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The European Union and "Beautiful" Minarets
by Fjordman

Inspired by Bat Ye'or's groundbreaking work Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis, I wrote my own book Defeating Eurabia in 2008. My conclusion back then, which still stands today, was that the European Union constitutes a threat to the entire European continent and needs to be dismantled:

"The EU has accepted that the Union should be enlarged to include the Muslim Middle East and North Africa. The EU has accepted that tens of millions of immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries in northern Africa should be allowed to settle in Europe in the years ahead. This is supposedly 'good for the economy.' It is planning to implement sharia laws for the millions of Muslims it is inviting to settle in Europe. It has passed stronger anti-racism laws while making it clear that 'Islamophobia' constitutes a form of racism, and is cooperating with Islamic countries on rewriting school textbooks to provide a 'positive' image of Islam to European children. Finally, the EU is developing an Arrest Warrant which stipulates that those charged with serious crimes, for instance racism, can be arrested without undue interference of the nation state they happen to live in. In essence, the EU is formally surrendering an entire continent to Islam while destroying established national cultures, and is prepared to harass those who disagree with this policy. This constitutes the greatest organized betrayal in Western history, yet is hailed as a victory for 'tolerance.'"

Those who still believe that Eurabia is a merely "conspiracy theory" should take a closer look at how European authorities handled the Swiss ban on the building of minarets, which constitute a visible symbol of Islamic supremacy. For example, the Ottoman Turks used the minaret as one of the elements to visually appropriate conquered Byzantine churches and convert them to mosques. The ancient Bulgarian town of Nessebar was a part of the First and Second Bulgarian Empires from the seventh to the fourteenth century AD and saw the creation of numerous medieval churches. Yet like the rest of the Balkans it experienced centuries of steep cultural and economic decline following the Turkish Muslim conquests.

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A call went out on the website "sharia4belgium" for Muslims to come disrupt the lecture -- in accord with Sharia prohibitions on saying anything deemed critical of Islam, Allah, or Muhammad. "Extremist Muslims prevent free speech," from Flanders News, April 1 (thanks to Tanguy Veys):

The Belgian-Dutch author Benno Barnard wanted to give a lecture at Antwerp University on Wednesday night, but he was prevented from speaking by a group of extremist Muslims.

As soon as Mr Barnard started to speak they launched their protest.

The reading was organised by the Freethinkers' Department of the university and had been given the title "The Islam Debate: Long live God, Down with Allah".

After the disturbance Mr Barnard told newsmen: "The title of the lecture was enough for some extremists to disturb the reading even before I had said anything."

"I was surprised when I saw so many Muslims in the hall at the beginning of the reading. It soon became clear that they were not just here to listen. A text message had been sent out and there was also a posting on the website sharia4belgium calling on people to disturb the lecture."

Mr Barnard has now decided to file a complaint against those present who threatened him.

He was tipped off before the reading about the possible presence of radical Muslims and hired a body guard. The police too had been alerted and were in the auditorium but could not intervene as long as nothing had happened.

Speaking on Thursday the author said: "Nowadays you need a police presence if you plan to criticise Islam."

The university rector Alain Verschoren said that the title was provocative enough to trigger a debate, but debate did not get a chance: "I think it's a pity that dialogue did not get a chance because the lecture was disturbed in the first minutes."

The police led a score of Muslims out of the building in the Rodestraat.

The protesters shouted loudly, but there was no violence. Nobody was detained.

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Actually, it was 100 Muslims praying inside the Cordoba cathedral. When asked to stop, they attacked the security guards.

Of course the ban on Muslim prayer should remain inside the Cordoba cathedral -- at least until the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople becomes a cathedral again.

"Two arrested after fight in Cordoba's former mosque," by Giles Tremlett in The Guardian, April 1 (thanks to all who sent this in):

A confrontation between Muslim tourists and guards employed by the Roman Catholic bishop at the world-famous Cordoba mosque saw two people arrested and two guards injured last night.

Trouble broke out when the visitors knelt to pray in the building, a former mosque turned into a Christian cathedral in the 13th century, where a local bishop, Demetrio Fernández, recently insisted that a ban on Muslim prayers must remain.

Half a dozen members of a group of more than 100 Muslims from Austria had started praying among the marble columns and coloured arches of the vast building when security guards ordered them to stop.

"They provoked in a pre-planned fashion what was a deplorable episode of violence," the bishop's office said in a statement.

Cathedral authorities said the guards had invited the visitors to continue viewing the inside of a 24,000 sq metre building that was once the world's second biggest mosque, but without praying.

"They replied by attacking the security guards, two of whom suffered serious injuries," the bishop's office said.

Local newspapers reported that a dozen police officers had been called into the building and that these, too, had been attacked when they tried to arrest the two visitors.

The local Diario de Cordoba newspaper quoted anonymous police sources as saying that a knife had been taken off one of those arrested.

A group of local Muslim converts have long campaigned for the right to pray at the mosque building. "The building is very big and the main cathedral occupies only a part of it," said Mansur Escudero of the Junta Islamica group.

"They publicise the building as a mosque because that brings in tourists, but they do not allow the Muslims who pay money to go inside to pray," he said.

Escudero said a space for Muslim prayers would not inconvenience visitors or disturb the cathedral and would promote dialogue and understanding between the two religions. He said there were frequent incidents of Muslims being prevented from praying.

"They argue that canon law does not allow Muslims to pray there, though they have been happy to permit visiting Saudi princes and other dignitaries, including Saddam Hussein, to pray," he said.

"A new bishop was appointed recently and one of his first public statements was to say that Muslim prayers would not be allowed as this would create confusion," he said. "It seems the guards have instructions to prevent prayers with violence, if necessary."

It wouldn't just cause confusion. It would be a prelude to the re-Islamization of the entire structure, and to the forbidding of Christian prayer there. Don't believe me? Try going into any mosque, including those that were formerly churches like the Hagia Sophia (which is now a museum in any case, although Islamic prayer is not forbidden inside it), and pray Christian prayers in a loud voice. Watch what happens next.

Cathedral authorities reiterated their ban on prayers. "The shared use of the cathedral by Catholics and Muslims would not contribute to the peaceful coexistence of the two beliefs," the statement from the bishop's office said.

"This one-off incident does not represent the genuine attitude of Muslims, many of whom maintain an attitude of respect and dialogue with the Catholic church," it added. "We deplore the damage done to the image of our city and to the peaceful coexistence of visitors and citizens."...

Note that it was cathedral authorities pontificating about "the genuine attitude of Muslims," not Muslim spokesmen.

Church authorities also recalled that archeologists had shown that, prior to the construction of the mosque in the eighth century, a Christian temple had stood on the same spot....
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Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is said to have predicted the Islamic conquest first of Constantinople ("the city of Heraclius" below) and then of Rome. An Islamic conference to be held in London on April 10 boasts about what the conference organizers see as the looming fulfillment of the second part of that prophecy: the Islamic conquest of Rome.

But remember: if you speak about Islamic supremacism and the global jihad aspiration to impose Sharia over the world, you're an "Islamophobe"!

From the Italian Muslims site (thanks to Bat Ye'or):


Date: Saturday 10th April 2010
Time: 1.45 pm - 4.30 pm
Venue: Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LS

"Are they waiting for anything except the Hour to come to them suddenly? But its Signs have already come!" (Al-Quran, 47:18)

As one of these signs, Imam Ahmad reports in his Musnad that Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-'As (ra) mentioned: "Whilst we were around the Prophet (saw) writing he was asked, 'Which of the two cities will be opened first, Constantinople or Rome?' He (the Prophet Muhammad) answered, 'The city of Heraclius will be opened first!'"

The Great Ottoman, Sultan Muhammad Fatih (rh) fulfilled the first part of this prophecy by conquering Constantinople. Thus, remains the second part. Having been forced out of
Andalusia, and more recently, dispersed across the Balkan states, the city of Gaius Julius Caesar (Rome) remains. So let the da'wah begin ...

There will be a short presentation on Islam in Italy by the Association of Italian Muslim Sisters with proceeds going towards supporting Italian Muslims. Also, enjoy a 3-course
home made Halal Italian buffet. The menu includes: Crodino, Rustici, Pizza, Spiedini Tricolore, Pomodori al Tonno, Pasta Primavera, Lasagne, Polpettone, Insalata di Patate, Tiramisu. Entrance is by online booking and payment only. Tickets are £20 for adults and £10 for children, but kindly no children under the age of 10 years.

For further information please contact:
Tel: 07880 744 198

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Not "compatible with an open, liberal, tolerant society." Indeed.

"Belgian parliament bans burquas [sic] in public," from AP, March 31:

BRUSSELS-- A vote against wearing face-covering veils in puclic was unanimously established on Wednesday. This legislation represents a major legislative step, which could make Belguim the first European country to impose such a religious prohibition. [...]

The parliamentarians are specifically targeting the body-covering burqa and face-veiling niqab, which are still very rare features in Belgian public life. "We have to act as of today to avoid (its) development," Bacquelaine said.

"Wearing the burqa in public is not compatible with an open, liberal, tolerant society," he said.

In Belgium, the proponents of the ban argue that such all-covering garb poses security issues as well as threatens democratic values. Some feared, however, that the bill would not stand a legal challenge.

In France on Tuesday, the Council of State, the nation's highest administrative body, warned that a prohibition on full-body Islamic veils in public risked being found unconstitutional. President Nicolas Sarkozy said last year that such clothing was "not welcome" in France.

Such a ban could also be challenged at the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights.

And I am certain it will be.

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Once again, Western custom and practice must adapt to Islamic custom and practice. There is never any compromise on the Islamic side, or any adaption, assimilation, or accommodation, when in non-Muslim countries. But no one ever seems to notice.

"Female Muslim doctors allowed to wear disposable sleeves for modesty: official guidance," by Rebecca Smith in the Telegraph, March 27 (thanks to Wally):

Female Muslim doctors and nurses are to be allowed to wear disposable sleeves in order to comply with NHS rules to prevent the spread of hospital superbugs. All staff involved in caring for patients should be 'bare below the elbows' to ensure sleeves do not become contaminated and hands can be washed thoroughly to prevent infections passed around the ward.

However female Muslim staff had been concerned about the rule as exposure of their forearms is seen as immodest.

Staff in several hospitals had reportedly refused to expose their arms for hand washing and 'scrubbing in' procedures before surgery.

