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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Birds, Meet Stone…


Wacky Wednesday Hardcore Cruisin'!

Just kidding - but ProfShade does have a nice piece on healthcare he wants me to share with you all:

Some pundits have howled at President Obama for reframing the debate about healthcare reform in economic terms. His insistence that ‘preventative care’ would save trillions is seen as disingenuous and a flat-out exaggeration. I do believe, however, that if Obama’s vision of healthcare reform is initiated, we will, indeed, save many trillions of dollars. He’s right. Let me explain.

Under a government-run plan, procedures and treatments will be prioritized: those in greater need are moved to the front of the line; those deemed by government-constructed formulae as less in need are sent to the back of the line. In country after country where these systems are in place, one of the weighting factors in these formulas is age. Others might include risk factors such as weight, smoking, drug use and number of hours spent in front of the television. It really is up to the government healthcare directors which weighting factors will be used-- behind closed doors, subject to political and ideological pressure. After all, do you really think government bureaucrats would subject such delicate determinations to the loutish masses?

So the first group that would undoubtedly be sent to the end of the line is the elderly. Why waste a perfectly good angioplasty on a 67 year old? Or a smoker? Or a dreaded drinker of soda? Or a gun owner who might accidentally shoot himself anyway?

In particular, culling the elderly gives us the biggest fix of all—we eliminate a huge portion of the Social Security obligation—elderly who die because they were at the back of the line for healthcare don’t collect Social Security or costly post-op Medicare prescription benefits. This is about as preventative as it comes: first, not paying for procedures on the elderly; second, recouping any Social Security benefits they might have collected. The savings will be enormous. Social Security deficits will be partially righted.

As I was growing up, my father, a World War II vet and former prisoner of war, would curse at the kitchen table each time he opened a paycheck envelope. “Damned Ponzi scheme,” he would say about the Social Security deduction from his weekly wages. In 1977 he died of a massive stroke. In part his early demise was attributed to horrendous medical treatment at the hands of his German captors when his plane was shot down outside Bremen during a bombing run. He was subjected to surgery without anesthetic, shrapnel crudely removed from the entire left side of his body. (one scare ran from his left knew all the way up his body and then his arm to his left wrist.) They didn’t remove all the metal chunks embedded in his body, to be sure. He was 98 pounds when he was repatriated onto a Swedish hospital ship in one of the war’s first prisoner of war exchanges. When he died, my father was three days from retirement. He never collected a dime in Social ‘Ponzi’ Security. Under ObamaCare™ government formulas of who receives or does not receive immediate care will be all the shrapnel needed to snuff out potential drains on the Social Security ‘trust fund’ and the government healthcare system.

Of course a filmmaker reaping millions of dollars from a faux documentary on healthcare will have the wherewithal for expensive, private care, as will best-selling authors of self-serving political memoirs. This elite class doesn’t send its children to public schools, why should they entrust their health to a government-run system? They’re not fools. But they’re banking on—quite literally—that the rest of us are.
Posted by Aaron on 06/03 at 11:35 AM in Elections | Decision 2010 | Government | Spending National Affairs | Health Care Politics | The Obama Nation | Democrats' Broken Promises
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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Who’s The Bigger Dumbass?

Obama for trusting Iran with nukes, or my idiot co-religionists for voting for the man?

I really do think that Jewish survival is proof that God exists. You know why? Because way too many of us do such dim-witted crap, so we sure can't be the ones keeping us going.

I've been way too busy to blog these past few months, but maybe I should pop in now and again. Barack Obama may very well be dumber than Jimmy Carter after all.
Posted by Charles, Esquire on 06/02 at 08:48 AM in International Affairs Iran Israel Politics | The Obama Nation | Society | Religion
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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Testing the “Sellout” Method Advocated by the Moderates

Posted by Aaron on 05/02 at 03:43 AM in Site News |
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christianity in America isn’t dying.

Rarely do I agree with something written by syndicated columnist E.J. Dionne, especially if the topic is politics. Yet, I often find myself in agreement with Dionne whenever his topic is the Christian faith. Such is the case with Dionne's commentary A Resilient Christianity.

