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Thursday, April 15, 2010


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So okay; you've got 39 arbitrators now hearing 7 cases a month rather than 5. You've got 550 teacher cases and 630 other cases to hear. If they can achieve that rate, they'll clear the backlog in four or five month's time.

Of course I'm always suspicious of anything "new and improved" where a union is involved. That "must be charged within 60 days" or the teacher will return to school sounds like a get out of jail card. The local school principal says "Mr. Smith is a dud" or "Ms. Smith has been molesting the boys" and sends Smith off to the rubber room. Once they're there, if the District hacks can't get the case together in 60 days, Smith goes back to the classroom and--the union will argue--the case has to be closed. I'd rather leave Smith in the rubber room slammer a little while longer while the case is being prepared.

We have a similar situation out here in Los Angeles with our own LA Unified School District rubber room.

A close look reveals that if the Dept. of Education doesn't file against the teachers promptly enough, these teachers go back to the classroom! That's gonna be real helpful.

This doesn't get rid of any teachers so much as spread them out so the problem isn't so obvious. You know out of sight out of mind?. Bloomberg and Weingarten are both liberal tools.

The article says they will be put in non-teaching admin positions. Just where you want to put someone who may have a grudge/bad attitude toward the administration; in administration where they can cause even more havoc.

At least they can suspend the really bad ones but who decides who goes and how long will THAT judgment take? Also if they're suspended with pay then they just stay home, now that's how you discipline folks, give them an incentive to screw up. Wheee vacation time on the taxpayer's dime. Way to go New York, that's showing them. Way to go Bloomberg you whiny party changing nitwit. Watch this Social Fascist switch to Independent for his next run cause he's about used up the Republican label. (He only switched cause it worked for Rudy).

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