New guidance from the Department of Health said staff can wear disposable sleeves which are elasticated at the wrist and elbow when in contact with patients.

The guidance also states that using alcohol gel to cleanse hands between treating patients does not contravene strict Muslim rules on alcohol.

The guidance was drawn up following meetings between the Muslim Spiritual Care Provision in the NHS group and Islamic scholars, chaplains, multi-faith representatives and infection control experts.

It said: "Use of hand disinfection gels containing synthetic alcohol does not fall within the Muslim prohibition against natural alcohol (from fermented fruit or grain)."...

What a relief!

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This will cause an international uproar, with mountains of blather about intolerance. Few, if any, in the mainstream media will note how severely the rights of non-Muslims are restricted in Saudi Arabia and in Sharia states in general, and few, if any, will even entertain the notion that France has a right to stand up for its cultural integrity and set some standards accordingly.

"France to ban veil says Nicolas Sarkozy," from the Telegraph, March 25 (thanks to Kambiz):

Nicolas Sarkozy has said that France will ban the full Muslim veil.

The move would protect the dignity of women, the president added.

"The full veil is contrary to the dignity of women," he said. "The response is to ban it. The Government will table a draft law prohibiting it."...

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The problem is not that Muslims want to live according to the dictates of Sharia. The problem is that everyone else has to as well. Eurabia Alert: "KFC diner told 'you can't have bacon in your burger here - we're now halal,'" by Katherine Faulkner in the Daily Mail, March 24 (thanks to Kris):

A diner was left furious after a KFC restaurant refused to sell him a bacon burger - because it wasn't halal.

Alan Phillips was told the restaurant was no longer selling his favourite 'Big Daddy' burger, which contains a chicken burger with bacon, cheese and salad, because it had decided to sell only halal food.

The Burton-on-Trent branch is one of the 86 out of 750 British KFC restaurants which is now selling nothing other than halal meat.

The company has taken the burger off the menu because Islamic dietary law forbids Muslims to eat anything which has been prepared on the same premises as pork, which is itself strictly forbidden.

It said it was responding to 'increased demand' for a halal menu in the areas of Britain with growing Muslim populations.

Note that increased demand from Muslims results in discrimination against non-Muslims: the Muslims in the area apparently would not have been content with halal selections on the menu. All food not in compliance with Islamic food laws had to be eliminated -- in accord with the unilateral and supremacist nature of Sharia.

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The late Michael Radu's new book, published posthumously, alas, by Encounter Books, discusses, clearly and forthrightly, the Islamization of Europe.

And it contains a Foreword written

"Michael Radu, with characteristic incisiveness, cuts through the mindless multicultural relativism of modern liberalism to demolish the illusions of well-meaning but ignorant appeasers of Islamic radicalism. The crux of his argument: tolerance of intolerant Muslims in Europe threatens the civil liberties and individual rights that European culture has so brilliantly advanced over centuries of struggle." -- Nils H. Wessell, former Director, Foreign Policy Research Institute

"Michael Radu has written a most interesting and comprehensive book about the important issues of Muslim immigration and Islamism in contemporary Europe. No matter what readers viewpoints might be they will learn an enormous amount." -- Barry Rubin, author of The Tragedy of the Middle East and Global Survey of Islamism

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The author asks: "Should the immigrants adopt the values of their adoptive land -- or, to the contrary, should society change to accommodate the newcomers who now form part of it?"

Liberal democracies depend on the premise that there are unalienable human rights that a government cannot violate and retain a legitimate right to rule. To want to defend that concept is far from the extreme, rabid, reactionary position that it is portrayed as here -- even (horrors!) at the risk of being impolite. You don't defend your values by... not defending them.

"Culture clash: European art provokes Muslims," by Michael Weissenstein for the Associated Press, March 14:

LONDON - With the West locked in conflicts across the Muslim world, why would anyone throw fuel on the fire?

Yeah, you'll want to read this one sitting down.

A small group of Europeans have been doing just that -- provoking death plots and at least one murder by turning out art that derides the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran in the name of Western values.
Behind the scenes is something bigger: a rising European unease with a rapidly growing Muslim minority, and the spreading sense that the continent has become a front in a clash of civilizations.
Recent events -- including surprising electoral success by an anti-Islamic Dutch party, moves to ban veils in France and minarets in Switzerland, and arrests in Ireland and the U.S. this week in an alleged plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist -- are signs of the rising tensions.
Swedish artist Lars Vilks says he was defending freedom of speech when he produced a crude black-and-white drawing of Muhammad with a dog's body in 2007. Authorities say that set him in the crosshairs of an assassination plot by extremists including Colleen LaRose, a 46-year-old Muslim convert from Pennsylvania who dubbed herself "Jihad Jane."
"I'm actually not interested in offending the prophet. The point is actually to show that you can," Vilks said in a recent interview with The Associated Press. "There is nothing so holy you can't offend it."
The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten also said it was defending free speech in 2005 when it printed 12 cartoons of Muhammad, one in a bomb-shaped turban, setting off protests and the torching of Western embassies in several Muslim countries. And bottle-blond Dutch populist politician Geert Wilders said he was promoting European values by producing Fitna, a 15-minute film that lays images of the Sept. 11 attacks alongside verses from the Quran. The film was shown in Britain's House of Lords this month.
The cases are extreme, but millions of moderate Europeans also are re-examining the meaning of the liberal values widely cherished across the continent. How, many are asking, should a liberal society respectfully deal with immigrants who often espouse illiberal values? Should the immigrants adopt the values of their adoptive land -- or, to the contrary, should society change to accommodate the newcomers who now form part of it? [...]
Jan Hjarpe, a professor emeritus of Islamic studies at Lund University in southern Sweden, near Vilks' home, said the deliberate provocations were helpful to Islamic extremists, who have been hunting for targets that would win them popularity in the Muslim world.

Translation: Fighting back causes "extremism."

"It has had almost no effect on the Muslim community in Sweden, who regard it as not very interesting," he said. "These threats against him have to do with extremist groups that want something to react to."
Denmark's Prophet Muhammad cartoons emerged from a discussion in 2005 about whether Islam was being treated with special sensitivity among Danish artists for fear of reprisals from extremists. Jyllands-Posten said the project was a way to challenge self-censorhip [sic] and show that Muslims, too, must be ready to put up with mockery in a society based on democracy and free speech. [...]
In light of the abysmal record of the Dutch toward the Jewish population during the Nazi occupation, when some 70 percent were deported and killed, it was considered impolitic to show resentment against another ethnic group. But that didn't mean the resentment wasn't there. It was only in 2002 when the populist politician Pim Fortuyn began speaking openly against immigration and the threat to the Dutch identity that people felt free to voice their anger. Fortuyn's popularity soared, and the party he founded was hugely popular even after Fortuyn himself was assassinated (by an animal rights activist).
Successive governments clamped down on immigration and forced new arrivals to learn about the Dutch language and culture in an attempt to integrate them into mainstream society.

Oh, the humanity!

Wilders is derided by his enemies as a neo-fascist but has been able to turn his provocations into political success: his Freedom Party winning in the town of Almere and coming in second in The Hague this month the only two races it ran out of 394 cities and towns that elected local councils.

Sorry, AP.

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But Charles Krauthammer will tell you that Geert Wilders is "extreme, radical, and wrong."

Eurabia Alert: "Teacher attacked after al-Qaeda comments," from AFP, March 9 (thanks to Pamela):

Lyon, France - A 15-year-old French schoolboy sprayed a teacher with teargas after she described al-Qaeda as a "terrorist group", she told reporters on Tuesday as prosecutors began their investigation.

"I had just explained that the attacks on September 11, 2001 were carried out by the terrorist organisation al-Qaeda, as is written in the text book," said the history teacher, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"He stood up and declared that al-Qaeda is not terrorist and that neither is the Taliban," she said, adding that the boy had then pulled out a spray can and doused her and a teaching assistant with teargas.

Neither victim was seriously hurt....

Oh, well, then, the kid must be a moderate.

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Most Western analysts would regard this as good news: Muslims eschewing terrorism assimilating into a Western country, and even participating in the established political process! What could be the downside? Well, there are several. First, the fact that the new political party is specifically Muslim is a sign that those who formed it are not assimilating and adopting various views along the Western political spectrum, but are merely furthering the cause of Islam as a political entity in Spain. For what could a Muslim political party possibly stand for except for Sharia values? Second, although the focus in officialdom in the U.S. and Europe is wholly and solely on "terrorism," actually the real threat is the attempt to impose Sharia in the West, whether by violent or peaceful means. The establishment of this political party is just an exercise in the peaceful, rather than violent, spread of Sharia norms in the West.

"New Muslim political party launched in Spain," from Typically Spanish, March 6 (thanks to Twostellas):

The first national political party to have a Muslim character has been launched in Granada. The Partido Renacimeinto y Unión España or PRUNE party of Spain, says it is open to all the world.

Based on Islam, and founded by the writer, poet and journalist, Mostafa Bakkach El Aamrani, it says it intends to contest the municipal elections next year in Málaga, Madrid, Barcelona, Murcia, Valencia, Oviedo and Toledo on a manifesto of 'justice, equality and solidarity'....

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The free people of Europe begin to strike back against their corrupt, compromised governing elites. An excerpt from the SIOE statement:

Denmark is at war. The government tells us that we are in war against terror which actually is only a tactic. We cannot be in war against an tactic, we have to be in war against those who use the tactic. That is what SIOE intends to do.

Quote: Lieutenant Colonel Allen West:-

"Winston Churchill did not lead a war against blitzkrieg, he led a war against the Nazis."

SIOE recognises that islam has declared war on the West and therefore we take the necessary precautions to protect our own population. No other Danish politicians have done that previously. Therefore, SIOE will respond to the declaration of war onthe West. Every time islam is discussed, all parties in the Danish parliament pull the wool over the eyes of the voters. If we really are in war with islam why do we make all these special arrangements for islam?

We have had civil war-like situations both in Copenhagen and in the biggest towns in Denmark and no politicians have dared to act upon it. SIOE has the answer: Every immigrant who has committed any kind of criminality is to be sent home.

Denmark is in a financial crisis and we have to take care of our own citizens first of all. Therefore all immigrants who are not self-supporting will be sent home.

All government subsidised integration initiatives must be stopped and sensible economic policies must be carried out.