Here is an excerpt from the commentary:
Christianity is a rather durable faith. Many believers would ascribe this to the power of its truth claims, but its resilience also speaks to the adaptability of its core message.

But, yes, something is changing, and that change will strengthen rather than weaken the Christian church over the long run. For nearly a quarter-century, Christianity in the United States has been defined to a large degree by the voices and the ideas of a very conservative strain of evangelical Christianity that, over time, became highly politicized and closely allied with a single political party.

These conservative Christians had as much right as any other group to bring their core concerns to politics. But in doing so, they narrowed the Christian message. They sometimes became apologists for politicians whose behavior and attitudes could not easily be called Christian and forgot that Christ himself became a victim of injustice at the hands of a mighty empire.

. . . Religion is always corrupted when it gets too close to political power. It's possible to win a precinct caucus and lose your soul, to mistake political victory for salvation itself.

It is this approach to Christianity that is decidedly in decline, thank God, in part because conservative Christians themselves are rediscovering the Church's mission to the poor, the sick, the strangers and the outcasts. This augurs new life, not decay.

The gist of Dionne's argument is that Christianity isn't dying in the USA. Instead, Christianity in the USA is undergoing a change in the way that it is expressed.

I for one welcome the change. For the past 25 years I have attended churches all over the USA, from south of the Everglades to northwest of the Puget Sound. Rarely during that time did I hear a church leader promote the Christian behavior described in Christ's parable of the sheep and goats. Yet, I have heard plenty of church leaders pass judgment on non-Christians.

During that time I heard plenty of American Christians express diapproval of a government-mandated "share-the-wealth program", and yet I rarely heard the same Christians promote sharing of one's personal wealth.

Almost every preacher I have listened to has promoted tithing within churches, but I have never heard a preacher promote using tithes to take care of the physically poor, which is what the Bible mandates.

Plenty of American Christians voice opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage (things that I am opposed to as well), but the same Christians remain silent about the gluttony of possessions that is all too common among American Christians.

Plenty of my fellow Christians in the USA are eager to promote the Gospel throughout the world, but they are not so eager to practice the Gospel by providing financial aid to people outside the USA who are trapped in physical poverty.

Too many of my fellow Christians forget that sermons don't feed empty stomachs, that sermons don't immunize children from diseases, that sermons don't provide clean drinking water in places where such water is in short supply.

Where I live in particular (Oklahoma), plenty of Christians are eager to prevent the teaching of evolution, but they aren't very eager to prevent the deaths of children in Third-World nations.

In short, way too many American Christians forget that the mission of the universal Church isn't a political mission. Instead, it is a spiritual mission (Matthew 28:18-20) with a physical component (Matthew 25:31-46). That mission, according to E.J. Dionne, is being re-discovered by more and more American Christians, and as a result, Christianity in America will continue to survive.

[Side Note: The author of the above commentary puts his money where his mouth is by sponsoring children through Compassion International. ]

Posted by Dodo David on 04/12 at 05:50 PM in Site News |
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Friday, April 03, 2009

Comedy Break: Work Woes

One week before last Christmas, I became one of the thousands of U.S. citizens who lost their jobs because of mass lay-offs.*

So, with my résumé prepared, I scanned the job ads looking for work in my previous field of work, which was manufacturing.*
Unfortunately, the manufacturing sector continues to shed jobs, resulting in much more competition for the few job openings that exist.*

Being that I could not obtain work in manufacturing, I began answering ads for alternative forms of work.

The first ad that I answered was for a heroic window washer:

I didn't mind working in high places, but the tights made me itch too much. So I quit.

The next ad that I answered was for a waste disposal specialist:

I was fired after people complained about my trash talk.

Shortly afterwards I responded to an ad for a pea promoter:

I quickly learned that children don't like peas.
I resigned for the sake of my own physical safety.

Finding myself unemployed again, I searched for a more exotic line of work.
I found a job opening for a pachyderm examiner. The job turned out to be rather stinky:
Posted by Dodo David on 04/03 at 07:09 PM in Site News |
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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Interview With A Fool

For April Fool's Day the Lifelike Pundits present an interview with the biggest fool that they could find - Dodo David:

LLP: Why do you go by the name Dodo David?

