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Anne Parker Wigglesworth, Portrait of Henry Cowell. 1964. Oil on canvas, 92 x 60 cm. Gift of Henry Cowell Coolidge Wigglesworth.

Anne Parker Wigglesworth, Portrait of Henry Cowell. 1964. Oil on canvas, 92 x 60 cm. Gift of Henry Cowell Coolidge Wigglesworth.


Henry Cowell Collection

This collection contains Sydney Cowell's donations of published scores and recordings of her husband's music. The scores are integrated into the collection and are listed in SearchWorks (search subject "henry cowell collection").  A small collection of print materials is housed in the Music Library's Locked Stacks as well.

The Music Library Reference Room houses a bronze bust of Cowell by Bruce Kueffer, as well as a portrait of Cowell by Anne Parker Wigglesworth (pictured above, left).

Inventory of the Henry Cowell Collection:

  • One half box, shelved in Music Library Locked Stacks, which does not circulate
  • Folder 1: Inventory and shelf list
    1. Inventory of Cowell Collection from the Menlo Park Public Library. Compiled by Joan Brainard, August 1983.
    2. Menlo Park Public Library. Shelflist of Henry Cowell Music Center.
  • Folder 2: Four photographs and one negative
  • Folder 3: Newspaper clippings.
  • Folder 4: Miscellaneous print materials
    1. Press release announcing the establishment of the Henry Cowell Music Center at the Menlo Park Public Library. 1980.
    2. Music by Henry Cowell in Menlo Park. Description of the Cowell Collection at Menlo Park Public Library.
    3. How may a composer live in the whole world of music? Essay by David Hall, and Cowell discography, 1964. Printed as 1-fold brochure.
    4. San Francisco Symphony program, Dec. 1960-Jan. 1961.
    5. Program, flyer and poster for the Bicentennial Contemporary American Music Series, Oct. 10, 1976.
    6. Introduction of a famous American composer in the U.S.I.S. auditorium. News release from Ettela’at, Tehran, Iran, February 9, 1957.
    7. Cowell's Symphony No. 13 wins acclaim in India. News release from Oliver Daniel, BMI New York, March 11, 1959.
    8. Flyer for a concert by the Little Orchestra, directed by Thomas Scherman, featuring Cowell's Madras Symphony. Teynampet, Madras, March 3, 1959.
    9. Henry Cowell: champion of the avant garde, by Harold C. Schonberg. Reprint from Hi-Fi Systems, Spring 1959.
    10. The music of Henry Cowell, by Hugo Weisgall. Reprint from the Musical Quarterly, October 1959.
    11. The Music Magazine/Musical Courier, May 1962.
    12. Henry Cowell (1897-1965): a memoir and an appreciation, by Richard Franko Goldman. Reprint from Perspectives of New Music, Spring-Summer 1966.
    13. Extreme experimenter and naïve nationalist: Henry Cowell (1897-1965), by Peter Dickinson. Reprint from Composer, Spring 1967.
    14. Piano music by Henry Cowell: twenty pieces played by the composer. Copy from Folkways Records Album #FG 3349, c1963.
    15. Henry Cowell: the whole world of music [concert program booklet]. Other minds presents, November 12-13, 2009; Portola Valley and San Francisco.
  • Folder 5: Bruce Kueffer print materials
  • Folder 6: Bruce Kueffer photographic materials (Bruce Keuffer sculpted the Henry Cowell bronze bust on display in the Music Library)
  • Sound recordings
    • American Music Sampler: Henry Cowell. Audio documentary by Ev Grimes.
    • [2] 10" sound reels (56:40; 63:38) : stereo., non-Dolby master.
    • Also available on 2 compact discs.
    • This audio material was added to the collection in August 2006. Gift of Ev Grimes.


Jerry McBride
Head Librarian, Music Library
Head Librarian, Archive of Recorded Sound
(650) 725-1146


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