Bureaucracy must be cut to a minimum and free initiative must be encouraged instead of being stopped.

The business and manufacturing sectors in Denmark must have far better conditions. We cannot live just by serving one another.

We would never have been caught in this present unhappy situation if the population had been asked whether or not Denmark should be an immigrant country where islam demands special treatment from its host, the Danish population. Therefore SIOE's wish is to implement more democracy. There shall be referendums held about many more things concerning the population.

Many more of those in authority should be elected, not just politicians, as they are in America.

In brief, SIOE is a party where the population is of greater concern than the people from outside.

There is much more. Read it all.

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Eurabia Alert: "London has become center of Hamas activity," from Israel Today, February 24 (thanks to Mackie):

A report by Israel's Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) labels London as the new international hub of Hamas political, legal and propaganda efforts.

ITIC, a non-governmental organization dedicated to uncovering the activities of Israel's enemies, wrote that Hamas today directs the bulk of its non-violent efforts against Israel via operatives and activists in the British capital.

That was evidenced recently in a string of attempted indictments against Israeli leaders in British courts. According to ITIC, Hamas was behind those legal actions.

Hamas has found London a perfect center for its operations due to the easily manipulated British free speech laws, an overly tolerant British legal system and the large Arab and Muslim population in the city.

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The lead paragraph in this Telegraph article says that Sweden's reputation as a tolerant, liberal nation is suffering -- as if Swedes have suddenly become anti-Semitic. But when you read down into the article a bit, you see that it is actually Muslim immigrants who are responsible for the anti-Semitic attacks. So the problem is that Swedes have been too tolerant and liberal, in tolerating the planting and proliferation of a hateful, supremacist, and anti-Semitic ideology on Swedish soil.

"Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes," by Nick Meo in the Telegraph, February 21 (thanks to all who sent this in):

Sweden's reputation as a tolerant, liberal nation is being threatened by a steep rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes in the city of Malmo.

When she first arrived in Sweden after her rescue from a Nazi concentration camp, Judith Popinski was treated with great kindness.

She raised a family in the city of Malmo, and for the next six decades lived happily in her adopted homeland - until last year.

In 2009, a chapel serving the city's 700-strong Jewish community was set ablaze. Jewish cemeteries were repeatedly desecrated, worshippers were abused on their way home from prayer, and "Hitler" was mockingly chanted in the streets by masked men.

"I never thought I would see this hatred again in my lifetime, not in Sweden anyway," Mrs Popinski told The Sunday Telegraph.

"This new hatred comes from Muslim immigrants. The Jewish people are afraid now."

This article matter-of-factly notes that real neo-Nazis are allied with jihadis, contrary to the Leftist/Charles Johnson myth that neo-Nazis are anti-jihad:

Malmo's Jews, however, do not just point the finger at bigoted Muslims and their fellow racists in the country's Neo-Nazi fringe. They also accuse Ilmar Reepalu, the Left-wing mayor who has been in power for 15 years, of failing to protect them.

Of course. Why should he protect them from a threat he refuses to acknowledge exists?

Mr Reepalu, who is blamed for lax policing, is at the centre of a growing controversy for saying that what the Jews perceive as naked anti-Semitism is in fact just a sad, but understandable consequence of Israeli policy in the Middle East.

While his views are far from unusual on the European liberal-left, which is often accused of a pro-Palestinian bias, his Jewish critics say they encourage young Muslim hotheads to abuse and harass them.

The future looks so bleak that by one estimate, around 30 Jewish families have already left for Stockholm, England or Israel, and more are preparing to go.

With its young people planning new lives elsewhere, the remaining Jewish households, many of whom are made up of Holocaust survivors and their descendants, fear they will soon be gone altogether. Mrs Popinski, an 86-year-old widow, said she has even encountered hostility when invited to talk about the Holocaust in schools.

"Muslim schoolchildren often ignore me now when I talk about my experiences in the camps," she said. "It is because of what their parents tell them about Jews. The hatreds of the Middle East have come to Malmo. Schools in Muslim areas of the city simply won't invite Holocaust survivors to speak any more."

Hate crimes, mainly directed against Jews, doubled last year with Malmo's police recording 79 incidents and admitting that far more probably went unreported. As of yet, no direct attacks on people have been recorded but many Jews believe it is only a matter of time in the current climate.

The city's synagogue has guards and rocket-proof glass in the windows, while the Jewish kindergarten can only be reached through thick steel security doors.[...]

Muslims are now estimated to make up about a fifth of Malmo's population of nearly 300,000.

"This new hatred from a group 40,000-strong is focused on a small group of Jews," Mrs Popinski said, speaking in a sitting room filled with paintings and Persian carpets.

"Some Swedish politicians are letting them do it, including the mayor. Of course the Muslims have more votes than the Jews."

The worst incident was last year during Israel's brief war in Gaza, when a small demonstration in favour of Israel was attacked by a screaming mob of Arabs and Swedish leftists, who threw bottles and firecrackers as the police looked on.

"I haven't seen hatred like that for decades," Mrs Popinski said. "It reminded me of what I saw in my youth. Jews feel vulnerable here now." [...]

The mayor insisted to The Sunday Telegraph that he was opposed to anti-Semitism, but added: "I believe these are anti-Israel attacks, connected to the war in Gaza.

"We want Malmo to be cosmopolitan and safe for everybody and we have taken action. I have started a dialogue forum. There haven't been any attacks on Jewish people, and if Jews from the city want to move to Israel that is not a matter for Malmo." [...]

Mr Eilenberg said he and his wife considered moving to Stockholm where Jews feel safer than in Malmo. "But we decided not to because in five years time I think it will be just as bad there," he said.

"This is happening all over Europe. I have cousins who are leaving their homes in Amsterdam and France for the same reason as me."...

Cue the obligatory mainstream media moral equivalence -- but as you read this, remember that Muslims are not leaving Sweden because of hate crimes, Jews are:

Malmo's Jews are not the only ones to suffer hate crimes.

At the city's Islamic Centre, the director Bejzat Becirov pointed out a bullet hole in the window behind the main reception desk.

Mr Becirov, who arrived in 1962 from the former Yugoslavia, said that windows were regularly smashed, pig's heads had been left outside the mosque, and outbuildings burnt down - probably the acts of Neo-Nazis who have also baited Jews in the past.

He said that the harassment of Jews by some young Muslims was "embarrassing" to his community. Many of them are unemployed and confined to life on bleak estates where the Scandinavian dream of prosperity and equality seemed far away.

For many of Malmo's white Swedish population, meanwhile, the racial problems are bewildering after years of liberal immigration policies....

If Swedish elites had allowed for realistic education about Islam instead of spreading soothing Religion of Peace™ lies while Muslim immigrants poured into Sweden, no one would be surprised.

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So are non-Muslims welcome to eat there anymore?

Eurabia Alert: "French fast food chain makes menus halal," by Henry Samuel in the Telegraph, February 15 (thanks to all who sent this in):

Quick, one of France's most popular fast food chains, has taken pork off the menu at eight of its restaurants, turning them into halal-only outlets.

The chain has replaced bacon with smoked halal turkey in restaurants in three branches in a Paris suburb, two in Marseille, and the remainder in Toulouse, Villeurbanne, near Lyon, and Roubaix, northern France - all of them areas with high Muslim populations.

These restaurants now serve only halal food, seen as permissible according to Islamic law. The company said the move was part of a test, which began in November, and that pork may return to the menu at a later date.

However, it has sparked angry reactions from Catholic groups. A comment on E-Deo, a Catholic website, said: "Quick is in the process of inventing fast-islamisation".

Citing its outlet in Villeurbanne, a Quick spokesman said that no customers were "obliged" to eat halal meat, as "in parallel, we have 10 Quick restaurants in the Lyon area" offering "classic menus".

Some Muslim customers welcomed the move in one branch in Roubaix, northern France. "I'm happy, as I can come with my Muslim friends," said Farid, 17.

But other regular customers were outraged. "I don't understand, why can't they sell halal burgers and bacon burgers at the same time?" asked Delphine, 26.

The far-right National Front waded in on Sunday; its vice-president, Marine Le Pen, who is campaigning ahead of next month's regional elections, said: "All those who come to buy food in this Quick will in reality pay a tax to Islamic certification organisations [paid to rubber stamp the halal label]."

But Al-Kanz, a French Muslim consumers' group, said the reasons were "purely economic", adding that there were no "dark Muslim forces in France putting pressure" on the chain....

Yeah, surrre.

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Our FDI inaugural event is next Friday at CPAC, on February 19 at 10:00AM Eastern. Security will be very tight due to the open-mindedness of our friends on the Left and the delight in discussion and debate so often exhibited by the adherents of the Religion of Peace™. Register to attend by writing to

I'll be giving you some information about each speaker as we move closer to the big day.

Anders Gravers is one of the coordinators of the European human rights group Stop the Islamisation of Europe (SIOE).

Stop the Islamisation Of Europe (SIOE) is an alliance of people across Europe with the single aim of preventing Islam becoming a dominant political force in Europe.

SIOE exists to legally combat the overt and covert expansion of Islam in Europe and states that Islam and democracy are incompatible due to teachings within the Koran itself and some of the hadiths which comprise sharia law.

Such incompatibility is self-evident when those tenuous democracies in countries where Islam is the dominant religion are scrutinized.

Western values are under the most severe threat from Islamisation, but particularly Europe, at the present time.

The formation of the European Union was done covertly with the European people being kept in the dark about its aims and development. Democracy has been systematically eroded, the latest example being the Lisbon Treaty.

However, the plan goes much further with the ultimate goal being a Eurabian superstate incorporating Muslim countries of North Africa and the Middle East andthe European Union.

This was already initiated with the signing of the Barcelona Treaty in 1995 by the EU and 9 North African States and Israel and which became effective 1st. January 2010. It is also known as the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation.

In return for some European control of oil resources, Muslim countries will have unfettered access to technology and movement of people into Europe.

The price Europeans will have to pay is the introduction of Sharia law and removal of democracy.

Anders Gravers and Thor Poulsen from Denmark and Stephen Gash from England are co-ordinators of SIOE.

And please make a donation. Pamela and I are doing this all ourselves. As she says, "This isn't grassroots. This is grass seed, baby."

