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Electronic Resources for Chinese Studies

Last Updated: 28-Aug-2015

This guide provides an introduction to the electronic resources that are available for Stanford users only, and some of major databases that are open access on the internet for Chinese studies.

Subject Librarians

Chinese studies librarian
(650) 723-3451


Alphabetical list of DB for Stanford only

Apabi China Digital Library: Picture Database 中华数字书苑图片库 covering figure painting, landscape painting, fan painting, bird-and-flower painting, engraving, canvas, jade article, bronze article, textile, furniture, tomb sculpture, rock painting, lacquer, hall frescos, enamel ware, gold and silver ware, stone sculpture, architecture and so on. User name and password is required for downloading of high resolution images. Please check with EAL public service desk for details.

Apabi China Digital Library: Newspapers 中华数字书苑报纸库 including full text of 25 Chinese newspapers 环球时报,南方都市报,etc., begining years varies. 

Apabi China Digital Library: Books 中华数字书苑电子图书 

CADAL 大学数字图书馆国际合作计划 China Academic Digital Associative Library (百万图书计划)includes millions of Chinese books. Needs to set up account first.

China Multilingual Journal Database including Chinese and English edition of Qiu Qi, Beijing Review, China Pictorial, People's China and China Today.

CNKI: China Academic Journals 中国期刊全文数据 a full-text database covering approximately 6,600 journal titles from the People's Republic of China. [Internet Explorer recommended]

CNKI: China Core Newspapers Full Text 中国重要报纸全文数据库 selection of the articles published in about 500 important newspapers in China from 2000, updated continuously.

CNKI: China Doctoral Dissertations 中国博士学位论文 from 404 doctor degree grantors, covering all subject areas, including sciences, technology, social sciences and humanities.

CNKI: China Master Theses 中国优秀硕士学位论文  covering all subject areas.

CNKI: China Proceedings of Conferences 中国重要会议论文 including proceedings of domestic and international conferences sponsored by societies, associations, universities and institutions, and governments of the first and second levels in China.

CNKI: China Reference Works Online 中国工具书网络出版总库 including more than 4000 reference works.

CNKI: China Yearbooks 中国年鉴数据库

CNKI: China Statistical Yearbooks 中国统计年鉴数据库

China Cultural Revolution Database 中国文化大革命史料库 (2006 Second Edition). Collection of over 10,000 original documents published from 1967 through 1977.

China Data Online 中国数据在线 contains China yearly macro-economy statistics (1949-), China monthly macro-economy statistics (1998-), monthly reports on economic development (2002-), China city statistics (1996-), China county statistics (1997-), China industrial data (2001-), and various statistical yearbooks (2002-).

China Geo-Explorer II an intelligence spatial data service. It offers China demographic and economic data, maps, charts and reports in the web-based delivery system. With this spatial intelligence, users are able to make rapid, accurate spatial decisions with greater confidence for regional planning, business investment, population, housing, environmental assessment, public health and many other spatial applications. Data sources in this database includes demographic and business information for all PRC geographies, including 31 Provinces, 345 Prefecture Cities, 2,873 Counties, and over 50,000 Townships.

China: Trade, Politics and Culture 1793-1980, based on substantial collections of unique manuscript materials held at the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and the British Library in London, this resource provides a wide variety of original source material detailing China’s interaction with the West from Macartney’s first Embassy to China in 1793, through to the Nixon/Heath visits to China in 1972-74.

Chinamaxx, including about 700,000 books published in China since 1949 concentrating on social sciences and humanities.

Chinese Ancient Texts Database (CHANT) 漢達文庫 including Jiaguwen, Jianbo, Jinwen, Pre-Han and Han, Six Dynasties and Lei Shu.

Chinese Civilization in Time and Space, web-based GIS system with historical maps, integrated with full-text databases from the Academia Sinica. The fundamental base maps are based on Dr. Tan's "The Historical Atlas of China". "The Historical Atlas of China" provides users with Chinese historical features, covering Chinese history over the past 2000 years, from the ancient time to Qing dynasty. Click on "Enter CCTS System" to access the database. Users must download ArcView 9.1, the latest Java Runtime Environment, and CCTS plug-ins before use.

