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Rebecca Wingfield

Curator for American and British Literature


  • (650) 787-5283
Room 321A

Rebecca's role in the library

As the subject specialist for British and American literature, I collect materials in all formats on topics related to literature and drama in English. I also provide research support for faculty and students doing research on literary topics.


Course Guides by Rebecca

Course number Term Guide Instructor
Bing Honors College English 2012 English Honors College Christopher Rovee
Bing Honors College English Fall 2014 Bing Honors College English Alice Staveley
Dance 23/ TAPS 159M Fall 2014 Movement and meaning: dance studies in global comparative context Joanna Dee Das
Dance 24/ TAPS 152 Winter 2015 Introduction to dance in the African diaspora Joanna Dee Das
TAPS 1 Winter 2015 Introduction to theater and performance studies Diana Looser
PWR 1SS Spring 2015 The page and the stage: writing and performance Susan Schuyler-Olmsted

Professional activities

American Library Association

Literatures in English Section (LES), ACRL


Selected publications

"Mystery and Detective Fiction" and "General Fiction". Magazines for Libraries 2014. Ed. Cheryl LaGuardia. ProQuest, 2013.

“Gazing on Fu-Manchu: The Power of Obscurity in the Work of Sax Rohmer and Virginia Woolf.” Studies in Popular Culture. 31:1 (Fall 2008), 81-98.

 Bestsellers by Clive Bloom.” Journal of Popular Culture. 37 (May 2004): 748.


More about Rebecca

Before coming to Stanford, I was a selector for Widener and Lamont Libraries at Harvard University.  Prior to that, I selected archival and special collections materials for the Open Collections Program, a digitization program at Harvard University Library. I also served as a Lecturer in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Harvard University.



MLS, Simmons College, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
PhD, English, Brown University
MA, English, Brown University
BA, English, Boston College