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How multiculturalism encourages corruption, corrupting the protected class and encouraging cowardice in the enablers of the protected class. "A criminal in uniform: Teflon Commander Ali Dizaei used race card to dodge jail for years. Now he's got four-year term for framing an innocent man," by Stephen Wright and Richard Pendlebury in the Daily Mail, February 9 (thanks to all who sent this in):

He swaggered around Scotland Yard believing he was above the law.

Commander Ali Dizaei bullied, intimidated and threatened anyone who crossed his path.

If that didn't work, the Iranian-born officer accused them of being racist.

But yesterday his reign of corruption came to a dramatic end when he was condemned as a 'criminal in uniform' and given four years in jail for trying to frame an innocent man.

Following a bust-up in a restaurant, Dizaei, 47, told colleagues that an Iraqi website designer had assaulted him.

It was a pack of lies and yesterday, after a four-week trial, a jury took just two-and-a-half hours to convict Dizaei of misconduct in a public office and perverting the course of justice. [...]

Dizaei, who had been the subject of dozens of corruption allegations during his time in the Met, is the most senior Scotland Yard officer to be jailed since the 1970s. [...]

* Police authority officials had wanted to sack him in a fast-track process last spring but backed down amid fears he would sue for racism - allowing the £90,000-a-year officer to stay suspended on full pay for a further nine months.

After the verdicts, the chairman of the Independent Police Complaints Commission, Nick Hardwick, said: 'Dizaei behaved like a bully and the only way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them.'

If only the Western world as a whole would figure that out.

'He knew where he could push the boundaries, and how to use the Met's fears of appearing racist to make it difficult to investigate him,' Mr Hayman said.

Another former colleague Brian Paddick called Dizaei a 'Marmite' senior officer who divided opinion: 'Many hated him, believing he had "got away with it" because "he was black". But for the Black Police Association, we was their flag-bearer.'...

He isn't "black," for pete's sake. But the UK police seem incapable of seeing things as they are.

For almost a decade, the figure of Commander Dr Ali Dizaei dominated and poisoned race relations within the Metropolitan Police.

His public face was that of human rights champion and defender of fellow ethnic-minority officers against prejudiced white colleagues.

Dizaei felt their pain. After all, wasn't he the most unfairly persecuted 'black' policeman of them all?

In fact, he was simply a self-serving crook; clever conman, bully, playboy, womanising misogynist, serial litigant and liar, who hijacked the issue of race and used it for his own ends.

Under his presidency the National Black Police Association became a useful tool against those who dared cross him.

Dizaei's jailing for corruption yesterday, seven years after being cleared of similar charges, closes one of the most troubling episodes in modern police history. Many viewed the Iranian-born officer as 'untouchable'. Certainly Dizaei himself thought so.

One of the most telling moments in his trial was a witness's account of how the 'Teflon Commander' had shouted at him: 'Do you know who I am? I'm Ali Dizaei. Back off!'

And back off they did, shamefully. Successive Met commissioners, home secretaries and independent police watchdogs were too nervous to take him on because of the race storm he would invoke....

Once, when he was questioned by a senior white colleague, he replied: 'You can't tell me what to do.' 'But I'm your boss,' said the startled superior. 'I have only one boss and that is Allah,' snapped Dizaei, piously....


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In Human Events this morning I revisit the Wilders free speech death watch, showing that Geert Wilders has about as much chance of getting a fair trial as did Nikolai Bukharin:

During his State of the Union address, Barack Obama criticized the Supreme Court for overturning major portions of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act. But the Supreme Court was upholding the freedom of speech: when the high court struck down key McCain-Feingold provisions last month, its ruling declared that "if the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech."

This was a key victory for defenders of the First Amendment. But now, from the Netherlands, comes a threat to the freedom of speech that is much more serious and destructive than anything John McCain and Russ Feingold ever contemplated: the trial of Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

Wilders, the Dutch Parliamentarian who produced the film Fitna, went on trial January 20 for charges including having "intentionally offended a group of people, i.e. Muslims, based on their religion." Fitna is a film which compellingly links images of terrorist attacks with passages from the Koran which incite Muslims to jihad.

The idea that intentionally offending someone is a criminal offense should be a matter for Kafka or comic opera, but such is the advance of multiculturalism in the Netherlands today, and the rest of Europe is not all that far behind. The real purpose of the Wilders trial is twofold: first, the Dutch political establishment hopes to use it to stop the meteoric rise of the upstart Wilders, who challenges so many of the core assumptions upon which current Dutch and European Union policy are based. And since one of those policies is unrestricted immigration from Muslim countries, they hope to discredit Wilders's work in exposing how Islamic jihadists use violent passages of the Koran to justify violence and supremacism.

There's only one problem with this scenario: Islamic jihadists really do use the Koran to justify violence and supremacism, and as I show in my book The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran, there is plenty in the Muslim holy book that they can use in this way. The multiculturalist Dutch authorities have a pliant media on their side, and they have much more money and much more political clout than Wilders could even dream of having. Yet for all their power, they cannot engage Wilders in honest debate and prove him wrong -- and so in order to silence him they have to resort to the legal thuggery of this show trial.

And a show trial is exactly what it is. This became clear last week, when the Amsterdam District Court disallowed fifteen of the eighteen witnesses Wilders had hoped to bring forward in his defense. "This Court is not interested in the truth," Wilders commented on the decision. "This Court doesn't want me to have a fair trial."

I was among the fifteen disallowed witnesses. Much more important was that Wilders was not allowed to call Mohammed Bouyeri, who murdered filmmaker Theo Van Gogh on an Amsterdam street on November 2, 2004 in revenge for Van Gogh's film Submission, which criticized the oppression of Muslim women....

Read it all.

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Here's a fresh report from the frontlines of Eurabia: Erick Stakelbeck interviews jihadists in London. "London's Islamic Radicals Speak Out," by Erick Stakelbeck for CBN News, February 9:

Great Britain recently raised its terror alert to "severe" following reports that al Qaeda was plotting new attacks.

But Britain may be facing an even greater threat from within -- one the British government helped to create.

CBN News recently traveled to London to interview a number of leading Islamic radicals who have settled there with the full knowledge of the British government.

All Eyes on London

Just one year before attempting to blow up an airliner over Detroit, Christmas Day bombing suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab studied engineering at University College London.

During his stay there, he networked with known Islamic radicals. Security sources believe he may have linked up with al Qaeda.

Abdulmutallab is just one of many Islamic terrorists with ties to London. Some live there with help from the state.

One example is Yasser al-Sirri, who faces a death sentence in Egypt.

Then there is Anjem Choudary. To date, he has not been charged with terrorism, but his pro-jihad views have led some to call him Great Britain's most hated man.

"Many people love the idea of jihad, you know?" Choudary told CBN News. "And they want to engage in it."

A radical Islamist can find a little bit of everything in London. Ex-jihadists, current jihadists, "wannabe" jihadists: they're all there. So how did this happen?

During the 1980s and 1990s, British authorities granted asylum to a number of Islamic terrorists wanted in their home countries.

"All of this happened under the assumption that if you allowed these people to operate in London, if you allowed them to do whatever they wanted to do, they would not be attacking Britain," terrorism expert Peter Neumann explained....

And that assumption, of course, comes from the pandemic willful ignorance regarding the jihad doctrine within Islam.

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Welcome to the new, proud, brilliant multicultural Britain. The driver's behavior in this case is perfectly in accord with the Islamic supremacist notion that Islam is the plain truth, and everyone sees that, and thus those who don't believe are perverse and rebellious against God, and have no rights that need be respected. "Muslim bus driver locks passengers aboard as he stops to pray," by Heidi Blake for the Telegraph, February 8 (thanks to Hussein):

A Muslim bus driver knelt in the aisle to pray for five minutes leaving bemused and anxious passengers trapped in ther [sic] seats.

The driver pulled over without warning and rolled out a high-visibility jacket as a makeshift prayer mat before removing his shoes, turning to face Mecca and starting to chant in Arabic.

Passengers said they looked on in stunned silence, fearing the driver may be preparing for a terrorist attack on the bus. No one was able to get on or off the vehicle during the five-minute prayer session.

Gayle Griffiths, 33, complained to Transport for London (TfL) about the incident on the number 24 bus in Gospel Oak, north London, last week.

The mother-of-one from Camden, north west London, who had boarded the bus minutes earlier on her way home from work, said: "Everyone was looking round in a mix of shock and amazement.

"When he had finished, he just got back up and set off again - all without any explanation or apology. It was truly bizarre, ludicrous and aggravating."

"We are delayed often enough as it is in London. We live in a multicultural society but there is a time and a place for prayer and the middle of a journey with a busload of passengers is not it."

The NHS administrator added: "It even went through my mind that this might be some sort of terrorist attack with the bus blown up because I had heard that suicide bombers prayed before attacks."

TfL has apologised to all the passengers for the delay to their journey and the driver has been reprimanded....

UPDATE: Pamela makes an important point: why did everyone just sit there and not take action -- especially if they were afraid that he was about to launch a jihad terror attack?

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There is no indication in this article about what Morris actually said that was so offensive, or whether or not it was true. Actually, it probably was true: as in the Wilders trial, as Pat Condell has said, "Fear of free speech is the symptom of a profoundly neurotic and dishonest society." The jihadist thugs and their Leftist dupes only try to silence people who speak truths they would rather not be known.

Free Speech Death Watch Alert: "Benny Morris talk stirs uproar at Cambridge," by Jonny Paul in the Jerusalem Post, February 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):

LONDON - The Israel Society at Cambridge University has succumbed to pressure and canceled a talk by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev historian Benny Morris after protesters accused him of "Islamophobia" and "racism."

Morris was scheduled to speak to students at the university on Thursday, but following a campaign led by anti-Israel activist Ben White the Israel Society canceled the talk. Instead Morris was invited to speak at an event hosted by the university's Department of Political and International Studies.

White, who graduated from the university in 2005 and authored the book Israeli Apartheid: A Beginners Guide, set up a protest page on Facebook in which he claimed that "on different occasions, Morris has expressed Islamophobic and racist sentiments towards Arabs and Muslims."

He added: "We find it offensive and appalling that an official student society would want to invite such an individual."

Following the Facebook protest, a letter was sent to the student union by the university's Islamic Society, other students and two staff members from the English Department asking it to take a stand and show it is serious "in opposing bigotry and Islamophobia." The 15 signatories said Morris's views were "abhorrent and offensive.

