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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Israeli Warplanes Strike 'Weapons Cache' in Gaza After Rocket Hits Israel

A wounded Palestinian is aided by medical staff in Shifa hospital in Gaza City, 23 Mar 2010, after an Israeli airstrike, witnesses and medics said
Photo: AP Khalil Hamra

A wounded Palestinian is aided by medical staff in Shifa hospital in Gaza City, 23 Mar 2010, after an Israeli airstrike, witnesses and medics said

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Israel has carried out an air strike on what it calls a weapons cache in the Gaza Strip in response to a rocket attack on southern Israel by Gaza-based Palestinian militants.

Israel says its warplanes struck the suspected arms depot late Tuesday near the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza.  At least two Palestinians were reportedly injured.

Earlier Tuesday, a rocket fired by Gaza militants hit a beach near the Israeli city of Ashkelon.  There were no reports of casualties or damage.

The Israeli military says Gaza militants have fired 11 rockets at Israel since March 18.  Israel blames the rocket attacks on Hamas militants who seized control of the Palestinian territory in 2007.

Israel fought a 22-day offensive against Hamas from December 2008 to January 2009 to try to stop years of rocket attacks on Israeli communities.  

On Wednesday, two Israeli soldiers went on trial for allegedly forcing a nine-year old Palestinian boy to check for unexploded bombs during the Gaza conflict.  The boy was not harmed in the incident.  The soldiers are charged with misconduct.

Separately, the Israeli military has announced it will investigate the deaths of two Palestinian teenagers killed during clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank on Saturday.

Palestinian medical officials say Israeli soldiers fired live ammunition against stone-throwing protesters in the village of Burin.  The army says troops used rubber bullets.

Demonstrations took place across the West Bank as Palestinians protested Israeli settlement activity.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.