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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Greek PM George Papandreou (R) and European Socialists President Poul Nyrop Rasmussen (L) address the media ahead of an EU summit in Brussels, 25 Mar 2010
Photo: AP

Greek PM George Papandreou (R) and European Socialists President Poul Nyrop Rasmussen (L) address the media ahead of an EU summit in Brussels, 25 Mar 2010

Greek Debt Crisis Dominates EU Talks

Brussels meeting expected to look at ways to shore up ailing Greek economy amid fears Greece's economic woes could threaten the euro

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Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, 25 Mar 2010, before the House Financial Services Committee hearing on unwinding emergency federal reserve liquidity programs and implications for economic recovery

US Federal Reserve to Phase Out Stimulus Efforts

Head of central bank says economy still needs to be supported by low interest rates, other efforts to encourage lending

Map of Australia

Australia Signs Mammoth Gas Deal With China

There had been concerns that tensions over China's arrest of executives of Australian mining company Rio Tinto could derail relations

G24 Chairman, Governor of the Central Bank of the Democratic Republic of Congo Jean-Claude Masangu Mulongo, speaks during a G-24 news conference (file)

Congo Could Have Most of Debt Forgiven by June

$11-billion debt relief comes in wake of President Kabila moving to reform economy, better control spending

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, right, and Foreign Secretary David Miliband, left, attends the Budget Cabinet at 10 Downing Street in central London, 24 Mar 2010

Britain Unveils Budget During Election Campaigning

Treasury chief reveals this year's budget with continued emphasis on growth and some good news on deficit

Assembly line staff work on a cockpit at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company in Fort Worth, Texas (File)

Orders for Some US Goods Increasing

Orders for durable goods were up 0.5 percent in February, led by a jump in orders for airplanes and machinery


Google Wins Trademark Court Case

World's largest Internet search company can use brand names for advertising key words - up to a point

Map of India

India Needs Double Spending to Improve Creaking Infrastructure

PM Manmohan Singh says India must spend $1trillion to build new highways, airports, ports and other infrastructure between 2010 and 2017

Indonesia Map

World Bank Invests $400 Million in Indonesian Geothermal Energy

World Bank says investment is effort to assist developing countries produce clean energy and reduce carbon emissions

Google page on its Hong Kong Web site

China Defends Its Internet Censorship Policies

China is defending its Internet censorship policies, after U.S. Internet company Google moved its China-based search engine to Hong Kon

Google Moves Its Service From China To Hong Kong

Google will stop censoring search results in China and redirect search requests from Chinese users through its server in Hong Kong

Tom Connor, Australia's Consul-General in Shanghai, center, speaks to journalists after the trial of an Australian citizen outside of the Shanghai's No. 1 People's Intermediate Court, 22 Mar 2010

Rio Tinto Executives Plead Guilty to Bribery in China

Four mining executives on trial in Shanghai plead guilty to taking bribes, raises international concern about doing business in China

Bundles of euros.

Greek Economy To Shrink 2 Percent This Year

Athens seeks support from EU partners

Senator Charles Schumer

Senators Pressure White House on China Currency

Lawmakers say by keeping its currency artificially low, Chinese government is subsidizing exports, putting American jobs in jeopardy

Australia Over-Reliant on China Resources, Trade Economist Warns

China's demand for iron ore, coal and liquefied natural gas has made it Australia's biggest trading partner