"The issue is hate speech, and the impact of a visit by this individual on the campus' atmosphere for the student body's minority groups... His visit is insulting, threatening to Arab and Muslim students in particular and also goes against the spirit of the student union's stated anti-Islamophobia policy," the letter read.

Last year, Cambridge's Palestine Society hosted Abd al-Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper. In 2008, Atwan said the terrorist attack on Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav yeshiva, in which eight students were killed and 15 were wounded, was "justified" as the school was responsible for "hatching Israeli extremists and fundamentalists." [...]

Jake Witzenfeld, president of Cambridge University's Israel Society, canceled the Morris talk, apologizing for any "unintended offense."

"I decided to cancel for fear of the Israel Society being portrayed as a mouthpiece of Islamophobia," he said. "We understand that whilst Professor Benny Morris' contribution to history is highly respectable and significant, his personal views are, regrettably, deeply offensive to many."...

A Muslim group accused of publishing anti-Semitic material congratulated the Islamic Society for the cancelation [sic] of Morris's talk.

"Muslim Public Affairs Committee congratulated Cambridge's Islam Society on the success of their campaign and lobbying to stop the Islamophobe Benny Morris giving a speech at their university... A simple Facebook group and a well written letter is all that it takes to defend your religion," the group said.

The 2006 All-Party Parliamentary Report into Anti-Semitism alleged that the anti-Israel Muslim Public Affairs Committee has used material from Holocaust denial and neo-Nazi publications, uses the word "Zionist" as a replacement for "Jew" and engages in the spread of conspiracy theories about Jews. In 2006, it was discovered that MPAC founder Asghar Bukhari make a donation to convicted Holocaust denier David Irving....

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burqa.jpg You just never know who might be in there

Ain't multiculturalism grand? And doesn't this open up an intriguing sidelight on the stories about France considering banning the burqa?

"Burqa-clad robbers hold up post office," from AFP, February 7 (thanks to Jockaira):

Two burqa-wearing robbers have held up a French post office using a handgun concealed beneath an Islamic-style full veil, court officials said.

Officials said postal office staff let the pair through the security double doors of the banking branch near Paris, believing them to be veil-wearing Muslim women.

Once inside, the pair flipped back their head coverings and pulled out a gun.

They made off with 4,500 euros ($7,100) seized from the staff and customers of the branch in Athis Mons, just south of Paris, according to the online edition of Le Parisien newspaper....

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The Norwegian paper Dagbladet reprinted one of the Motoons, and that's when the fun began. "We wanted to show our opposition to it that makes a mockery of our values," said cab driver Munir Rashad. Great. And so will Norway stand by passively and allow its own values to be mocked? (Probably.)

As Pat Condell says, "Fear of free speech is the symptom of a profoundly neurotic and dishonest society." Will Norway allow that neurosis and dishonesty to stand in Oslo, or will it stand for the freedom of speech? For this cab strike is relatively innocuous, but not all the manifestations of Islamic supremacism will be.

"Oslo taxi drivers protesting against the drawing of the Muhammad cartoons," from Tundra Tabloids, February 6 (thanks to Loganswarning):

A thousand taxi drivers of Muslim background interrupted their work late Friday, early Saturday morning in protest of the Oslo-Prophet Muhammad cartoons.

The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet released on Wednesday one of the illustrations on its front page.

Spontaneous demonstration was launched on Friday evening, and urged the busy men behind the wheel to park their cars during the period of two and four o'clock. According to police, the protest went peacefully.

Dagbladet used the drawings to illustrate a story, according to which the security police PST's website has a link to the infamous cartoon images that have given rise to such bad blood. In the drivers' view, the publication of the picture, was once again unnecessary.

"We wanted to show our opposition to it that makes a mockery of our values," said the driver Munir Rashad....

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Will the Islamophobia never end? "Prosecutor: German Islamists planned mass murder," from DPA, February 3 (thanks to Twostellas):

Dusseldorf - The chief prosecutor in the German trial of four alleged Islamists said on Wednesday that they had planned 'mass murder' on a scale unknown in Germany.

State prosecutor Volker Brinkmann said the members of the so- called Sauerland Group were driven by an overwhelming hatred of US soldiers and by a desire to carry out mass murder, and would not have shied away from killing innocent women and children.

The group, consisting of Daniel Schneider, Fritz Gelowicz, Adem Yilmaz and Attila Selek, is accused of planning attacks on US military bases in 2007.

The chief prosecutor emphatically warned against the 'cancer of Islamist terrorism,' as he set out his case to the Dusseldorf court. He argued that this 'cancer' would stop at nothing and chose its victims at random. Brinkmann said the four defendants had shown no real remorse during the nine-month trial, and said they did not confess out of regret.

'The accused wanted to buy themselves a reduced sentence by pleading to the charges. Even the most convinced holy warrior does not want to sit in prison and watch the jihad (holy war) pass by,' the prosecutor said.

Brinkmann said the four men, who confessed their allegiance to the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU), were blinded by religious fervour and wanted to build explosives of unimaginable strength, many times more powerful than the bombs used in the 2005 Islamist attacks on London.

The prosecutor, like many non-Muslim officials before him, took it upon himself to defend something he clearly knows nothing about -- Islam:

'The accused have damaged Islam. They have given new nourishment to the reservations held against the world's second largest religion,' the prosecutor continued, adding that few people shared their fundamentalist Wahabi views....
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Bat Ye'or spoke at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at an international conference on Antisemitism, multiculturalism, and ethnic identity. Her talk was entitled "From Europe to Eurabia," and it takes on a special urgency today in light of the Wilders trial. Pamela has the full transcript here. Here are some highlights:

[...] Eurabia is not Europe, it is its enemy. It does not represent the majority of Europeans nor all its politicians. When I speak of Eurabia I refer to an ideology, a strategy, a policy and a culture whose nerve-centre and way of working are exemplified by the Anna Lindh Foundation in Alexandria, linked to the Swedish Consulate. At the origin of this vision in the 1960s, one can identify Charles de Gaulle and Haj Amin al-Husseini, former Mufti of Jerusalem, whom de Gaulle saved from the Nuremberg trial in 1946. Implemented after the Kippur War, this view promoted an alliance between the European Community and the Arab world - operative at all levels of the European Community, regionally and internationally, and linked with the European Common Foreign and Security Policy. It aimed to create a strategic Euro-Arab pole hostile to Israel, supporting Arafat and the PLO, and opposed to America. Without much difficulty, France was able to carry along the rest of Europe into this programme from 1973, after the Arab oil embargo. [...]

In the 1970s the EC and the Arab League went into this association with different but converging aims. Antisemitism and anti-Americanism always existed amongst the European Left-wing parties, the Communists, the Nazi and Fascist movements, and this provided Arab propaganda with a favourable ground for development. Europe believed that, thereby, it had a cheap solution to protect itself from Arab terrorism; for assuring its energy supplies; dominating Arab markets; and turning Arab jihadists against Israel and the USA by adopting a pro-Arafat stance, as well as sponsoring Palestine and hence maintaining the conflict's purulence by internationalising the Palestinian cause until Israel would wither away under a heap of infamy. The twinning of Judeophobia and anti-Americanism fitted well into the strategy of the Euro-Arab alliance and is one of its pillars. The other pillar is the war against Israel which in fact is nothing but a smoke-screen hiding the Islamization of Christian theology and the subversion of Western values.

From their point of view, the countries of the Arab League and the Islamic Conference saw in this alliance with Europe the means to separate Europe from America; to divide and weaken the Western camp; to destroy Israel; to achieve technological parity with Europe; and, through the Mediterranean Partnership, to set up a vast Euro-Arab demographic, political, economic and cultural zone. In this way, with multiculturalism and immigration, Islam and Arab culture could be introduced as a force toward the Islamization on the European continent. Europe would thereby - through the combined effects of demographics, terrorist pressure and oil - become a continent, vassal of world Islam.

Multiculturalism is in fact a crucial dimension of the Euro-Arab strategic alliance. Since 1975 the texts of Euro-Arab meetings and of the EU mention the agreements linking Europe to the Arab world; listing the terms of Arab and Islamic immigration to Europe; the non-integration of immigrants and the maintenance of their ties with their homelands; the establishment of cultural and political Muslim centres in European cities; and the handling of school-teaching, publications, and media. For the most recent period one can read the report of the European commission for culture, science and education presented to the European Parliamentary Assembly by Luis Maria de Puig from the Spanish socialist group (November 2002).

It is within the context of multiculturalism that one must place the cultural jihad with its Judeophobic, anti-American and anti-Western character. Multiculturalism thus becomes the instrument for the subversion of Western thought, aimed at imposing on it Islamic historical and theological thinking such as, for example, the negation of the historical jihad - interpreted as a defensive rather than aggressive war - the denial of dhimmitude; or the justification of Islamic terrorism - based on a victimological perception of Muslims, the eternal victims of the Christian West and, today, of Israel, both bonded together in an essentialist vision of evil. [...]

Allow me to go a little further into the themes of this cultural jihad within multiculturalism. Through the myth of Andalusia, Islam tries to prove its historical, cultural and demographical legitimacy in Europe. Several European leaders have affirmed that Islam is at home in Europe and that it is at the root of European culture. Thus, it can legitimately impose itself, invoking multiculturalism in the education system - as the Obin Report pointed out for France (2004) - and in the European legal and cultural spheres with the introduction of shari'a principles, as well as of Islamic customs and political ethics, under the mantle of multiculturalism.

For Muslim leaders, multiculturalism in Europe was a fundamental requirement in the Euro-Arab agreements governing immigration, for it allows Muslim immigrants to not integrate and to protect them "from the aberrations, the mores and thinking of non-Muslims" - as called for by Mohammed al-Tohami at the second Islamic Conference, at Lahore in February 1974. Multiculturalism encourages the coexistence of parallel communities that will never integrate, thus replicating the Ottoman millets or the conditions of Islamic colonization after its conquest of non-Muslim peoples. Multiculturalism and nationalism are polar concepts. The modern fight against European nationalisms within the inter-European scenes - for the integration of Europe - allowed millions of Muslim immigrants to import their culture to Europe and establish it on an equal footing, using two fundamental arguments: the Andalusian myth and an Islamic origin of European culture.

As far as Israel is concerned the purpose of the cultural jihad waged in Western academia is to replace Israel by Palestine on the cultural and theological levels. It develops around a few main themes: the non-existence of Judeo-Christianity; the Islamization of Christian theology through the Muslim Jesus; the return to a Christian replacement theology whereby Palestine replaces Israel; the crucifixion of Palestine by an Israel born in blood and sin; the transfer of Jewish history to the Palestinians; and the Nazification of Israel. [...]

