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Social sciences


Students exiting the Bing Wing of Green Library

Green is Stanford University's main research library, and has collections in the humanities, social sciences, area studies, and interdisciplinary areas.

Course guides

Course number Term Guide Instructor
PWR 1SG Fall 2012 Body and Mind: The Rhetoric of Gesture Streit, S.
PWR 1EP Fall 2013 Rhetoric of Global Development and Social Change Emily Polk
PWR 2CAB Winter 2014 Rhetoric of Gender and Technology Alfano
PWR 1RL Spring 2015 Rhetoric of Happiness Lee, R.
PWR 1LP Winter 2015 Crafting Credibility: Rhetoric and Authority Luke Parker
PWR 1KC Fall 2014 PWR 1KC The Rhetoric of Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture Karli Cerankowski