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Saturday, December 12, 2009


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» The GOP's secret weapon: William Shatner from sisu
The blogosphere and twittersphere are making Captain Kirk and Star Trek allusions, but William Shatner's dueling dance with Sarah Palin on "The Tonight Show" last night was pure Denny Crane, the lovably lecherous lawyer he played in Boston Legal. "What... [Read More]


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Too much fun. Thanks for the link and thanks for Denny Crane. I can never get enough. :)

LOL! The final line in the clip and the expression on his face is classic.

Ha! Priceless.

The commercial ended too soon. it should go,"..knee, rt foot, lft foot, laugh a little, head..." be done with the worthless oxygen wasting bug. Pick up your wallets, trade guns and say he committed suicide. Who is gonna care?

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