Congress’ Scorched Earth Policy

I always thought disdainful, arrogant disregard of the populace was more the Clinton’s milieu, but today the US House proved me wrong. They passed the Slaughter House rule, 222-203. My own disgraceful representative was a YEA, of course, hanging with his pal, the third-world president.

RUSH: Well, Snerdley’s in a little fit here, folks. He thinks I’ve really stepped in it by referring to our president as a Third World president. “What do you mean by that? You better explain what you mean by this.” It’s very simple. We have to destroy our country in order to save our leader’s face. Now, where does this happen? It happens in Cuba. It happens in North Korea. It happens in Venezuela. It happens in every Third World country there is. They destroy countries in order to save their face, build monuments to themselves. They’re leaders for life or what have you. This is not a health care bill anymore. This is a save Obama’s face bill. This is save Obama’s bacon bill. Save Obama’s presidency bill. It doesn’t matter what’s in it!

He’ll sign whatever he gets, as long as it says “health care reform” somewhere in it.

The estimable Smitty of The Other McCain throws down the gauntlet, along with excellent visual aids. Pelosi is about to have her Yamamoto moment and no amount of botox will protect her.

Long time readers know I don’t have a tip jar and don’t blog for money. I don’t often suggest giving money to particular causes, because after all it’s your money and your decision on how to manage it (gee, I’d make a terrible Congressperson). But today I urge you, if you love America, to donate a few bucks to Mark Levin’s Landmark Legal Foundation to fight the atrocity that happened this afternoon in the House. Via Erick at RedState,

God bless Mark Levin.

Here’s the money quote:

“Landmark has already prepared a lawsuit that will be filed in federal court the moment the House acts. Such a brazen violation of the core functions of Congress simply cannot be ignored. Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution is clear respecting the manner in which a bill becomes law. Members are required to vote on this bill, not claim they did when they didn’t. The Speaker of the House and her lieutenants are temporary custodians of congressional authority. They are not empowered to do permanent violence to our Constitution.”

You can give to the Landmark Legal Foundation here. The future of America may depend on it.

Quote of the Day

Stealin’ o’ Our Green

Yes, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Congress and their Fearless Reader plan to steal all our green in the form of more taxes, “health care reform,” a flagging economy, more taxes, government take-overs and did I say more taxes?

A few quick links and then I’m off to choir practice:







The American Ides of March

Figures Nancy Pelosi would pick today of all days to begin her ruination of America.

Jennifer Rubin:

In short, the cost-containment problem (otherwise we’ll bankrupt ourselves, the president once threatened) is made worse, dramatically so, by the bill. And when we add on “a range of job-killing tax hikes and controls on all Americans,” you have a truly destructive, ill-conceived piece of legislation. If members think hard about that, rather than the arm-twisting and bravado from the White House, what the leadership is up to will become apparent. They are not, it seems, in the business of passing anything remotely resembling “reform.” They are rather attempting to avoid humiliation and prevent a tidal wave of rage from their liberal base.

They are so desperate to pass something, anything, that the government takeover of student loans (a hot topic at our house right now) is now included in the monstrous bill.

Ed Morrissey spoke at the Kill the Bill Rally in Minnesota (read the whole thing!):

Not only is this bill too radical for the American people, it’s too radical for even some Democrats in Congress. But that has not convinced Pelosi and Obama to withdraw it, or to start working with opponents to find some common-sense compromises to reform the cost structure of health care in America. Instead, Nancy Pelosi has decided to attack the structure of representative government by attempting to pass the Senate version of ObamaCare without a floor vote in the House. That’s how desperate the nanny-staters are to defy you and saddle America with a government overhaul of our health care system that we don’t want.

It’s gotten so bad that the NYT is not even bothering to hide their slobbering adoration of The One.

And please, don’t say it’s like watching sausage being made. Sausages everywhere are insulted by the comparison.

This whole Pelosi procedure is nothing but a thumb in the eye of the Constitution. The House could merely have an up-or-down vote on the Senate version of the bill, but Pelosi doesn’t have enough votes to do that – she’d lose the votes of several Democrats who have principled objections to various measures in the Senate version — and so instead they’re going through this bizarre kabuki dance.

Stop. Breathe. Think. Pray. As The Anchoress calmly reminds us

Consider that John Paul spent a good part of his papacy repeating these four words over, and over: Do not be afraid.

[...] It is the most basic -and challenging- of all lessons; and we had better learn it, soon, or we will fret ourselves into sick despair and spiritual weakness, at a time when we need to be very, very strong.

Yes, indeed. We need all our strength, physical and spiritual, to fight this godforsaken tyranny.

Cross-posted at RedState

Four Years Now and I’m Still Talkin’

Today is Pi Day and the fourth anniversary of this little blog. Prior anniversary posts:
2009 – Three Years – Already?
2008 – Pi Day, v.2.0
2007 – Has it been A Year already? and On Pi Day and Clinton Lie Detectors
2006 – Cartoon Home Cookin’, Mama King and Me

In 2007, I hinted about the name of the blog…

It was named in honor of my little brother, the great Obi-Wan Ben Kenobi: Master Jedi, Champion Blue Devils Snare Drummer, Bulldawg to the Bone, PGA Golfer, Footballer, Marathon Runner, Consumer of Mass Quantities of “Do-Do” balls, great brother, friend, husband and father. During many nights in his yard/ driveway/kitchen, the discussions we had brought me out of my middle-age induced fog to realization that we Americans needed to take back America.

