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  • Adventure & Travel

    Secrets of the World’s Best Hotel Beds

    Customizable, heat-absorbing mattresses. S-shaped pillows. Hotels reveal the tricks they use to guarantee you a good night’s sleep. Plus: Do thread counts matter?

  • Rumble Seat

    The Citroën DS 19: The Ultimate Classic Car

    The Citroën DS is technically unsurpassed, completely inimitable, has a great back story and is the most beautiful car of all time, writes Dan Neil.

  • WSJ. Magazine

    The Most Influential Man in Hip-Hop You’ve Never Heard Of

    Young Guru, hip-hop’s most trusted sound engineer—he’s worked with Jay-Z for the past 16 years—is lending his talents to Silicon Valley and the next generation of sound innovators.

  • Asian Business News

    Why Low-Calorie Wine Sours on American Shelves

    Low-calorie wine faces tough sledding in the U.S., global winemakers say, because it is seen as compromising on an indulgence.

  • The Fixer

    How to Take Perfect Pics of Black Pets

    Tips from pro photographers for snapping iPhone photos of a black-haired dog or cat—without turning your best friend into a dark smudge.

  • Style & Fashion

    A Map of Global Fashion Influences

    As the Met readies its exhibit about China’s influence on western fashion, here is the season’s best examples of clothing and accessories whose designers took their cues from faraway lands.

  • Eating & Drinking

    Bitters Break Out of the Bar

    That bottle of Angostura bitters that’s lasted you through three presidents? Put it to work in the kitchen with these recipes for asparagus salad with bitters vinaigrette and strawberry fool with bitters.