DD: Eons ago, before the dinosaurs committed meteor-assisted suicide so that we could have crude oil, I was a pledge in the Thunderbird Squadron of the Arnold Air Society. The Squadron’s pledges are called Dodos. The Squadron has a saying: “Once a Dodo, always a Dodo.” I am living proof that the saying is true.

LLP: Does it bother you to be nicknamed after an extinct bird?

DD: Why should it? The extinction of objectivity in the Mainstream Media doesn’t bother professional journalists.

LLP: Have you always wanted to be a writer?

DD: Yes, indeed. When I was a kid, my high school Sanskrit teacher told me that I had a talent for writing. However, he warned me that I shouldn’t become a professional writer until something called the “printing press” was invented. So I waited. When Johannes Gutenberg finally got around to inventing the thing, he told me that he didn’t have time to publish my writings because he was too busy printing the Bible. As luck would have it, after the Bible was printed, it became the world’s all-time best seller. If only I had been first in line at Gutenberg Publishing, I would be rich and famous now instead of just being good looking.

LLP: Have you considered involvement in other forms of entertainment?

DD: Yes, I have. When Gansta Rap began becoming popular, I hired an agent and sought a recording contract as a rap artist. My stage name was “Toothpick Shakur”. Motown never did return my calls.

LLP: What else have you tried doing?

DD: Well, I tried stand-up comedy. I had to stop because audiences kept yelling at me to sit down.

LLP: It's our understanding that you used to work along side an active nuclear reactor. Have you experienced any negative consequences as a result of doing so?

DD: Well, I’ll admit that there have been a few negative consequences. Once I was arrested for impersonating a neon light. Plus, I am banned from entering grocery stores. The last time that I went grocery shopping, I made the mistake of walking down the aisle that had all of the microwave meals. By the time that I reached the end, everything on the aisle was well done, including the sushi.

LLP: If you can’t go grocery shopping, then you must be rather skinny.

DD: Well, duh. Why do you think my stage name was “Toothpick Shakur”?

LLP: Let’s change the subject. Tell us about your family. You have a son named Dawson. What is he like?

DD: Well, let me put it to you this way. My son has taught me why some animals eat their young. My wife says that my son acts just like me.

LLP: About your wife, it seems that she doesn’t want to be associated with you. But why? She married you.

DD: Yes, but she says that she has regained her sanity.

LLP: How was your wedding?

DD: The wedding lasted much longer than I expected. During the ceremony, the minister made the customary statement, “If there be anyone here who has an objection to this marriage, let him speak now.” Right then members of my wife’s family started a filibuster.

LLP: Your wife’s family didn’t approve of you?

DD: Let me put it this way. One of my wife’s relatives served as the photographer. When the photos were developed, I discovered that my head was cut off in every photo.

LLP: Was there any other trouble during your wedding?

DD: Before or after the police showed up in riot gear?

LLP: Uh, before.

DD: Well, there was the incident that set off the riot.

LLP: What happened?

DD: It happened at the end of the ceremony. The minister made the customary statement: “Now you may kiss the bride.” Before I could make my move, my wife was in a lip-lock with my best man. Behind him were all the other men, standing in a line.

LLP: Is that when you started the riot?

DD: I didn’t start the riot. The minister did. He cut in line.

LLP: How did your wife react?

DD: She left before the police arrived. When I asked her where she was going, she replied, “I have a date.”

LLP: Didn’t you object?

DD: Of course I objected. I told her that I deserved her respect. She replied, “If I wanted to marry a man who was respectable, I would have married Rodney Dangerfield.”

LLP: Ouch! That must have hurt. Did anything else go wrong?

DD: Well, after the wedding, I didn’t see my wife again for several days. The next time that I had contact with her was when she sent me a post card. On the back of it, she had written, “Having a wonderful honeymoon.”

LLP: Gee, that is awful. Why did your wife marry you in the first place?

DD: She said that marrying me was the penance that her confessor assigned to her.

LLP: Changing the subject again, what does your wife think about you joining the Lifelike Pundits?

DD: She says that if this blog were a village, then I would be its idiot.

LLP: She has a point. Do you think that she would be interested in joining this blog?

DD: I don’t know. I will have to ask her when she gets back from her second honeymoon.