To conclude, I would say that the new antisemitism is situated at the geostrategic level in the Euro-Arab war against Israel. Its themes belong to traditional European Judeophobia, but integrated into the context and ideology of Islamic jihad. That is why the new Judeophobia bears within it the destruction of the West, of its institutions, its culture and its soul.

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"She and her husband were accosted in the street by the imam, who told them they would be run out of the town" ... in Spain.

Eurabia Alert. "Imam in Spain charged for 'harassing woman over veil'," from the Telegraph, January 28 (thanks to Alan):

The prosecutors are seeking a five-year jail sentence for Mohammed Benbrahim, a Moroccan, on charges of slander, coercion and menacing behaviour against fellow Moroccan Muslim Fatima Ghailan. The two live in Cunit, a town in Catalonia, a region with a sizable Muslim population.
The court filed similar charges against the president of the Islamic Association in Cunit and lesser ones against Mr Benbrahim's wife and his daughter.
In a statement to the court in the nearby town of Vendrells, Mrs Ghailan, 31, said Benbrahim had harassed her and campaigned to have her removed from her job in the town hall's cultural department purely because she had a job, dressed in a Western style, drove a car and associated with non-Muslims.
She said the imam and his supporters also pressured her husband and children.
Mrs Ghailan filed a complaint in December, 2008, after she said she and her husband were accosted in the street by the imam, who told them they would be run out of the town.
Mr Benbrahim was quoted by the Spanish daily El Pais as denying the charges and claiming Mrs Ghailan concocted the story. He said he simply felt the woman was not suitable for the job.
But the prosecutors' office said the judge investigating the case had found the woman's account credible and decided to press charges....
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A Eurabia Alert from the Cardinal Archbishop of Prague: "Cardinal says Christian Europe is to blame for Islamisation," by Simon Caldwell for the Telegraph, January 6 (thanks to Tanguy Veys):

A leading Catholic cardinal has said Europeans only have themselves to blame for allowing Islam to "conquer" the continent.

Czech Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, the Archbishop of Prague, said Muslims were well placed to fill the spiritual void "created as Europeans systematically empty the Christian content of their lives".

"Europe will pay dear for having left its spiritual foundations and that this is the last period that will not continue for decades when it may still have a chance to do something about it," he said.

"The Muslims definitely have many reasons to be heading here. They also have a religious one - to bring the spiritual values of faith in God to the pagan environment of Europe, to its atheistic style of life.

"Unless the Christians wake up, life may be Islamised and Christianity will not have the strength to imprint its character on the life of people, not to say society."...

"Europe has denied its Christian roots from which it has risen and which could give it the strength to fend off the danger that it will be conquered by Muslims, which is actually happening gradually," he said.

"At the end of the Middle Ages and in the early modern age, Islam failed to conquer Europe with arms. The Christians beat them then.

"Today, when the fighting is done with spiritual weapons which Europe lacks while Muslims are perfectly armed, the fall of Europe is looming."...

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In "Europe's looming demise" in the Washington Times today, Pamela Geller discusses a little-noticed initiative that could open the floodgates for jihad in Europe:

Come Jan. 1, 2010, a disastrous and suicidal pact called the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Europe/Mediterranean) goes into effect with little fanfare or examination. It boggles the mind that such a consequential and seismic cultural shift could be mandated and put into play without so much as a murmur from the mainstream media.

Why should Americans care about this? Americans have to care because this global gobbledygook is coming to our shores, thanks to our globalist president.

The European human rights group called Stop the Islamization of Europe (SIOE) has been working tirelessly to expose the mass Muslim immigration plan of the Euro-Med Partnership....

The goal of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation is to create a new Greater European Union encompassing both Europe and North Africa, with the Mediterranean Sea becoming a domestic Eurabian sea. The goal is to establish a "comprehensive political partnership," including a "free trade area and economic integration"; "considerably more money for the partners" (that is, more European money flowing into North Africa); and "cultural partnership" - that is, importation of Islamic culture into post-Christian Europe.

According to the SIOE, in the Euro-Med plan "Europe is to be islamized. Democracy, Christianity, European culture and Europeans are to be driven out of Europe. Fifty million North Africans from Muslim countries are to be imported into the EU."

Skeptical? It's already happening. The British newspaper the Daily Express reported in October 2008 on "a controversial taxpayer-funded 'job centre' " that opened in Mali at that time as "just the first step towards promoting 'free movement of people in Africa and the EU.' Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will 'need' 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the 'demographic decline' due to falling birthrates and rising death rates across Europe."

To offset this decline, a "blue card" system is to be created that will allow card holders to travel freely within the European Union and have full rights to work - as well as the full right to collect welfare benefits.

A Muslim population from Africa moving freely into Europe threatens America. On Christmas Day, a Nigerian Muslim flew from Amsterdam to Detroit and tried to explode a bomb on the plane - after he was allowed to board the plane without a passport. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership will make jihad attacks like this one all the easier....

Like so many European Union initiatives, much of the EuroMed Partnership is shrouded in secrecy. For example, it's not clear what will happen, if anything, on January 1, 2010 that isn't happening already. The official website shows a thriving concern. And contrary to reports I've received that this initiative has stalled or has met widespread opposition from Arab states, the EuroMed initiative seems to be galloping along now: this ANSAmed index shows -- just in the last year -- EuroMed activities involving numerous European entities in Gaza, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and elsewhere. The official EuroMed website lists these as the "countries concerned" -- showing a rather idiosyncratic idea of what constitutes the Mediterranean area: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, "Occupied Palestinian Territories," Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.

The EuroMed effort is proceeding quickly. ANSAmed reported on December 4 that "the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) has been created. Representatives of regional and local bodies in the Euro-Mediterranean area have in fact decided to meet for the first time in Barcelona, on January 21." Nor do they plan just to get acquainted: one undated but recent ANSAmed piece announces a summit meeting in Brussels of trade ministers from 43 countries in the Mediterranean area, and states: "The final objective is to adopt a road map of concrete actions that will intensify the region's economic integration and launch trade and investments, to achieve a common area of free trade with a long-term horizon beyond 2010."

That common area of free trade will, as Pamela discusses, allow for easy passage from Muslim North Africa and the Middle East into Europe -- with nary an effort made to prevent jihadists from coming into Europe. And once safely in Europe, it will not be hard for them to come to America. As Pamela points out, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, arriving in Detroit from Amsterdam on Christmas Day, could be just the first of many. And the ones who come after him may have been enabled to do so by the Euro-Med Partnership.

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From Switzerland comes this contemporary political statement that is also an intimation of future Eurabian Christmases (thanks to Islam In Europe).

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When the Swiss minaret ban first broke, I noted that minarets were often expressions of Islamic political dominance. Many dismissed this as an "Islamophobic" idea. But now it has been affirmed by Tarek Kahlaoui, assistant professor of Islamic art history and history at Rutgers University -- no doubt a dyed-in-the-wool "Islamophobe." To be sure, Kahlaoui then denies that minarets are assertions of dominance, but only after he has provided examples of their being just that.

"Misunderstanding the minaret," by Tarek Kahlaoui for Arab News, December 12 (thanks to James):

[...] So the more serious discussion is not about one single political statement at one single point in time but about the significance of the minaret throughout time. It is true that Muslims began the tradition of adhan (call to prayer), which is frequently and wrongly seen as the minaret's primary function, even before minarets came into existence. It should be noted here that the Swiss objection does not seem to be primarily focused on the function of prayer calling, for none of the four existing minarets in Switzerland is actually used for that purpose.

But what is perceived now as exclusively Islamic minarets are in fact inherently pre-Islamic, notably Christian. Minarets were introduced in the process of conquest such as in the earliest surviving imperial mosque -- the Umayyad Mosque of Damascus -- in the beginning of the 8th century. Minarets were in this case an appropriation of a Byzantine church's bell towers.

Slowly minarets became one of the elements asserting the grandeur and influence of big mosques financed by the early Islamic states, notably between the 8th and the 10th centuries. The Damascus Mosque's minarets seem to have been imitated later in the 10th century when the rulers of Andalusian Cordoba were aspiring to rival the major Islamic eastern caliphates. The helicoidal 9th century minarets in the mosques of the Abbasid city of Samarra, which are the largest mosques in pre-modern history, seem to have been imitated in Egypt in the same century. Yet minarets were not a constant element. In the eastern Islamic lands, especially within the Persian space, minarets seem to play a minor role. At some point in the 14th century minarets in Iran were simply decorative accessories for huge portals with big domes in the background.

It is probably with the Turkic dynasties, culminating with the Ottomans since the 15th century, that minarets would be equated with Islamic images in the Western European imaginaire. It has been widely reported in the European travelogues that one of the first acts of Ottomans after conquering Constantinople in 1453 was the insertion of a minaret at one of the corners of the Byzantine church of Haghia Sophia. In fact, the Ottomans seemed to have used the minaret as one of the elements to visually appropriate conquered Byzantine churches and convert them to mosques. They tended also to build monumental minarets, sometimes four, in their new mosques....

It thus appears that the historical significance of the minaret was not homogenic. It seems that the dominant tendency, especially within the Muslim diaspora, was the construction of minarets as an act of cultural affiliation and remembrance rather than of expressing dominance. It is utterly simplistic to assign to the minaret the intention of politico-religious conquest, for even in the case of Muslim hard-liners, their specific understanding of one single architectural element is defined by the dominant modern view of their community that is of cultural affiliation and remembrance rather than by their explicit political views....

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Eurabia Alert. A message from Jihad Watch reader Dave:

Look at how aggressive these Paris Muslims get with a camera man.

The Muslims have been taking over more and more streets for Friday prayers. They block off roads, put their rugs out on the sidewalk as well as the street, deprive shop owners of business for two and a half hours, deprive residents of the street from entering or leaving their apartments for that time, they act aggressively toward non-muslims and women pedestrians who still try to use the street.

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Free Speech Death Watch Alert: "Interview with Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff," by S.M. Steinitz for profil (Austria's equivalent to "Time" magazine and "Der Spiegel"):

"I Am Against Dialogue"

A criminal complaint is being filed against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for "hate speech" under Austrian law, essentially the same thing that Susanne Winter was convicted of early this year.

