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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Obama to Iranians: US Committed to Better Future for You

Photo: AP

US President Barack Obama (file photo)

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U.S. President Barack Obama has told the Iranian people the United States is committed to a more hopeful future for them, despite differences with their government.

Mr. Obama directly addressed Iranians in an Internet video message released late Friday to mark the Persian New Year, or Nowruz.

President Obama said the United States would like to increase opportunities for educational exchanges and help ensure uncensored Internet access in Iran.

The president said that in his Nowruz address to Iranians a year ago, he spoke of a new chapter of engagement.  But he said that since then, the Iranian government has chosen to isolate itself by refusing good faith proposals from the international community to ensure that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.

Mr. Obama said the international community is working on holding the Iranian government accountable, but that the offer to resolve the dispute through diplomacy and dialogue still stands.

Iranian state television responded Saturday, saying the U.S. president offered to engage in dialogue but failed to specify what concessions Washington is prepared to make.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.