Posted by Dodo David on 04/01 at 03:34 PM in Site News |
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Friday, March 20, 2009

Your New Best Source Of News From Washington DC

I really, really wish I'd thought of this.
Posted by Charles, Esquire on 03/20 at 11:19 AM in Politics | The Obama Nation | Site News | Satire
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

People Worth Arresting

There's no question that the people arrested in the latest craigslist.com pedophile sting are exactly the kind of people who should spend time in jail. They have a shown a desire to engage in the rape of children and the willingness to carry it out -- to an extent that, if the story printed at this link is representative, one can be almost certain that they've done it before and would've done it again.

Chris Cockrell, one of the men nabbed by Officer John Howe of the Kansas City police, suspected the possibility of a sting. Cockrell saw the deal through ... not even the low price ($100 for a half-hour bareback, including all tips) seemed sufficient to pierce Cockrell's denial about the reality of his situation. If these men are so desperate, we simply must expend more resources running undercover operations to get these predators off of the streets.

For Heaven's Sake, if seven paranoid men are willing to pay for the services of child prostitutes advertised on the most public such medium in the world, is there any question they'll victimize again and again and again, and that there are others out there doing exactly the same thing with little to no fear of being caught?

Why should they fear it? They aren't usually police protecting the helpless ... there's no bright lights or cameras around and no promotions gained when you're helping people who have no political power or the issue isn't one people want to know exists in today's prosperous America.

The best way to fund the kind of operations we need -- Kansas City Police Officer John Howe-type operations -- is to redirect money spend in areas were there are already ample resources being used for, frankly, little gain. The "control" of narcotics siphons vast sums of money out of our police departments, courts, and Attorneys District, .3ti98888888 (sorry, that was my new kitten's contribution) preventing them from focusing on crimes where the victims are truly helpless.

If we took just a small amount out of the tremendous resources we direct at the drug trade, great gains could be made in shutting down the illicit trade in young girls, with no change in widespread availability of drugs on the streets of American cities today.
Posted by Paulie Rads on 03/15 at 12:30 PM in Site News |
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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Economic Security is in Who’s Hands?

China turns the screws.
Exerting its new influence as the U.S. government's largest creditor, China demanded Friday that the Obama administration "guarantee the safety" of its $1 trillion in American bonds as Washington goes further into debt to combat the economic crisis.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao made the demand at the end of the National People's Congress in Beijing at a time when relations between the two nations show fresh signs of strain.

"We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets," Wen said. "To be honest, I am definitely a little worried."

China surpassed Japan last year as the largest foreign holder of Treasury bonds. Any indication that it intends to cease those purchases - or, worse, stage a sell-off - could drive up the cost of borrowing for the U.S. government, as well as send mortgage rates higher for millions of Americans.
Yeah, missiles. That's how they're going to beat us.

Let's borrow some hundreds of billions for missile defense, because that makes us more secure, right?
Posted by Paulie Rads on 03/14 at 02:10 AM in Site News |
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Federal Government Antitrust Case Results in $31M Fine vs. Hitachi for Price Fixing in LCD Sales

Good news! The federal government is enforcing anti-trust laws!

Now, if only they'd do something about the combinations of banks, media companies, and all the rest that result in higher prices and fewer choices for American consumers.

Now about that $1250 Dell laptop I bought back in 2002 ...
It's not like Hitachi Displays really needs any bad news considering just how poorly LCD sales are going right now, but regardless of that, it's still facing a fine that none of us would be fond of facing. The Japanese electronics manufacturer has just agreed (begrudgingly we're sure) to pay a staggering $31 million fine for its role in a conspiracy to fix prices in the sale of TFT-LCD panels sold to Dell, Inc. The United States Department of Justice made the proclamation, and details show that Hitachi has plead guilty to a one-count felony.

The charge, which was filed in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, blames Hitachi Displays Ltd., a subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd., with "participating in a conspiracy to fix the prices of TFT-LCD sold to Dell for use in desktop monitors and notebook computers from April 1, 2001 through March 31, 2004." We're also told that according to the plea agreement -- which is subject to court approval -- Hitachi Displays has agreed to cooperate with the Department's ongoing antitrust investigation.
Posted by Paulie Rads on 03/12 at 11:17 PM in Site News |
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Recount Prospects Dimming for Norm Coleman in Minnesota Senate Contest

Norm Coleman is trying to surmount a 225 vote deficit, and now has a mere 1,360 ballots to do it with.