Elisabeth gave a presentation about Islam at an FPÖ-organized seminar, and said some of the usual things that anti-jihad advocates say when they talk about Islam. A left-wing magazine, which had planted someone in the audience, caused charges to be brought against her at the same time as they publicized it in their magazine.

Elisabeth held the controversial Islam Seminar at the FPÖ-political academy. Charges of defamation of a religious group have been filed against the daughter of a diplomat. This is her only interview in which she explains her views.

Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff, are you afraid of Muslims?

No, I am afraid of political Islam, which is massively gaining influence in Europe. That is what I am against.

What is your goal?

I want to preserve Europe and its democratic and secular values.

What bothers you about the Islamic way of life?

Islamic doctrine discriminates against women and non-Muslims. Islamic law, or shariah, cannot be reconciled with democratic principles and universal human rights.

Do you see the need for that?

There are powerful groups who are working towards the Islamization of Europe. That is a fact. What can we gain from closing our eyes and ignoring this? Even Libyan leader Muammar Ghadafi says: "There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. We don't need terrorists, we don't need homicide bombers. The 50+ million Muslims [in Europe] will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades." A head of state confirms what our politicians deny. What else has to happen until we finally get it?

There are people who see the growth of Islam in Europe as an opportunity for a completely re-engineered pluralistic society.

The vision of a pluralistic society does not withstand a reality check. Show me one example where this has been a success. Wherever Muslims have been given the opportunity for self-organization they have established parallel societies. See Berlin-Kreuzberg, see Lyon. See also Great Britain, where parts of shariah have been implemented.

Do you really think that Austrian culture is endangered?

I see signs of an erosion of our way of life. In large cities massive changes are evident in the streets. There are discussions about a ban on teaching the Turkish sieges of Vienna; St. Nicholas is banned from visiting children in [public] kindergartens.

And you want to change that.

Yes, very much. But why is that so bad? In Bhutan, the king is applauded because he allows only a certain number of foreigners into the country. He prescribes a certain dress code and mandatory cultural events. Bhutan is a small country that wants to retain its cultural identity in a globalized world. Austria is also a small country with similar challenges. Why is the one country commended and the other berated?

According to NEWS, you defamed Islam. That is why NEWS has filed charges citing defamation of religion. Your reply?

One can report anyone to the authorities. I am not guilty of defamation. And even if some consider my words harsh, I definitely did not make them in a public forum since the seminars were held before a group of people who registered beforehand.

You are accused of making the following statements, among others: "Muslims rape children because of their religion", or "Mohammed enjoyed contact with children." Why the polemics?

This is a clever strategy. You and all the others who are now crying wolf are locked in a choice of words. As a result you are able to maneuver yourselves away from the main point. It is a fact that Mohammed married a six-year-old at the age of 56. To this day men in Islamic countries view this as legitimizing marriage to a minor, thereby causing rape and life-long trauma. This is the problem we need to address, and not how circumscribe this bitter reality.

Are you afraid that these customs will become part of Europe?

There are groups who have this goal. In every Islamic system you find that human rights of young girls are in grave danger. Look at Saudi Arabia. Look at the former socialist South Yemen. When Khomeini came to power he lowered the minimum age for girls to get married to nine years.

You are being accused of Islamophobia. Does this bother you?

A phobia is an irrational fear. My worries are not irrational, but justified. One of these days our politicians will have to recognize this fact. People like me are not right-wing xenophobes.

But what are you?

We are people defending the principles of freedom and equality in a secular society. I criticize political Islam and its political manifestations. No democratic country can take this right away from anyone.

Why do critics of Islam nearly always use polemics?

And what [if not polemics] did the article in NEWS use? There are comments about my body, there is ridicule about how I eat. Sexist attacks below the belt against women making unpopular statements are a manifestation of a male-dominated system. There are many critics of Islam. However, it's always women like Brigitte Bardot or Oriana Fallaci who are attacked below the belt.

Leading politicians have sharply criticized your seminars. Are they all members of a male-dominated system?

These politicians do not know the contents of my seminars. All they know are out-of-context quotes from an article in a glossy magazine. I also find the reaction of these politicians strange. They get away with much worse.

For instance?

SPÖ secretary general Laura Rudas, who calls for a public ban of the headscarf. I would not do something like that.

On the other hand, you are being compared to Susanne Winter (FPÖ). She was convicted of defamation because she accused the prophet Mohammed of pedophilia.

I do not want to be compared to Susanne Winter. There are no similarities between us. She is an active politician, she acts in a public forum. I do not.

You hold your seminars for the FPÖ-Political Academy.

But I am not politically active. I am also not a member of FPÖ. What I do is offer seminars on the topic of Islam and I can be booked. The FPÖ academy did just that. I do not want to comment on Susanne Winter's statements. But in my opinion she does not know much about Islam.

In what way are you qualified to hold these seminars?

I have an M.A. in Diplomatic and Strategic Studies. I spent part of my childhood in Islamic countries, worked and lived there. I have personally experienced life in Islamic societies and I see evidence of a trend towards the Islamization of Europe.

How do you view yourself?

I am a mother and a feminist. I want my daughter and my niece to grow up in freedom and dignity. I want the same for all Austrian citizens, and that includes Austrian Muslims.

In your seminar you do not distinguish between Muslims and Islamists.

Oh yes, I do. I do that because I know how much Muslims worldwide are suffering under the Islamic yoke. I say that in all my seminars, only NEWS did not bother to quote that. Why do think so many Muslims try to escape from Islamic countries like Iran and Afghanistan? Because life there is unbearable.

So you want to liberate Muslims from Islam?

Muslims have to liberate themselves; from this static and tenacious Islam that is hellbent on following norms from the seventh century. The result is that wherever there are Islamic societies there is no progress, but steps backwards, especially in the realm of human rights and democracy.

But isn't the referendum on the minaret ban in Switzerland also a step backwards?

The result of the referendum is the best proof that politicians should finally take the Islamization of Europe seriously.

What do you think about the reaction from the Islamic world regarding the referendum?

The Islamic world leads in discrimination against religious minorities. Christians are persecuted and discriminated against in all Islamic countries. You have to remember that the Christian culture is not one that immigrated or is foreign; it is indigenous. There is a complete ban on building churches in Turkey. And now Erdogan speaks of discrimination against Muslims in Switzerland? Where are Muslims being discriminated against in Switzerland? The European elite allows the Islamic countries to walk all over themselves while bowing down to them.

Are you in favor of a ban on minarets in Austria?

I will not answer that. Instead, I will quote the now so agitated Turkish prime minister who once said, "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers."

Do you feel misunderstood?

Above all, I believe that my rights are being curtailed. Currently I do not notice that I have freedom of speech or opinion.

Haven't you yourself strained this right?

No, I don't believe I did. Above all, I did not speak publicly. What is all the commotion about?

But now it has become public.

I only say out loud what others are thinking. But these concerns are not taken seriously.

Are you against a dialogue with the Islamic world?

I am against a dialogue with political Islam. I am, however, in favor of a broad discussion about human rights and personal freedoms.

You criticize Islam as discriminating. What do mean by that?

Just one example: In Islam non-Muslims are called kuffar, non-believers. These infidels are all defamed and not considered equal. This is offensive. Where are the protests?

What are your negative experiences in Islamic countries?

People in these countries are continuously restricted. This leads to aggressions and reporting people to the authorities and other absurd situations. For example, a (Coptic) member of the Austrian embassy in Kuwait was verbally abused at the post office because he was mailing Christmas letters. It was Ramadan and he must not eat or drink publicly. He said, surprised, "But I am not eating!" "Oh yes, you are. You are licking off the adhesive part of the stamp." This is daily routine in an Islamic society.

Can you really use a single occurrence as an example?

I can tell you hundreds of similar single occurrences. This story is not a single case, but a social program.

Will you continue with your seminars?

Yes. There are requests coming in from all over Austria. I will continue to defend my right to freedom of speech. I will not be gagged.

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, 38, is the daughter of a retired diplomat. She spent parts of her childhood during the Khomeini Revolution in Iran. She later spent time in Iraq and Kuwait. In 1990, she and other Austrians were held hostage during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. She was employed at the Austrian embassies in Kuwait and Libya. From 1995-7 she was a member of the then-vice-chancellor, Wolfgang Schüssel. Sabaditsch-Wolff represents the Citizens' Movement Pax Europa on an international level.

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She escaped, but here is a glimpse into Europe's glorious future. "Spain: Salafist criminal 'procedure' condemns a woman to death on adultery charges," from Tea and Politics, December 5 (a translation of "Un 'juicio' islamista condenó a una mujer a morir por adúltera en Reus," from El Periódico, December 5, with thanks to Claudia):

An Islamist procedure in full. Like the ones held by the Talibans in Afghanistan or by extremist militias in Somalia. But this time it was held in an isolated masía (sort of cottage typical of Catalonia). There, 9 islamists, all of Maghrebi origin, had kidnapped a woman and retained her.

The woman was judged by her captors, who had decided to held a procedure in which they accused her of adultery. Supporting an extremist version of the Islamic law, the Sharia, the kidnappers decided to condemn her to death, according to investigation's sources.

Luckily, she escaped and went to a police station (Mossos d'Esquadra). According to the agents, her kidnappers were planning to execute her in a short period of time.

After carrying an investigation on the woman's statement, the Mossos entered on Nov 14th's midnight in three apartments, located in Reus (Baix Camp) and Valls (Alt Camp) and arrested 9 men, all of them linked to the Salafist movement, an ultraorthodox Islamic school very spread throughout Tarragona. No violent incident have been previously reported as committed by this movement in these surroundings.

Criminal Judge no. 1 from Tarragona has believed what the woman denounced and has ordered imprisonment without bail of 7 of the 9 arrested Islamists. They are accused of performing an ilegal arrest, attempted murder and illicit association....

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Nowadays it is fashionable among Leftists and jihadists to equate any resistance to jihad and Islamic supremacism with "racism" and "fascism." This Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Sharia supremacist, equates the Swiss minaret ban with "fascism."

In a similar vein, this Jewish group accuses the group Stop the Islamisation of Europe, which is standing for the Jews and all free people against Islamic supremacism, of "fascism" based on a logo that reflects the abundant violence we've seen in mosques in recent years; an attempt at guilt-by-association innuendo based on ties alleged but never documented; and a bland dismissal of the incitement to violence found in Islamic texts and teachings, combined with the dogmatic assumption that all religions are equally likely to move their followers to murderous rage.