Ch'ing Palace Memorials and Archives of the Grand Council 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件, full-image database of documents collected by the National Palace Museum. These documents span the reigns from Kangxi to Xuantong, covering a wide range of subjects, including state, foreign and military affairs, finance, agriculture, and industry. Note: Please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information.

Da Cheng Lao Jiu Kan 大成老旧刊全文数据库, includes 1.3 million articles from 120,000 issues of 6,000 journals which were published from late Qing Dynasty to 1949.

Duxiu 读秀知识库, provides full-text access to over 2 million core Chinese monographs and journals, as well as over 500 yearbooks published in mainland China. Duxiu can also be accessed via Stanford’s Chinamaxx interface (search form is located at the lower portion of the Chinamaxx homepage).

Foreign Office files for China [1919-1980], Complete British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan during these decades.

Grand Secretariat Archives 内閣大庫檔案, features documents originally collected by the Grand Secretariat of the Qing dynasty. The database allows keyword searching for responsible official, title, matter and document number. It includes full-text images of 310,000 documents dated from the Ming dynasty to the late Qing dynasty. Note: Please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information. This resource is only available on campus and cannot be accessed from off campus via proxy. Internet Explorer recommended.

Gu jin tu shu ji chen 古今圖書集成  Click on IP 會員登錄 to access to the database.

History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements 中國當代政治運動史數據庫, primary sources related to the Cultural Revolution, Anti-Rightists Campaign, Great Leap forward and Great Famine.

Guangming Ribao 光明日报

Han dian quanwen jiansuo xitong 瀚典全文檢索系統, open access Chinese classics (二十五史,十三經 ...) from Academia Sinica. Click on "瀚典全文檢索系統 2.0 版" to access content.

LawinChina 北大法宝, publishes Chinese statutes, regulations, cases, government policies, legal news, treaties, law review articles, and law links.

National Index to Chinese Newspapers & Periodicals 全国报刊索引, an index database covering information from 1833 to the present. It lists about 18,000 kinds of newspapers and periodicals published in China and contains over 30 million entries. Note: Although it appears you can request documents directly from Shanghai Library, requests must go through Stanford Libraries Interlibrary Loan Unit citing the NICNP as the source for the document.

NICNP: Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911~1949) 民国时期期刊全文数据库(1911~1949), contains about 20,000 titles of Chinese periodicals published in the period 1911 to 1949. To access this resource, click on Chinese periodical full text database (1911-1949), select【全文库】 民国时期期刊全文数据库(1911~1949) , then click 使用 under the database image.

NICNP: Late Qing Periodical Full-text database (1833-1911) 晚清期刊全文数据库

People's Daily (1946-) 人民日报

People's Liberation Army (PLA) Daily 解放军报

Pishu: China economy, public policy, and security database 皮書, all series published by the Social Science Press 社科文献出版社.

ProQuest historical newspapers. Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953), full text of various Chinese newspapers in English.

ProQuest historical newspapers. South China Morning Post (1903-1995) 南华早报英文版

Qing dai shi liao wen xian 清代史料文献, full text searchable database including historical text on Qing history. Special font file is required.

Scripta Sinica 中央研究院 漢籍全文資料库, including 460 titles of pre-modern Chinese materials from Academia Sinica.

Shen Bao 申報 1872-1949, searchable full texts and digital images in pdf-format. Note: search requires traditional Chinese character input.]

Si bu cong kan 四部叢刊 including 504 texts arranged in three series. Special font file should be downloaded for proper display of Chinese characters.

Si ku quan shu (Wenyuange Ed.) 文淵閣四庫全書(電子版). This new version of SKQS requires the download of a client and can be used anywhere on the Stanford campus via authenticated wired or wireless connection. The client download and installation guides are available at (requires a Microsoft Windows operating system and Internet Explorer). Users will benefit from correlated search functions that recognize Traditional-Simplified and Chinese-Japanese character sets. Note: To access this resource from off campus, please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information.