The good news for Coleman is that 60% of the ballot pool comes from districts that Coleman carried in November.

Full story is here at the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Republican Norm Coleman's case in the U.S. Senate trial, once built on the prospects of counting thousands of rejected absentee ballots, is now down to 1,360 ballots or fewer.

That's the number his lawyers gave to a three-judge panel Wednesday in hopes that the ballots will yield enough votes for Coleman to surmount a 225-vote lead held by Democrat Al Franken.

About 60 percent of those ballots come from counties that Coleman carried in the November election. One-third of the total were from counties that went for him by 10 percentage points or more.

In Hennepin County, which Franken carried, Coleman has reason to hope he will mine votes. Only one of the 297 ballots he identified there comes from heavily Democratic Minneapolis. The remainder are from suburbs where Republicans fare better.

But the number of new ballots counted might be substantially lower than those Coleman identified.
Posted by Paulie Rads on 03/11 at 11:25 PM in Elections | Decision 2008
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

This Is Seriously Frakking Funny

Posted by Charles, Esquire on 03/03 at 05:04 PM in Media | Television |
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Good Place to Spend Money From Budget Busting Stimulus Package

My feelings concerning the stimulus package recently passed by Congress is probably similar to that of the majority of Americans: I oppose it silently, feeling that -- while I don't like the size of it -- at least something is being done.

This flies in the face of my general discomfort with the growing debt, so I would feel better if a large chunk of the money is spent shoring up the nation's decaying urban infrastructure.

A great example stimulus spending that I could support is this: invest a quarter billion dollars to strengthen wood frame buildings in San Francisco.

While I don't like the idea of the government bailing out people who live in unsustainable areas like southern California or the fertile floodplains in the Midwest, protecting a city from damage during an earthquake seems less like throwing money in the wind. Don't ask me why, it don't make sense to me either.

Here's a link to this New York Times article about the problem in San Francisco.
The picturesque Victorians and brightly painted apartment buildings where thousands of city residents live and work are especially vulnerable during earthquakes, according to a report issued Friday by the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection.

The report said that an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 or higher could render unlivable as many as 85 percent of the city’s “soft-story” apartment buildings — those that are less structurally sound because their ground floors are open space, often used as retail stores or garages. At least 65,000 people live and work in the 2,800 most vulnerable buildings studied in the report.

The cost to retrofit those wood-framed buildings would be about $260 million. The expense would be borne by the landlords and the city, which is facing a $576 million budget shortfall.
Posted by Paulie Rads on 02/21 at 12:58 AM in National Affairs | Economy
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bible Study 230 - Not Motivated by Grace? God Will Motivate You by Ever Intensifying Discipline

Bible Study 230 Notes in PDF Format

Revelation 3:19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent

There are two factors in the Christian life either for the production of divine good or the production of human works, dead works or evil

  1. Motivation
  2. Decision

Often enter into impulsive reactions because of the wrong motivation

Revelation 3:19-20 both deal with motivation and decision (motivation should always precede the decision and should include divine viewpoint and based in bible doctrine)

Evil: morally wrong and/or in conflict with God's protocol plan for your life

Behind all motivation, there must be a foundation of doctrine; otherwise they will substitute emotion for compassion, silliness instead of principle


  • Sin
  • Legalism
  • Self-righteous arrogance

If you do this, you must extrapolate from bible doctrine in your stream of consciousness and not from garbage in your subconscious

Last time: "those whom I love" describing the Lord's personal love for all believers

As demonstrated, God's personal love for the believer is permanent; therefore, believers always maintain God's perfect righteousness (self-justification) regardless of how they live life

Our relationship with God is NOT based on our personal, human righteousness, but on God's righteousness which was imputed at the moment of salvation – we are justified on the basis of what God gave us, not what we do

So defending yourself to others for past decisions is a waste of time – what is your relationship with God NOW?