Here is SIOE's response:


To reiterate an earlier statement: SIOE is separate to the English Defence League, Casuals United and other anti-Islamist groups in England

The 13th September "Stop further mosque building" demonstration in Harrow is organised by SIOE. It has been falsely reported that other groups have organised this demonstration.

Efforts are made constantly to link SIOE with the BNP and SIOE is constantly branded as a fascist organisation by some blogs and internet contributors.

SIOE's opponents constantly use "guilt by association" as a means of linking SIOE with racist organisations.

However, its previous actions have shown that SIOE is the most anti-fascist organisation in Europe and serious and knowledgeable anti-fascist groups no longer oppose SIOE's demonstrations.

SIOE has persistently stood up for and spoken about minority groups persecuted by Muslim majorities, for example Copts, which other self-styled anti-fascist groups have neglected.

SIOE always has, and always will, unswervingly condemn racism.

SIOE supports Israel's existence and the right of Jewish people to defend themselves. Palestinian and Muslim groups have declared that every Jew is a legitimate target for jihad (that is murder) regardless of where he/she may live.

However, SIOE's opponents have recently declared their opposition to Israel and therefore Jews.

Israel: Scottish fans urged to wave Palestinian flags at match

SIOE regards this alleged appeal by Scottish TUC spokesperson, David Moxham, to border on anti-Semiticism because Israel has once again been singled out for censure, while nearby Egypt is once again ignored for its genocidal acts against the Copts, for example.

The motive for this selective condemnation might rightly be regarded as being because Jews comprise the majority in Israel.

Our opponents constantly condemn SIOE for not recognizing the difference between Muslim moderates and extremists. Muslim moderates are not protecting Copts in Egypt or Hindus in Malaysia. Muslim moderates are not protecting Jews in Muslim countries. Muslim moderates voted into power Recep Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey, after he'd been imprisoned for reading the Islamic poem about minarets being bayonets, that inspired SIOE's cartoon advertising its "Stop Islamisation" demonstration in Harrow on 13th December.

By wilfully ignoring such persecution while simultaneously focusing on Israel is anti-Semitic in SIOE's considered opinion.

David Moxham is a co-signatory with the UAF and other organisations as well as individuals to this declaration

Therefore, SIOE considers all of these co-signatories to be guilty by association with David Moxham of being selectively anti-Israel and thereby of being selectively anti-Semitic because of David Moxham's alleged statement.

Guilt by association works in both directions. Therefore, any opposition to anti-Semiticism made by the UAF and its associates is now not to be taken seriously, by UAF's own rules.

SIOE welcomes David Moxham and any of his co-signatories to refute SIOE's assertions and will gladly publish any non-abusive statements to the contrary on its website.

In fact we eagerly await any condemnation of any Muslim atrocities perpetrated anywhere. This right to reply is denied SIOE, most recently (today) by the CST.

Stephen Gash
Stop Islamisation Of Europe
SIOE England
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Until the 1967 war, many in Western Europe saw Israel -- correctly -- as a tiny and besieged state, surrounded by enemies who wished to destroy it. In this respect, they were helped along by the fact that the leader of those who would after the Six-Day War be carefully renamed as the "Palestinians," were not yet called "Palestinians" but simply "the Arabs" or "the Arab refugees." And their putative leader, Ahmed Shukairy (who was himself half-Turkish), had the habit of expressing himself as a truthful Muslim, and told the world that his goal was the destruction of Israel.

The Arab leaders said the same thing. And those Arab leaders, at the time, did not have the enormous oil wealth that the member-states of OPEC really began to acquire only in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Then they enjoyed a really fantastic jump in oil revenues, and thus an equally fantastic increase in perceived power and real ability to buy all kinds of influence along with other, more tangible goods and services, only when OPEC quadrupled the price of oil in the fall of 1973.

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Pakistan's #1 export takes root in Italy. "Mumbai attack suspects arrested by Italian police," from BBC News, November 21:

Italian police have arrested two Pakistanis suspected of providing logistical support for last year's attacks in Mumbai.
The father and son were detained in an early morning raid in the northern city of Brescia, police said.
They are accused of supplying cash from their money transfer agency to pay for an internet phone account used by people in contact with the attackers.
More than 170 people, nine of them gunmen, died in the November attacks.
Mohammad Yaqub Janjua, 60, and Aamer Yaqub Janjua, 31, are accused of aiding and abetting international terrorism as well as illegal financial activity.
They were identified after leads from India and the FBI, police said....
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This idea was floated by the Sarkozy government in France some months ago, but I don't think anything came of it. In any case, it's nice work if you can get it. I expect that it will create a revolving-door growth industry, with unassimilable immigrants getting paid, going home, coming back, getting paid again, going home again, etc. Still, this is positive -- it is among the first official recognition that there is any problem at all with immigrants who won't assimilate.

"Denmark to pay immigrants £12,000 to go home if they 'can't or won't' assimilate," by Allan Hall for the Daily Mail, November 10 (thanks to all who sent this in):'

Denmark is boosting cash incentives to entice immigrants to return to their homelands if they 'can't or won't' assimilate into society.

The offer now on the table is close to £12,000 for every person who takes up the offer to leave.

Critics of the measure say it sends the wrong message to foreigners but the centre-right government in Copenhagen is forging ahead with the plan.

The financial carrot is ten times more than that previously offered under a scheme which as been law since 1997.

'We thought it was important to substantially increase this aid so that immigrants who want to return home because they are not able to adapt to Danish society have a strong financial basis to start a new life,' said foreign affairs spokesman Soeren Espersen of the far-right Danish People's Party....

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Here is the latest from the insightful European essayist Fjordman:

The book that inspired this text was The Legend of the Middle Ages: Philosophical Explorations of Medieval Christianity, Judaism, and Islam by Rémi Brague, a French professor and specialist of medieval religious philosophy. He is also the author of the fine book Eccentric Culture: A Theory of Western Civilization, which I have written an extensive essay about previously. Thematically this text overlaps to some extent with my essay Why Christians Accepted Greek Natural Philosophy, but Muslims Did Not and my reviews of the books Science and Religion by Edward Grant and Defending the West by Ibn Warraq. It also overlaps with some of the material I have included in my book Defeating Eurabia. I will include page references to the various book quotes so that others can use them and will supplement with some quotes from two good onlineinterviews with Mr. Brague.

Medieval Muslims were reluctant to travel to infidel lands. According to Islamic jurists Muslims should not stay for too long in the lands of non-Muslims if they cannot live a proper Muslim life there. Muslims had little knowledge of or interest in any Western languages. Only Italian had some currency for commercial purposes, but mainly involving Jews and Eastern Christians, especially Greeks and Armenians. Few Muslims knew any non-Muslim languages well, the knowledge of which was considered unnecessary or even suspect.

Consequently, the translators of Greek and other non-Muslim scientific works to Arabic were never Muslims. They were Christians of the three dominant denominations plus a few Jews and Sabians. The language of culture for these Christians was Syriac (Syro-Aramaic or Eastern Aramaic) and their liturgical language was Greek. The translators already knew the languages they were to translate. We do have examples of translators who traveled to Greece to perfect their skills, but they were Christians for whom Greek was already at least a liturgical language. Here is Rémi Brague in The Legend of the Middle Ages, page 164:

"Neither were there any Muslims among the ninth-century translators. Almost all of them were Christians of various Eastern denominations: Jacobites, Melchites, and, above all, Nestorians (though I am not sure why the latter predominated). A few others were Sabians, a somewhat bizarre religious community with an intriguing history, whose elites were perhaps the last heirs of the pagan philosophers of the School of Athens. No Muslim learned Greek or, even less, Syriac. Cultivated Christians were often bilingual, even trilingual: they used Arabic for daily life, Syriac for liturgy, and Greek for cultural purposes. The translators that helped to pass along the Greek heritage to the Arabs were artisans who worked for private patrons, without institutional support. One often hears tell of the 'House of Wisdom' (bayt al-hikmah), a sort of research center subsidized by the caliphs that specialized in producing Arabic translations of Greek works. This is pure legend. The further back in time we go, the less the chroniclers connect the activity of translation with that 'house.' As an institution it was above all a propaganda office working for the Mu`tazilite doctrine supported by the caliphs."

The Baghdad-centered Abbasid Dynasty, which replaced the Damascus-centered Umayyad Dynasty after AD 750, was closer to pre-Islamic Persian culture and influenced by the Sassanid Zoroastrian practice of translating works and creating libraries. Even Dimitri Gutas admits this in his pro-Islamic book Greek Thought, Arab Culture. There was still a large number of Zoroastrians, Christians and Jews and they held a disproportionate amount of expertise in the medical field. According to author Thomas T. Allsen, Middle Eastern medicine in Mongol ruled China was "almost always" in the hands of Nestorian Christians.

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Eurabia Alert, and an update on this story. "Italy: Al-Qaeda allies 'may carry out attacks'," from AdnKronos International, November 7:

Rome, 6 Nov. (AKI) - Italy was susceptible to terror attacks by allies of the Al-Qaeda network, the interior minister Roberto Maroni said on Friday. Maroni warned there were terror cells that identified with Al-Qaeda and they had "authorisation" to carry out attacks in Italy.
"Al-Qaeda is not present in Italy, however we are investigating terror cells who identify with it and have somehow obtained authorisation from Al-Qaeda," said Maroni.
He was speaking during a media conference at Rome's foreign press club.
"We are very worried," he said, warning that terrorists could be training in Italy to carry out attacks inside the country.
"We think there could be terror cells in Italy that are being created, financed and trained to carry out attacks against us."
Maroni said after the attack last month by a Libyan citizen against an army barracks in the northern city of Milan that "the conditions have changed" and that the event marked a "turning-point" in regard to this type of activity in Italy.
Early in October, an Italian soldier was injured after a 35-year-old Libyan Mohammed Game allegedly exploded a bomb at the entrance of the 'Santa Barbara' barracks using rudimentary explosives reportedly made of solid nitrate.
Two other alleged accomplices, an Egyptian and a Libyan, were arrested after the attack.
While Game suffered severe injuries to his face and his hand was amputated, no others were injured.
According to Maroni, before the attack by the Libyan, Italian cells would collect funds and recruit people to carry out attacks abroad.
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