Taiwan Airiti Books 華藝中文電子書, academic books published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. Users can read online or download to personal computers or mobile devices. More information on off-line access could be found at

Taiwan Electronic Periodical Service (TEPS) 臺灣電子期刊服務網, covers 81,000 articles published in leading Taiwanese academic journals. Spanning subject areas including medicine and life sciences, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and applied sciences, TEPS is updated daily with new academic journal content and includes archived issues dating to 1991.

Taiwan Master Theses and Ph.D Dissertations 台湾硕博士论文 from 49 institutions on all subject areas.

Wanfang Data: China Online Journals 万方数据:学术期刊 (人文社科) in humanities and social sciences in China from 1998 onwards. 

Wanfang Data: Dissertations of China 万方数据: 学位论文 (人文社科) includes Master's theses, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral dissertations from Chinese research institutions from 1980 onward. Document delivery service is available upon request.

Wanfang Data: China Local Gazetteers 万方数据: 新方志, contains over 25,900 volumes of Chinese gazetteer books, covering 31 provinces and autonomous regions. The database provides detailed geographic and historical records of provinces, prefectures, cities, and smaller district administration units.

Wanfang Data: Academic conferences in China 万方数据: 学术会议 contains full-text, abstract and other descriptive information of papers from national and international conferences held in China from 1986 onward.

Wanfang Data: Policies and laws of China 万方数据: 法律法規 provides valuable information on Chinese jurisdiction, legislature, and business laws. The database holds over 583,000 records covering a comprehensive range of Chinese policies, regulations and laws of both national and regional levels from 1949 onward.

Yan xing lu 燕行錄, contains 556 personal records by the identified authors about 314 Korean envoys and delegation that visited Beijing during Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty (from 13th to 19th century). Text in Chinese but the database interface in Korean language.

Zhongguo fang zhi ku 中國方誌庫 includes about 4000 pre-modern local gazetteers that Stanford Library currently purchased. Click on 合集 after login.

Zhongguo ji ben gu ji ku 中國基本古籍庫 includes more than 10,000 full-text traditional Chinese works. Original images also available. Full text searchable.

Zhongguo li dai shi ke shi liao hui bian 中國歷代石刻史料匯編, a database of over 1000 epigraphic texts (including the epigraphy sections in local gazetteers) with full-text searching.


Stanford Only

CNKI: China Academic Journals 中国期刊全文数据 a full-text database covering approximately 6,600 journal titles from the People's Republic of China. [Internet Explorer recommended]

CNKI: China Doctoral Dissertations 中国博士学位论文 from 404 doctor degree grantors, covering all subject areas, including sciences, technology, social sciences and humanities.

CNKI: China Master Theses 中国优秀硕士学位论文  covering all subject areas.

CNKI: China Proceedings of Conferences 中国重要会议论文 including proceedings of domestic and international conferences sponsored by societies, associations, universities and institutions, and governments of the first and second levels in China.

Da Cheng Lao Jiu Kan 大成老旧刊全文数据库, includes 1.3 million articles from 120,000 issues of 6,000 journals which were published from late Qing Dynasty to 1949.

NICNP: Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911~1949) 民国时期期刊全文数据库(1911~1949), contains about 20,000 titles of Chinese periodicals published in the period 1911 to 1949. To access this resource, click on Chinese periodical full text database (1911-1949), select【全文库】 民国时期期刊全文数据库(1911~1949) , then click 使用 under the database image.

NICNP: Late Qing Periodical Full-text database (1833-1911) 晚清期刊全文数据库

Taiwan Electronic Periodical Service (TEPS) 臺灣電子期刊服務網, covers 81,000 articles published in leading Taiwanese academic journals. Spanning subject areas including medicine and life sciences, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and applied sciences, TEPS is updated daily with new academic journal content and includes archived issues dating to 1991.

Taiwan Master Theses and Ph.D Dissertations 台湾硕博士论文 from 49 institutions on all subject areas.

