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Thursday, April 15, 2010


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This just confuses the heck out of me. I'm not seeing why it's important for these people to be a part of a national organization. If they want to do that, fine, but the grassroots is where the action is. If a county chapter endorses a candidate for national office, that's about as national as it should get.

Rather than make the tea parties go all "D.C." how about this idea instead?
(I'm not from Pennsylvania, but I love this man's idea.)

I think y'all got it.....you know........bassackerds.

No, the TP doesn't "MUST DECIDE" on anything, and should NOT organize. It's real simple. You don't go to DC and spend massive money against the wishes of your voters. Represent your voters. Or answer to them.

The entire political class is scared now because their own voters are mad. Didn't take any organizing, did it?

Represent your voters and your district stays calm. Keep spending trillions of play money and unrest starts again. Not organized, but organic.

I have always voted for the person not the party and TP should maintain a strong independent posture. It will diminish or destroy the movement by becoming an arm of a party. Neither party has credibility on spending, which is the issue uniting the TP'ers.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families at Historically Low Leve

Income taxes: A family of four in the exact middle of the income spectrum will pay only 4.6 percent of its income in federal income taxes this year, according to a new analysis by the Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center. This is the second-lowest percentage in the past 50 years.


The marginal tax rate is actually 15%, payroll taxes will add another 15%. The median income for 2009 is $37,000. The report doesn't say but it doesn't appear to account for inflation. Do the math.

Big Whoop!... Nice for the family of 4 I suppose but if you are single,don't have the money to buy a new car, no children to support or claim child care, not enough money to buy a home,or go to college then then you may as well get out the astroglide and bend over.

Posted by: Lisa Graas | Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 11:44 AM


Yabbut that would put the hurt on a lot of very hard working professionals in DC. Namely streetwalkers!

(Insert gratutitous soundtrack/link from Hindenburg disaster here)

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