Doing the job that CNN and the other mainstream outlets refuse to do. Here is our in-depth video report from the Chicago Tax Day Tea Party. Enjoy the clip now while you can, before CNN uses its lawyers to blindfold you, the viewer.

Highlights include:

(:27) The on-air segment that CNN does not want us to show you

(3:00) A search for Tea Party Democrats

(3:45) A quick examination of the mocking use of the term “Teabagging” by mainstream media outlets

(7:05) A former soviet refugee who has a warning for America

Also, just in case YouTube obstructs our rights at CNN’s behest, we have uploaded the video to Blip too.


16 Comments so far

  1. "Steve on April 24, 2009 10:18 am

    Excellent post! Keep up the great work!

    Link Exchange??

  2. BackwardsBoy on April 24, 2009 10:48 am

    An excellent and level-headed report. You are to be commended. This is the kind of reporting that the MSM should be doing instead of deriding the opinions of their fellow citizens and casting the Tea Party movement in a negative light.
    My experience at our local Party was very similar to what your report shows. Americans from all walks of life calmly expressing their views on a serious subject.

  3. Phil on April 24, 2009 12:00 pm

    The Russian gentleman is unfortunately right. I immigrated from Czechoslovakia 30 years ago so I can relate. If you punish the “producers” for being productive, the cease to be so. Then your only recourse is to compel by force people to work for the state. Then your end up with 2 classes of people. The ruling bureaucrats who live a country club lifestyle and everyone else, who are poor and essentially slaves for the government.

    The Obama language is identical to the Russian communist propaganda from the early 20th century. God help us.

  4. EL Rider on April 24, 2009 1:03 pm

    Great video. I linked to your first video of Roesgen as an addition to my photos of the incident, taken from next to Norman the CNN victim here:

  5. Man in the Middle on April 24, 2009 2:18 pm

    Not only were there Democrats are the Chicago Tea Party, two of the speakers were Democrats.

    Even the most fervent leftist can be concerned about the corruption and waste involved in the bailouts under both recent presidents making it impossible to find money for social programs they favor, such as nationalized health care.

    Even my ACLU lawyer fervent Democrat sister wants there still to be a free country for her grandchildren to enjoy, so the Tea Party movement isn’t just for conservatives.

    Some of us there remembered Ross Perot and all his charts from 1992, and agreed everything Ross warned about then is of even more concern now.

  6. JeanE on April 24, 2009 5:38 pm

    Very good report- thanks for making the effort to find out what was really going on.

  7. Who Needs the MSM? | Washington’s Wake on April 24, 2009 8:40 pm

    [...] is FoundingBloggers in-depth video report on the recent Tea Party in Chicago. It contains the footage that CNN is desperate to censor, as [...]

  8. Carroll on April 25, 2009 3:30 pm

    This video was very well done and if only the MSM would do this for their evening news I might watch it again. I encourage you to keep doing what you are doing, it is making a difference, one person at a time.

  9. HumbleRuth on April 27, 2009 3:43 pm

    Here is a good catching one from Tea Party:

    One Big Awful Mistake America (OBAMA)

  10. Joan on April 29, 2009 10:11 am

    I attended a Tea Party in Tucson Arizona. I came back proud of my fellow countrymen. I’ve never really protested anything before but I am scared now and I have committed to a long and unpopular fight.

    There is a Protest scheduled for October 2 in Washington DC. I’ll be there and I hope to see all of you there as well.

  11. The Right Side of Life » Web Site Files DMCA Counter-Notice Against CNN; FCC to Review “Gutter Talk” Complaints on April 30, 2009 10:20 am

    [...] (Pic from GaltsList blog ) For those who are not yet aware, CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen executed a journalistic hit-job at the main Chicago tea party on April 15, 2009. The web site (see the same link) had recorded additional footage of Ms. Rosegen having a bit of a “come to Jesus” meeting with a few other tea partyers (here’s an updated video of the saga to date). [...]

  12. Travis Wise on April 30, 2009 10:42 pm

    The tea parties were great but the only sure fire way to change the washington crowd is to vote out of office each election the incumbant. Rotate the bums out no more staying
    there for 30 or 40 years.

  13. Media Madmen Mad Blog » Founding Bloggers, Chicago Tea Parties on May 2, 2009 7:30 pm

    [...] This is fairly old news but in case you missed it, a tip of the hat, a pat on the back, a “thumbs up” and an atta boy goes to the Founding Bloggers for their Chicago Tea Party coverage. The Chicago Tea Party was the one where CNN Reporter (and I use that term very loosely) Susan Roesgen decided she was there to debate fiscal policy rather than be a journalist. But the Founding Bloggers were there too so we get to see the whole picture below. [...]

  14. The Sojourner on May 9, 2009 7:36 pm

    CNN was right not to publish something like this alright. Just as I always said, only right-wingers are convinced by right-wingers who spread the paranoia and the idiocracy around. I bet you won’t even approve this post. Just wait until I finish writing about the tea party. And I will make sure to post ALL these videos. I’m going to educate people what wrong with these videos.

  15. GW on May 11, 2009 1:09 pm

    I attended the Tea Party. I had a very good experience also. I attened only because I don’t think it’s right to spread my hard earned cash. I was shocked the next day what people were saying. I think people are looking at this in the wrong way. Or maybe it’s the ones who like to do nothing but sit at home and collect paychecks. I wake up everyday and go to work to provide for my family and I’m sure that goes for evey other American. Excluding the ones who want to sit and collect pay checks monthly it’s much easier. I’m already paying them to do that. And then someone says that I have to give more. Are you serious!!! I don’t mind helping people who are having hard times. Sure we all will fit in that catagory one day. But to take advantage of it, I don’t think so!

  16. Jason on May 12, 2009 10:00 am

    I loved this and all your Tea Party videos because of their transparency…which is what our current administration is suppose to be, right?

    I even used some of your footage from Chicago in a short video I did…hope you don’t mind. Keep up the great work!

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