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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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H1N1 Swine Flu

For more Information - Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 >>

Swine flu vaccines are sorted at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, 22 Dec 2009

Dozens of Countries to Receive Swine Flu Vaccine

World Health Organization says it is stepping up delivery of millions of doses of vaccine to dozens of developing countries

Special adviser to the WHO Director-General on Pandemic Influenza, Keiji Fukuda (file photo)

WHO: Swine Flu Spread Has Not Peaked

Emergency committee concludes countries should continue control actions

Swine Flu Still a Threat for West Africa

Possible outbreak of swine flu in West Africa still a concern for World Health Organization

WHO: Vaccines for H1N1 Influenza Are Safe

Senior WHO Official warns people are putting their health and lives at risk by not getting vaccinated

WHO Denies Hyping Dangers of Swine Flu

Special Adviser to WHO Director-General says there is no truth to allegations agency overplayed severity of pandemic

H1N1 Reality Far Lower than Expectations, says British Medical Journal

Should health authorities have known it much sooner?

A guard walks inside the entrance of WHO headquarters in Geneva (2009 file photo)

Mongolia Receives First Batch of Swine Flu Vaccines

Country is first in group of developing countries to receive H1N1 vaccine donations

WHO: H1N1 Influenza Pandemic to Last Another Year

WHO chief warns H1N1 has the potential of mutating into a more dangerous form

Swine Flu Tops List of 2009 Health Issues

Transmission of virus so rapid that by mid-June WHO declared first flu pandemic over 40 years

Map of Afghanistan

World Health Organization Says H1N1 Spreading in Afghanistan

WHO reports insecurity is jeopardizing health operations and preventing qualified staff from working in remote and rural areas

CDC says the best step to protection is vaccination

Talk of Swine Flu Parties Goes Viral

Doctors warn intentional infection not a good idea

N. Korea to Accept Swine Flu Medicine

South Korea says it will send doses of anti-viral Tamiflu medicine for 500,000 North Koreans

Map of Gaza, West Bank and Israel

Swine Flu Hits Gaza Strip

Territory's Health Ministry is working with WHO to obtain supplies needed to treat potentially deadly virus

Hungary's Health Authority Warns Santa Claus Of Swine Flu

Hungarian state health authority suggests Santa Claus, known here as 'Mikulas', keep his distance from children and get vaccinated

Saudi Health Minister: Five Swine Flu Deaths During Hajj

Abdullah al-Rabeeah says five deaths are among 73 reported cases

WHO Studying Swine Flu Mutations

WHO pandemic influenza adviser says the question is whether reported mutations suggest "fundamental change" in the virus

Europeans Shun Swine Flu Vaccine as Deaths From Virus Increase

Medical society expresses alarm at widespread opposition against swine flu vaccine

WHO: Antiviral Medicine Can Save Lives From H1N1

WHO issues new guidelines Thursday on clinical treatment of people who contract swine flu

WHO Says H1N1 World's Dominant Flu Virus

WHO Special Pandemic Influenza Adviser, Dr. Keiji Fukuda, says H1N1 virus has been particularly active in Northern Hemisphere in recent

Map of Nigeria

Nigeria Says It's Ready to Contain Swine Flu

Health Minister assures Nigerians that the government has ways and means to ensure adequate protection

People everywhere are trying to protect themselves against the swine flu

H1N1 Virus Goes Global

Health officials say it could ebb and flow for up to 3 years, with more than 30 percent of world's population affected

WHO Experts Say H1N1 Pandemic Flu Vaccine Safe

World Health Organization says just concluded meeting of worldwide independent experts finds people will suffer very few if any adverse

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Capitol Hill, 21 Oct 2009

Government Officials: US Equipped to Handle Swine Flu Epidemic

Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius says flu cases are more widespread and severe in US this year

A girl receives an H1N1 vaccination

Safety of H1N1 Vaccine, Hospital Readiness Worry Americans

Health experts stress vaccination is best way to beat new flu

Studies Show Swine Flu Vaccine Effective For Adults

Only one dose of vaccine may be needed

Chinese Health Official: Tens of Millions Could be Infected With H1N1

Deputy director of ministry's health emergency office says fatalities would be 'unavoidable'

Studies: Only One Swine Flu Shot Needed

Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says trials show that adults, who got single dose of vaccine, were pr

5 Simple Measures to Help Protect from Swine Flu

International Federation of Red Cross, Red Crescent Societies launches global information campaign to help deal with Swine flu virus

China Approves One-Dose H1N1 Vaccine

Development defies previous expectations vaccines against so-called 'swine flu' would need two doses to work

'Sesame Street' to Combat Swine Flu

US government enlists popular children's show for health campaign designed to battle likely swine flu resurgence

H1N1: Do Rich Nations Have Obligation to Help Developing World Tackle Flu Pandemic?

Initial scarcity of vaccine may delay availability for poor nations

Panel Warns of 90,000 Possible US Flu Deaths

Report from President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology says H1N1 virus could infect as much as half US population

US Unveils Business Guidelines to Contain Swine Flu

US officials urge businesses to develop plans to deal with upcoming flu season, be flexible in dealing with increased absences