telling us that the wanton murder of thousands of innocent
people [by Palestinian terrorists] is a sign of “serious moral goals,”
while the liberation of millions [of Iraqis] from one of the world’s
most vicious [...]

Mohammed was a Christian

Tuesday, October 14th, 2003

In a recent blog entry I mentioned that Islam appears to have begun life
as a mildly schismatic Christian sect. In the comments on that entry someone
called for sources. Here is what I know about this:
(First, a note on my general background: I am neither a Christian
nor a Moslem, and in fact consider those [...]

Nuke ‘em for Christ

Wednesday, October 8th, 2003

Pat Robertson, the same paragon of Christian virtue who has opined
in the past that Wiccans like me should be burned alive the way they
used to in the good old days, just created an interesting dilemma for
me by suggesting that the State
Department should be nuked.
As a pagan anarchist, I’m completely uninterested in being
considered a paragon of [...]

No Flies On The U.S.

Saturday, October 4th, 2003

In his recent article Flypaper:
A Strategy Unfolds, Andrew Sullivan trots out some confirming
evidence for the theory that the U.S. is pursuing a “flypaper
strategy” in Iraq — encouraging the Islamist terror
network to fight American soldiers there so they won’t be attacking
American civilians here.
Mr. Sullivan’s analysis is plausible. Plausible enough that my reaction
to the article, especially the [...]

If Guns Are Outlawed, Outlaws Will Use Crossbows

Wednesday, October 1st, 2003

happened about 15 minutes from where I live:

Police in West Chester are looking for an assailant they believe used
a crossbow to shoot a pedestrian from a passing SUV.
The victim, a restaurant worker who was walking home along High
Street early Sunday morning, was shot in the stomach with a 16-inch
hunting arrow. He was released Wednesday from [...]