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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Greek PM George Papandreou (R) and European Socialists President Poul Nyrop Rasmussen (L) address the media ahead of an EU summit in Brussels, 25 Mar 2010
Photo: AP

Greek PM George Papandreou (R) and European Socialists President Poul Nyrop Rasmussen (L) address the media ahead of an EU summit in Brussels, 25 Mar 2010

Greek Debt Crisis Dominates EU Talks

Brussels meeting expected to look at ways to shore up ailing Greek economy amid fears Greece's economic woes could threaten the euro

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Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling, right, and Foreign Secretary David Miliband, left, attends the Budget Cabinet at 10 Downing Street in central London, 24 Mar 2010

Britain Unveils Budget During Election Campaigning

Treasury chief reveals this year's budget with continued emphasis on growth and some good news on deficit

G8 Scorecard Shows Britain with Highest Compliance Rate

Nations still lag in fulfilling development promises

Russia, Georgia, Ukraine map

Russian Forces Kill Top Militant Suspect in North Caucasus

Authorities say Anzor Astemirov shot at police during routine document check and was killed when police returned fire

A gardener at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, London, prunes a rose bush behind the Victorian Palm House, background (File)

Historic British Botanical Garden Promotes Biodiversity

At Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, experts strive to understand plants to tackle 21st century problems

 White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs (file photo)

White House: US, Russia Very Close to Nuclear Treaty

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says both countries are working out details of an agreement to replace 1991 START treaty

Israel's embassy in Britain in central London, 23 Mar 2010

Britain Expels Israeli Diplomat

Probe points finger at Israel regarding forged passports used for killing of Hamas commander in Dubai, says British foreign secretary

Ron Prosor, Israel's ambassador in Britain, makes a statement to the media outside the embassy in central London, 23 Mar 2010

Israel Disappointed at Britain's Expulsion of Diplomat

Israeli consensus is that alleged Mossad hit on Hamas operative in Dubai was justified

French President Nicolas Sarkozy

Sarkozy Expected to Decry US Protectionism in Upcoming Visit

European leaders claim US practices protectionism in $40 billion defense contract

Workers demonstrate in Paris, 23 Mar 2010. Nationwide strikes in France hobbled public services, with unions hoping to put the brakes on President Sarkozy's planned reforms

French Strikers Want Government Reforms Rolled Back

French government says it has listened to voters' message as Mr. Sarkozy reorganized the Cabinet; critics say moves are cosmetic

Huda al-Habash says wearing a head cover can mean freedom

European Muslims Reconcile Cultures through Fashion

For a new generation of young Muslim women, veil is part of a trend that seeks to integrate European and Muslim identities

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 16 Mar 2010

Turkish Couples Could Face Jail Time for Using Sperm Bank

Couples in Turkey unable to conceive naturally face possible jail if they go abroad for artificial insemination treatment

Map of Somalia

Somali Pirates Seize Turkish Ship in Long-Range Attack

Turkish media reports say crew includes 19 Turks, two Ukrainians, cargo ship contains fertilizer

Map of Iran

EU Calls for Iran to Halt Internet Censorship, Jamming

European Union has not said whether it will take punitive action if Tehran refuses

Left Sweep French Regional Elections

But the victory was not as resounding as expected