Logistical Grace:

  • Point of Reference is the perfect Justice of God
  • Wrong: God is blessing me because I am good (works, human righteousness, Puritanism, tithing); heresy, there isn't anything you can do to earn blessings
  • Correct: God blesses you because of GRACE based on salvation and being justified before God the Father by God the Son, Jesus Christ

Before you can have any "Production" as a Christian you must have Spiritual Skills:

  1. Filling of the Holy Spirit
  2. Metabolized bible doctrine in your stream of consciousness
  3. Following the protocol plan of God for your life

Spiritual Skills must precede production skills to perform Divine Good (notice there is no merit on your part but on what God has provided for you)

If you choose to produce based on wrong motivation, e.g. approbation, then what you produce is dead works or evil

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

SS + PS = DG (first spiritual skills, then added production skills equals Divine Good)

Production Skills

  1. Prayer

Motivation is a greater part of the battle; motivation is an invisible part of your spiritual life

You do not need a Madison Avenue firm to produce Divine Good

We see the results of motivation – especially in the lust pattern of sinning but self-righteous arrogance as a motivation is far worse in impact/damage

Agathos – motivation

"Those whom I love" shows Divine Personal Love is always the predicate for Divine Punitive Action

Present active indicative of elegcho, to reprimand or to punish (we use "discipline" because in English it has a parental connotation)

When we begin to sin we begin coterminous disciplining:

  1. Law of Volitional Responsibility (LVR) – your sinning comes back to hurt you
  2. Divine Punitive Action (DPA) – God's discipline
    1. Warning Discipline
    2. Intensive Discipline
    3. Dying Discipline

Reprimands, punishes, disciplines – active voice, Jesus Christ produces the action

The indicative mood is declarative indicative mood for a simple statement of fact about DPA

Paideuo – punish within family, customary present is for what habitually occurs – the intensification of punishment

Active voice, God the Son, declarative indicative that when you first suffer warning discipline and then it is intensified if there is no correction

Those whom I love I reprimand (elegcho) and I intensify the punishment (paideuo)

As a result:

Those whom I love I reprimand (DPA – warning)

And I punish (DPA – emphasis on intensification)

"Therefore, keep on being earnest" – motivation factor

Present active imperative of zeleuo (this is a command from God, not the advising from earlier in the passage), it means to be serious in your intention – in context it comes across as "stop being silly and pretending you are noble."

If you're not going to be motivated by GRACE – then God will motivate you by DISCIPLINE (and discipline is an excellent motivation)

If parents do not discipline their children it ruins them because the children grow up with no authority orientation and it will take failure and discipline in adulthood by others (bosses, law enforcement, etc.) until they learn it

Without authority orientation, there is no check on arrogance

The first mandate is a motivation mandate – Divine Authority adds to your self-induced misery (LVR) to redefine authority to sort you out

This is a durative present tense that begins at Rebound – whenever you recognize from warning discipline you know to deploy your first problem solving device and citing your sins to God, which will place you back in fellowship with the Holy Spirit

Now, if you rebound and are filled with the Holy Spirit, and you're still in the middle of the punishment, you then deploy the faith rest drill (putting it back in God's hands), and you are now under suffering for blessing


  1. You and you alone can live your spiritual life; no one can live it for you
  2. The battleground for the spiritual life is the soul and the necessity for rebound to keep your soul protected from the outside pressures of adversity and prosperity

The imperative mood is the imperative of command; it makes a direct positive demand on the will of the believer by making him hurt

The imperative mood and command demonstrates God's AUTHORITY and RIGHT to administer this discipline

"Keep on being earnest"

Keep on being serious in your motivation; hence the Divine SOP (standard operating procedure) for getting back on track as a Christian

Posted by Aaron on 02/12 at 03:07 PM in Christianity
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bible Study 229 – God’s Divine Love:  “To whom I Love”

Bible Study 229 Notes in PDF Format

Note from last study: Law of Volitional Responsibility is coterminous with the Doctrine of Divine Punitive Action

Note II from last study: Outside pressure is meant to accelerate spiritual growth, but if the pressure breaks through and becomes stress in the soul, the believer opens himself up for becoming a LOSER

Revelation 3:19 – Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.

