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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Special Reports

Making a Difference

Individuals around the globe are making a difference in your world through inspirational work. Each week, VOA introduces these well-known and lesser-known people from all walks of life. These uplifting stories illustrate the capacity of individuals to help others.

If you'd like to comment on one of these stories, send us an e-mail at:

We would also love to hear your suggestions of people you know who are making a difference. Send us your nominations and maybe one of our correspondents will follow-up - anywhere in the world!

Marvin Dunn

Inner-City Garden Plants New Hope in Miami Neighborhood

Garden provides healthy foods, jobs in historical African American area of city

Hicham Baraka is an advocate for migrants in Morocco

Activist Helps Sub-Saharan African Migrants Trapped in Morocco

Moroccan native Hicham Baraka helps European-bound Africans stranded outside his hometown of Oujda

Lisa Nesser in her school in Chiang Mai, Thailand

American Lisa Nesser Gives Free Education to Stateless Children from Burma

Nesser discovered many minority children from Burma were unable to attend regular schools in Thailand

Lu Daren is Beijing's first 'human nail' for hire

'Nail' for Hire Stands Up to Chinese Government, Developers

Chinese man serves as anti-demolition guard to prevent developers from tearing down buildings

Dr. Sylvester Nicol

Sierra Leone Doctor Returns from US to Improve Health Services

Dr. Sylvester Nicol Establishes a State-of-the-Art Medical Center in Freetown

C.T. Wilson, prosecutor and champion for children

Prosecutor Works to Prevent Crime in Maryland

Thousands of children learn from C.T. Wilson's inspirational message

Ronny Poluan gives guided tours of Jakarta, Indonesia's slums to tourists

Jakarta Man Leads Slums Tours to Raise Awareness, Money

Participants peek inside cramped rooms where entire families live, see harsh conditions under which they work

Joel Selanikio

Physician Uses Cell Phones to Bring Health Care to the Poor

Joel Selanikio applies the World Wide Web to improve public health programs around the world

Anna Marie Dorcas shares her memories with her family on a "legacy video"

Videos Preserve Memories, Messages of Terminally Ill

One hospice in Florida making a difference by taping video documentaries to keep family histories alive

Lawrence Cann, activist for the homeless

Former Soccer Player Helps Get US Homeless Off Streets

Lawrence Cann is turning his life-long love of sport into incentive for getting people off the streets. His program works to maintain l

Steve Badt, chef to the homeless

Chef Brings Culinary Skills to Soup Kitchen

Professional chef leaves restaurant industry to open soup kitchen for homeless and hungry.

Sawson Samara, Palestinian peacemaker

Palestinian Woman Fights Cycle of Hatred and Violence With Message of Peace

In seemingly endless conflict, a Palestinian cultivates understanding and peace

Zach Bonner

Twelve-Year-Old Boy Walks to Help Homeless Children

He travels hundreds of kilometers in US to raise awareness of the problem

NASA climate scientist James Hansen was among the first to alert the public to the dangers of climate change

NASA Scientist Says Global Warming Danger Amounts to ‘Planetary Emergency’

20 years after raising alarm, NASA scientist says planet is reaching a ‘tipping point’

Sekena Yacoobi

Educator, Activist Sakena Yacoobi Seeks to Better Afghan Women’s Lives

Yacoobi's organization fosters community schools, clinics

Hassan Khallaf

Moroccan Activist Improves Lives of Handicapped Youths

Hassan Khallaf, Attadamoun Association teach mentally and physically disabled children to read and write in Demnate

Monira Rahman

Monira Rahman Fights for Life Free of Violence

A cruel act of violence - acid thrown in face of a woman, sometimes a child; perpetrators are driven to disfigure rather than kill

Peter Kamau with a patient

Kenyan Man Helps Children with Heart Defects

For most poor children and their families, life-saving operations are too expensive or unavailable

Emma and Bryn Parry

Couple Creates Charity to Help Britain's Wounded Troops

Hope for Heroes Inspires Thousands to Help Too

Renowned Conservationist Improves Lives of Animals, People

Jane Goodall's conservation and development programs have improved the lives of 600,000 people worldwide while protecting chimpanzees a

Mary Catherine Swanson

California Teacher's Program Helps Underprivileged Students Prepare for College

Program is based on problem solving through group discussions and writing

Bob Woodruff in Iraq

US TV Correspondent Crusades for Brain-Injured Veterans

In 2006, ABC News correspondent and television anchorman Bob Woodruff was wounded while covering war in Iraq

Dr. Martina Fuchs

Real Medicine Foundation Works with Partners to Rebuild Communities around the World

California doctor develops local partnerships for change

Biologist and Conservationist Saves Animals to Help Preserve the Environment

Biologist George Schaller has been working to save global wildlife for 50 years.  He believes the effort is important to conserving the

Chicago Musician Travels to Mideast, Plays in Israel, West Bank

Mark Damisch originally wanted to be a professional musician.  Instead, he became an attorney and politician.  Recently he returned to

Librarian Uses Donkey Cart to Bring Books to Rural Ethiopian Children

Yohannes Gebrigiorgis left his comfortable life in California to return to Africa and make life better for kids in Ethiopia

New York Cartoonist Fights Stigma of HIV

Artist draws characters with disease to foster understanding of devastating disease

Typing Pastor in Liberia Helps Idle Youth

William Saydee making a difference in Monrovia, Liberia, by teaching a skill that will help people find work and improve their lives

AIDS Researcher Robert Gallo Making a Difference

Dr. Robert Gallo, 71, is a bio-medical researcher who remains dedicated to the study of viruses, nearly 30 years after discovering the

Making a Difference - Cambodia's Theary Seng Works to Heal Her Country

Theary Seng lived through the brutal Khmer Rouge years before fleeing to the Unites States, where she studied law. Seng is now back in

Refugee Doctor 'Making a Difference' for Thousands in Burma

Dr. Cynthia Maung makes a difference in her community by providing essential services not available to most residents of the poor region