Yes indeed, we American need to take back America. Who would have thought four years ago on this day that we’d be faced with the dilemmas foisted upon us by our government, with a CinC for whom many adjectives come to mind, but not a single one of them is “patriotic.”

I expanded my blog horizons by attending CPAC twice, in 2009 and 2010 (official blogger!). Last August, I attended the first annual RedState gathering. I went to my first (of many) Tea Parties.

I’d had a little diary over at RedState since 2008 that seems to get more notice now. My first foray into contributing to other blogs was AtlantaPoliticsOnline, which seems to have taken a hiatus. Then last month I was invited to a new group blog, Potluck, a gathering place for like-minded conservative women. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t already, it’s a blast!

Following Stacy McCain’s How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in Less Than a Year increased my traffic significantly, even though I’ve not hit the million mark yet. That’s not really the point here. What’s important is America has a voice, even the little people like me, and our voice is being heard ’round the world even while it is ignored by our elected officials in state governments and Washington, DC.

As always, I extend my heartfelt thanks to The Anchoress, my blogi-mom, for inspiring me to even start this journey, to Fausta, for the encouragement and hilarious stories in the middle of the night at CPAC, to Erick Erickson, for his openness and great ideas, to Jimmie Bise, for his suggestions about what the future might hold for this little spot in the blogosphere and to all my friends (both met and “not met yet”) out there on the web:

American Digest, All American Blogger, Andrea Shea King, Atlas Shrugs, Crystal Clear Conservative, Hot Air, Erick Erickson, Fausta, Katie Favazza, Lakeshore Laments, Little Miss Attila, Midnight Blue, Newly Conservative Lesbian, No Pasaran, No Runny Eggs, Not One Red Cent, Outside the Beltway, Pam Meister, Ralph Benko, RFC Radio, Scrappleface, Stix Blog, Smart Girl Politics, The American Mind, The Other McCain, The Sundries Shack, Vodkapundit, Ace of Spades, Teflon Don, American Digest, American Power, Amused Cynic, The Anchoress, Augean Stables, TOTUS, Betsy’s Page, Big Girl Pants, Big Hollywood, Birdbrain, BlackFive, blonde sagacity, Breath of the Beast, Church of the Painful Truth, Classical Values, Common Folk Using Common Sense, Daley Gator, Diana West, Doug Ross, Flopping Aces, Gates of Vienna, Gateway Pundit, Georgia Sports Blog, Get the Picture, GM Roper, GrEaT sAtAn’S gIrLfRiEnD, Grouchy Old Cripple, House of Erathosthenes, J’s Café Nette, Jaded Haven, Jeremayakovka, Jihad Watch, Jim Treacher, Jon Swift, Laurie Kendrick, Let Freedom Ring, Liberty & Culture, Maggie’s Notebook, Mamacita, Michelle Malkin, Mr Eugenides, My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Neo-Neocon, Not Ready for My Burqua, Okie on the Lam, One Cosmos, OPFOR, Patterico, Peach Pundit, protein wisdom, Publius Pundit, Pundit and Pundette, reclaim conservatism, RedState, ReliaPundit, Riehl World View, Right Truth, Right Wing Sparkle, Second Draft, Sippican Cottage, small dead animals, Solomonia, Texas Fred, The Muslim Question, The Real Barack Obama, The Return of Scipio, The Rhetorican, Tigerhawk, Troglopundit, Villainous Company, Webutante, Will Collier, Yid with Lid, Political Friends, Camp of the Saints, Frugal Cafe Zone, Atlanta Politics Online, HotMES, Insert Clever S.Logan Here, The Camp of the Saints, Another Black Conservative, Paco Enterprises, American Glob, DaTechguy, Verum Serum, Caught Him With a Corndog, Storm’n Norman, Barbara Espinosa, Babalu, Adrienne’s Corner, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Backyard Conservative, Bread upon the Waters, Carol’s Closet, Coffee Milk Conservative, Fuzzy Logic, Nice Deb, No Sheeples Here, Politicaljunkie Mom, Ruby Slippers, Shout First, Ask Questions Later

UPDATE: Instalanche! Thanks, Glenn!

Ramirez Rocks

Michael Ramirez knocks one out of the park today (h/t RedState):

Wow. Just wow.

Ed Morrissey/HotAir:

No one can accuse two-time Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez of holding back — or of Investors Business Daily of a lack of courage in publishing him. His latest take on the Democrats’ headlong rush to electoral oblivion in the midterms, and perhaps beyond, is dead-on accurate. Backbenchers are being asked to blow up their political careers in order to save President Obama’s term in office.

[...] Provocative? Absolutely. But this isn’t insinuating that Obama is a secret Muslim or that Democrats are terrorists. It accuses Democrats of putting Obama the man ahead of their own Constitutional obligations, and their own careers. Perhaps that could also have been depicted as falling on a grenade or committing seppuku, but for this age, the image instantly communicates exactly what the artist intends.

Classic “a picture is worth a thousand words”

GaTech will meet Duke in ACC Final

Heh. You know who I’ll be rootin’ for…

The Slaughter Rule

How aptly named…

If you read nothing else today, read this at RedState. E Pluribus Unum nails it.

Just the start…

What we have here is a failure to communicate. At no time in American history has the ruling party so insistently striven to impose its iron will on such a loudly unwilling citizenry. They are not listening, and they will stop at nothing. [Emphasis Admin]

Read it all.

Quote of the Day


Obama is only transparent in the sense that his past is invisible.

Read the whole thing.

Oh My

Has anyone else noticed that the Coffee Party USA’s initials are CPUSA? Just sayin’.

(h/t American Digest)

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