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Mapathon for Bangladesh! Stanford University & Eastern University, Dhaka.

Image of the Kendua Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Task

The Stanford Geospatial Center, in support of a project headed by Stanford University Pediatric Global Health Physician/Scientist Eric Nelson, will host a Mapathon! where volunteer mappers will help create basemap data for a project to improve the quality and access to care for children in Bangladesh during cholera outbreaks.

Volunteer mappers from Eastern University in Dhaka, Bangladesh will be collaborating and mapping simultaneously. We will be able to share the work we accomplish and look at each other's mapping contribution. Read more about the project in a recent blog post about the humanitarian effort.


6:00 - 7:00pm Kick-off. Let's Map: Learn more about the project, Learn more about and learn more about Humanitarian Mapping! Beginner mappers will receive training.

7:00 - 7:30pm Food break (Free Pizza & Soda Provided)

7:30 - 9:00pm Mapathon Mapping!

To sign up, please for the event, please visit our Evenbrite Page!