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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Special Reports

Pres Obama Address to Africa

U.S. President Barack Obama took his first trip to Sub-Saharan Africa as president 10-11 July. Mr. Obama chose Ghana for his first visit to the region because of the country's strong democracy and peaceful transitions of power. Ghana’s President John Atta Mills took office in January after a close election that he won by just 40,000 votes.

President Obama addressed the Ghanaian parliament Saturday in a speech outlining U.S. policy towards Africa.

VOA produced a special program for TV, radio and the Web introducing and analyzing the president's speech. Our discussion guests from Washington D.C. and Accra included Ambassador Pamela Bridgewater, who has served as U.S. ambassador to Ghana and Benin, and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. Also joining the program was Ghanaian native George Ntim, Founder and President of the Africa Development Foundation in New York City. VOA's "Straight Talk Africa" host Shaka Ssala joined the discussion from Accra.

On-Demand links to our special program, including President Obama's speech in Ghana (click on links to Listen or Watch)
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Windows Media Dialup Video
Real Media Broadband Video
Real Media Dialup Video
MP3 Audio

Speech-Only links
Windows Media Broadband Video
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Real Media Broadband Video
Real Media Dialup Video
MP3 Audio

President Obama's Speech to Ghana's Parliament

Text of President Obama's Speech to Ghana's Parliament

Obama Ends Ghana Visit

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Barack Obama: a Year as President

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