Wanfang Data: China Online Journals 万方数据:学术期刊 (人文社科) in humanities and social sciences in China from 1998 onwards. 

Wanfang Data: Dissertations of China 万方数据: 学位论文 (人文社科) includes Master's theses, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral dissertations from Chinese research institutions from 1980 onward. Document delivery service is available upon request.

Wanfang Data: Academic conferences in China 万方数据: 学术会议 contains full-text, abstract and other descriptive information of papers from national and international conferences held in China from 1986 onward.

Open Access:

国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库 Free access full text current journal articles. Need to set up an account first.

中国国家图书馆民国期刊 provides images of more than 4,500 Minguo serials.


Hong Kong Journals Online




Historical Texts Stanford Only

Chinese Ancient Texts Database (CHANT) 漢達文庫 including Jiaguwen, Jianbo, Jinwen, Pre-Han and Han, Six Dynasties and Lei Shu.

Ch'ing Palace Memorials and Archives of the Grand Council 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件, full-image database of documents collected by the National Palace Museum. These documents span the reigns from Kangxi to Xuantong, covering a wide range of subjects, including state, foreign and military affairs, finance, agriculture, and industry. Note: Please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information.

Grand Secretariat Archives 内閣大庫檔案, features documents originally collected by the Grand Secretariat of the Qing dynasty. The database allows keyword searching for responsible official, title, matter and document number. It includes full-text images of 310,000 documents dated from the Ming dynasty to the late Qing dynasty. Note: Please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information. This resource is only available on campus and cannot be accessed from off campus via proxy. Internet Explorer recommended.

Gu jin tu shu ji chen 古今圖書集成  Click on IP 會員登錄 to access to the database.

Han dian quanwen jiansuo xitong 瀚典全文檢索系統, open access Chinese classics (二十五史,十三經 ...) from Academia Sinica. Click on "瀚典全文檢索系統 2.0 版" to access content.

Qing dai shi liao wen xian 清代史料文献, full text searchable database including historical text on Qing history. Special font file is required.

Scripta Sinica 中央研究院 漢籍全文資料库, including 460 titles of pre-modern Chinese materials from Academia Sinica.

Si bu cong kan 四部叢刊 including 504 texts arranged in three series. Special font file should be downloaded for proper display of Chinese characters.

Si ku quan shu (Wenyuange Ed.) 文淵閣四庫全書(電子版). This new version of SKQS requires the download of a client and can be used anywhere on the Stanford campus via authenticated wired or wireless connection. The client download and installation guides are available at (requires a Microsoft Windows operating system and Internet Explorer).  Note: To access this resource from off campus, please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information.

Yan xing lu 燕行錄, contains 556 personal records by the identified authors about 314 Korean envoys and delegation that visited Beijing during Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty (from 13th to 19th century). Text in Chinese but the database interface in Korean language.

Zhongguo fang zhi ku 中國方誌庫 includes about 4000 pre-modern local gazetteers that Stanford Library currently purchased. Click on 合集 after login.

Zhongguo ji ben gu ji ku 中國基本古籍庫 includes more than 10,000 full-text traditional Chinese works. Original images also available. Full text searchable.

Zhongguo li dai shi ke shi liao hui bian 中國歷代石刻史料匯編, a database of over 1000 epigraphic texts (including the epigraphy sections in local gazetteers) with full-text searching.

E-Books Stanford Only

Apabi China Digital Library: Books 中华数字书苑电子图书 

CADAL 大学数字图书馆国际合作计划 China Academic Digital Associative Library (百万图书计划)includes millions of Chinese books. Needs to set up account first.

CNKI: China Reference Works Online 中国工具书网络出版总库 including more than 4000 reference works.

CNKI: China Yearbooks 中国年鉴数据库

CNKI: China Statistical Yearbooks 中国统计年鉴数据库

Chinamaxx, including about 700,000 books published in China since 1949 concentrating on social sciences and humanities.

Pishu: China economy, public policy, and security database 皮書, all series published by the Social Science Press 社科文献出版社.

