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« Susan Bayh and the appearance of impropriety | Main | Thad McCotter: We fit our mind to the world, not the world to our mind. »

February 17, 2010


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Let us vote to let freedom ring and to save "The Shining City Upon a Hill."

If there is any good to come out of Obama's election, it is that it has helped to shake out America's ideological tree. A lot of the fakers on both the right and the left have been shown to be what they really are.

Unfortunately for Evan Bayh-and fortunately for the rest of us-the last year and half revealed Bayh for the faux-moderate he always was.

There is another aspect to Bayh's decision not to seek reelection. He has almost $13 million in his campaign warchest.

He could use most of that in an attempt to keep the senate seat, or he can avoid this fight, keep his powder dry, and have a nice nest egg for some future campaign.

If Obama keeps slipping lower in the polls, Bayh will be very well positioned for a primary challenge. It can be difficult to get donations for a primary run against an incumbent, but that wouldn't be an immediate issue for Bayh - he's already financed a campaign that isn't going to happen - right now.

HoosierHawk's observation is completely consistent with what I wrote in response to a Pajama Medias article about Bayh a few days ago:
Back in 1998, I was living in Indiana and I was happy to vote for Bayh because I thought he was an independent-minded, moderate Democrat who wouldn’t fall victim to the demands of his party’s increasingly leftist base. By 2005, it was clear how wrong I was when he was one of the Democrats who voted against confirming John Roberts for the Supreme Court. Roberts is a conservative, surely, but his confirmation hearing made clear that he was eminently qualified and no hard-line ideologue. It seemed clear to me at the time that by voting against him, Bayh was trying to insulate himself against attacks by the party’s left-wing. And ever since that time, he fell right into line and voted with them just about every step of the way–especially ever since the start of the Obama administration. For Bayh to be crying foul now and complaining about the increasingly partisan tone in Washington seems more than a little disingenuous. He could have stood up to the shrill voices in his party at any time during the second Bush administration or during the first year of the Obama administration, but he never did. Instead, he revealed himself to be too much of a partisan, and in the wake of the Brown election in Massachusetts, I believe realized he was going to have a hard time campaigning as anything other than the left-wing Democrat he has become.

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