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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Human Rights and Law

President Barack Obama at the White House, 18 Mar 2010
Photo: AP

President Barack Obama at the White House, 18 Mar 2010

President Obama Extends DED for Liberians in US

Anthony Kesselly of the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas says his group will now work for permanent resident status

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UN: Refugees Not Flooding Rich Countries

UN refugee agency says number of people seeking asylum in industrialized countries has remained stable for past two years

Wounded people lie in the street in Sharpeville, near Vereeniging, where at least 180 black Africans, most of them women and children, were injured and 69 killed, when South African police opened fire on black protesters, 21 Mar 1960

South Africa Marks 50th Anniversary of Sharpeville Massacre

50 years ago, police in Sharpeville shot into crowd of unarmed civilians protesting racial discrimination under apartheid in S. Africa

UN Chief Blames Israeli Blockade for Suffering in Gaza

This is Mr. Ban's second visit to Gaza since the December 2008 Israeli invasion that killed more than 1,300 Palestinians and 13 Israelis

US Health Care Vote Prompts Slurs, Spitting from Protesters

Two African American congressmen, Andre Carson of Indiana and John Lewis from Georgia, were subjected to racial epithets from protesters

Courtroom sketch shows David Coleman Headley, right, facing U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber in Chicago, 18 Mar 2010

US Promises India 'Full Access' to Mumbai Attack Planner

India making preparations to question, in the United States, admitted terror planner David Coleman Headley

Burmese-American Kyaw Zaw Lwin hugs his fiancee, Wa Wa Kyaw, at Dulles International Airport in Chantilly, Maryland, 19 Mar 2010

Pro-Democracy Activist Returns to US from Captivity in Burma

Kyaw Zaw Lwin says he is thankful to all organizations, individuals, and US government for their efforts in winning his freedom

Fifty Years On, South Africa Remembers Sharpeville Massacre

69 people were killed and hundreds more were injured by police in an incident that marked a turning point in the country's history

Map of Australia

Increased Tensions Reported Between Police, African Migrants in Melbourne

New report levels fresh claims of racism against police in southern Australian state of Victoria

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., 21 January, on the foreign policy issue of Internet freedom

US Government Works to Break Down Virtual Walls

Economic growth linked to Internet freedom

Kai Eide, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), briefs the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan, 06 Jan 2010

UN Official Says Taliban Arrests Stopped Secret Talks

Kai Eide told the BBC he communicated with senior Taliban members in person and through written messages starting about a year ago

Courtroom sketch shows David Coleman Headley, right, facing U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber in Chicago, 18 Mar 2010

India Seeks Extradition of US Suspect In Mumbai Terror Attack

Indian authorities closely following trial of David Headley, who admitted he scouted for targets for terror strikes in Mumbai

Members of  the Free Burma Coalition display posters of detained democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi (R) during a protest in Manila, 19 Mar 2010

Burma's Election Preparations Undemocratic, say Rights, Exile Groups

Coalition of rights groups, political exiles charge Burma's military government intends to use elections to legitimize its rule

Colleen LaRose, known as  'Jihad Jane' and 'Fatima LaRose', (undated photo)

'Jihad Jane' Pleads Not Guilty in Plot to Kill Swedish Cartoonist

Colleen LaRose's indictment charges that she recruited men on Internet to carry out 'violent jihad,' in South Asia and Europe

Democracy advocate Kyaw Zaw Lwin, also known as Nyi Nyi Aung arrives at Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok

Burmese-American Jailed for Fraud Released

Kyaw Zaw Lwin was originally charged with three counts, including plotting subversion