Taiwan Airiti Books 華藝中文電子書, academic books published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. Users can read online or download to personal computers or mobile devices. More information on off-line access could be found at

Wanfang Data: China Local Gazetteers 万方数据: 新方志, contains over 25,900 volumes of Chinese gazetteer books, covering 31 provinces and autonomous regions. The database provides detailed geographic and historical records of provinces, prefectures, cities, and smaller district administration units.

Open Access

中国国家图书馆数字方志 includes more than 6000 kinds of local gazetteers published before 1949.

東洋文庫善本書 includes 203 rare Chinese books.

東京大學東洋文化研究所藏漢籍善本全文影像資料庫 includes more than 4000 Chinese rare books free to the public.

東京大學東洋文化研究所藏雙紅堂文庫全文影像資料庫 includes more than 3000 books.


天一阁博物馆,including 1300 books. Registration required.



Historical Texts

Chinese Ancient Texts Database (CHANT) 漢達文庫 including Jiaguwen, Jianbo, Jinwen, Pre-Han and Han, Six Dynasties and Lei Shu.

Ch'ing Palace Memorials and Archives of the Grand Council 清代宮中檔奏摺及軍機處檔摺件, full-image database of documents collected by the National Palace Museum. These documents span the reigns from Kangxi to Xuantong, covering a wide range of subjects, including state, foreign and military affairs, finance, agriculture, and industry. Note: Please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information.

Grand Secretariat Archives 内閣大庫檔案, features documents originally collected by the Grand Secretariat of the Qing dynasty. The database allows keyword searching for responsible official, title, matter and document number. It includes full-text images of 310,000 documents dated from the Ming dynasty to the late Qing dynasty. Note: Please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information. This resource is only available on campus and cannot be accessed from off campus via proxy. Internet Explorer recommended.

Gu jin tu shu ji chen 古今圖書集成  Click on IP 會員登錄 to access to the database.

Han dian quanwen jiansuo xitong 瀚典全文檢索系統, open access Chinese classics (二十五史,十三經 ...) from Academia Sinica. Click on "瀚典全文檢索系統 2.0 版" to access content.

Qing dai shi liao wen xian 清代史料文献, full text searchable database including historical text on Qing history. Special font file is required.

Scripta Sinica 中央研究院 漢籍全文資料库, including 460 titles of pre-modern Chinese materials from Academia Sinica.

Si bu cong kan 四部叢刊 including 504 texts arranged in three series. Special font file should be downloaded for proper display of Chinese characters.

Si ku quan shu (Wenyuange Ed.) 文淵閣四庫全書(電子版). This new version of SKQS requires the download of a client and can be used anywhere on the Stanford campus via authenticated wired or wireless connection. The client download and installation guides are available at (requires a Microsoft Windows operating system and Internet Explorer).  Note: To access this resource from off campus, please contact the East Asia Library for username/password information.

Yan xing lu 燕行錄, contains 556 personal records by the identified authors about 314 Korean envoys and delegation that visited Beijing during Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty (from 13th to 19th century). Text in Chinese but the database interface in Korean language.

Zhongguo fang zhi ku 中國方誌庫 includes about 4000 pre-modern local gazetteers that Stanford Library currently purchased. Click on 合集 after login.

Zhongguo ji ben gu ji ku 中國基本古籍庫 includes more than 10,000 full-text traditional Chinese works. Original images also available. Full text searchable.

Zhongguo li dai shi ke shi liao hui bian 中國歷代石刻史料匯編, a database of over 1000 epigraphic texts (including the epigraphy sections in local gazetteers) with full-text searching.

Open Access

東洋文庫善本書 includes 203 rare Chinese books.

東京大學東洋文化研究所藏漢籍善本全文影像資料庫 includes more than 4000 Chinese rare books free to the public.

東京大學東洋文化研究所藏雙紅堂文庫全文影像資料庫 includes more than 3000 books.


天一阁博物馆,including 1300 books. Registration required.