This study covers the first four words of the verse: "Those whom I love"

This study will also require a review of the attributes God's Divine Love by means of God's essence as revealed in scripture

Begins with an unusual Greek idiom combining the accusative plural of a correlative, relative pronoun of quality in number: Hosos + Ean + Ego, Those whom I

Phileo, love – the active voice is a reference to God the Father and Son as judges and the Son is the speaker for the justice of heaven to believers who have failed miserably

God does not possess life – He IS life; human life possesses life created by God

The life that God is infinite, eternal and unchanging – God's Attributes:

God the Father

God the Son

God the Holy Spirit

















Divine love is compatible with all other Divine Attributes

God's love is not sustained by any other source; therefore, it does not increase or decrease

God's love is Holy which includes incorruptible justice and immutable righteousness; therefore, His holiness is never offensive

The perfect love of God comes from perfect virtue

God is Holy and Immutable (unchangeable); therefore, His Divine Love cannot be compromised by man's sins or man's human good or evil or any other function of the sin nature, including Christian degeneracy – it cannot be corrupted by any creature failure in time (man) or super-creature failure in eternity (angel)

Divine Love is devoid of emotional content – learn to distinguish between emotions as compassion

God is also absolute Truth + Veracity = Integrity; therefore, His Divine Love is revealed and integrated into every category of bible doctrine; therefore, Divine Love is rooted in every form of knowledge – it is never involved in any sort of hatred and never reacts

God is Infinite; therefore, Divine Love is boundless

God is Omniscient; therefore, he knew all sins every person would ever commit and so Man's sinfulness does not change God's Divine Love

God also has Perfect Righteousness; therefore, Divine Love is can never be discriminatory

The combination of God's Omniscience and Immutability means that God's Divine Love cannot be complicated by ignorance, silliness or absurdities

In total, since God's Divine Love is perfectly stable, rejection of His love will never change it; at the same time,

God's Divine Love never changes even when His perfect Justice demands the application of His most powerful discipline

Remember, that God's love existed before any creature which means that Divine Love does not require an object for it to exist; Divine Love exists by itself and God does not "fall in love" or "begin to love" or "increase his love" through patronization, good deeds or legalistic worship

God is never disappointed, frustrated or distracted which means that Divine Love is never sustained by human attraction, rapport, merit, worthiness – it cannot be bought by your good behavior, your good deeds, by your "Christian service"

Three categories of Divine Love

  1. Divine Personal Love – emphasizes the attractiveness of the object; since God the Father is perfect, then He can only have Divine Personal Love for perfection: God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
  2. Divine Impersonal Love – emphasizes the subject with perfect integrity; the object can be attractive or unattractive which means God can have Divine Impersonal love for perfection and imperfection
  3. Divine Self-Esteem – God the Father loves his own perfecton

Before someone is saved, he is still the object of God's Divine Impersonal Love; examples (using the Greek agapao):

  • John 3:16a – For God loved (agapao) the world so much, that He gave his Son
  • Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates his own love (agapao) for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Once saved, we are placed in union with Christ and; therefore possess all his perfect attributes allowing God to have Divine Personal Love for us individually

Revelation 3:19a – "Those whom I love"

Verse does NOT use agapao, but phileo for love meaning that this verse refers to Divine Personal Love emphasizing the subject – you as the believer who has the perfect attributes being in union with Christ

This union with Christ is special to believers in the Church Age meaning that only believers in the Church Age receive Divine Personal Love in time

The verb, phileo, is in a static present tense which means He loves the believer FOREVER; the durative present tense terminates where the static present does not

Because of the imputation of Divine Righteousness at the moment of salvation, God's Divine Personal Love for the believer is PERMANENT

Lemma: everything depends on who and what God is, not who we are; and when you grow spiritually we learn that our motivation should be out of grace and humility – instead of seeking to gain the attention and approbation of God and others through silliness

Since we received God's Eternal Life imputed into the human spirit created for you by the Holy Spirit at salvation, when we fail God's Divine Personal Love for you is never compromised

Application: in spiritual maturity, your love for someone should never react to the action of the object of your love for that person

Active voice in verse 19 comes from Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union (God and perfect Humanity) in the declarative indicative mood meaning that what follows is a dogmatic statement of bible doctrine

Posted by Aaron on 02/10 at 08:36 PM in Christianity
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