Stanford Only

Apabi China Digital Library: Newspapers 中华数字书苑报纸库 including full text of 25 Chinese newspapers 环球时报,南方都市报,etc., begining years varies.

CNKI: China Core Newspapers Full Text 中国重要报纸全文数据库 selection of the articles published in about 500 important newspapers in China from 2000, updated continuously.

Guangming Ribao 光明日报

People's Daily (1946-) 人民日报

People's Liberation Army (PLA) Daily 解放军报

ProQuest historical newspapers. Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953), full text of various Chinese newspapers in English.

ProQuest historical newspapers. South China Morning Post (1903-1995) 南华早报英文版

Shen Bao 申報 1872-1949, searchable full texts and digital images in pdf-format. Note: search requires traditional Chinese character input.]

Open Access



Apabi China Digital Library: Picture Database 中华数字书苑图片库 covering figure painting, landscape painting, fan painting, bird-and-flower painting, engraving, canvas, jade article, bronze article, textile, furniture, tomb sculpture, rock painting, lacquer, hall frescos, enamel ware, gold and silver ware, stone sculpture, architecture and so on. User name and password is required for downloading of high resolution images. Please check with EAL public service desk for details.

China Geo-Explorer II an intelligence spatial data service. It offers China demographic and economic data, maps, charts and reports in the web-based delivery system. With this spatial intelligence, users are able to make rapid, accurate spatial decisions with greater confidence for regional planning, business investment, population, housing, environmental assessment, public health and many other spatial applications. Data sources in this database includes demographic and business information for all PRC geographies, including 31 Provinces, 345 Prefecture Cities, 2,873 Counties, and over 50,000 Townships.

Chinese Civilization in Time and Space, web-based GIS system with historical maps, integrated with full-text databases from the Academia Sinica. The fundamental base maps are based on Dr. Tan's "The Historical Atlas of China". "The Historical Atlas of China" provides users with Chinese historical features, covering Chinese history over the past 2000 years, from the ancient time to Qing dynasty. Click on "Enter CCTS System" to access the database. Users must download ArcView 9.1, the latest Java Runtime Environment, and CCTS plug-ins before use.

Open Access

China Historical GIS





CNKI: China Statistical Yearbooks 中国统计年鉴数据库

China Data Online 中国数据在线 contains China yearly macro-economy statistics (1949-), China monthly macro-economy statistics (1998-), monthly reports on economic development (2002-), China city statistics (1996-), China county statistics (1997-), China industrial data (2001-), and various statistical yearbooks (2002-).

China Geo-Explorer II an intelligence spatial data service. It offers China demographic and economic data, maps, charts and reports in the web-based delivery system. With this spatial intelligence, users are able to make rapid, accurate spatial decisions with greater confidence for regional planning, business investment, population, housing, environmental assessment, public health and many other spatial applications. Data sources in this database includes demographic and business information for all PRC geographies, including 31 Provinces, 345 Prefecture Cities, 2,873 Counties, and over 50,000 Townships.

中国历次人口普查资料 on CD,including data for the population census in 1953, 1964, 1982, 1990 and 2000

2000中国人口普查乡镇资料与地图 on CD

2010中国人口普查乡镇资料与地图 on CD

2010 中国人口普查省级资料与地图 on CD

Open Access




Reference Tools

Stanford Only

CNKI: China Reference Works Online 中国工具书网络出版总库 including more than 4000 reference works.

Duxiu 读秀知识库, provides full-text search to over 2 million core Chinese monographs and journals, as well as over 500 yearbooks published in mainland China. Duxiu can also be accessed via Stanford’s Chinamaxx interface (search form is located at the lower portion of the Chinamaxx homepage).

National Index to Chinese Newspapers & Periodicals 全国报刊索引, an index database covering information from 1833 to the present. It lists about 18,000 kinds of newspapers and periodicals published in China and contains over 30 million entries. Note: Although it appears you can request documents directly from Shanghai Library, requests must go through Stanford Libraries Interlibrary Loan Unit citing the NICNP as the source for the document.

Open Access






