Philosophy and Goals

The Predoctoral Psychology Internship Training Program at Counseling and Psychological Services at Vaden Health Center, Stanford University is based upon a Scholar-Practitioner training model that incorporates current psychological theory and science with experiential learning. It is intended to help Interns grow and develop as generalist psychologists. At CAPS, Interns gain extensive clinical experience with a diverse range of students and presenting problems.

Throughout the training year, experiential learning is informed by the theory and science of psychology in supervision and didactic training seminars. The internship follows a sequential, developmental training process, building upon the knowledge and skills that each Intern already possesses and offering opportunities for developing and refining additional clinical skills. The goal for our Interns is to facilitate their professional development from graduate student to skilled psychologist.

Upon arrival, Interns begin to assess their professional goals for their training year with guidance from the Training Director and Clinical Supervisors. Interns have the opportunity to identify clinical interests and theoretical models as training foci and are given training and supervision opportunities in identified areas. The training year provides ample opportunities for Interns to apply theory to practice. Supervision is regarded as a supportive, mentoring relationship to enable Interns to develop professional autonomy and competence. The evaluation process thus plays an essential role in the professional development of Interns throughout the year. In addition, Interns are able to broaden their knowledge and skill base by exposure to the variety of theoretical perspectives and intervention approaches that our multidisciplinary staff brings to the program. Lastly, CAPS offers opportunities for Interns to gain experience with a diverse range of students within a multicultural and diverse organization.

By the end of the training year, Interns will have developed competence with: intake interviewing, clinical assessment, crisis intervention, on-call services, brief and long-term therapy, individual psychotherapy, couples counseling, assessment, case management, brief treatment of eating disorders, motivational interviewing with substance use, and working with LGBTQ student community, providing structured workshops and outreach programming, consultation, professional ethics, and counseling a diverse and gifted student population.

Consistent with our training program's goal to train ethical, competent, and professional psychologists, there are opportunities during the year for personal exploration and self-reflection. Interns are encouraged to appropriately explore historical and personal data that may influence their clinical practice and to continue to reflective, introspective skills that aid in their development as professional psychologists. We strive to create an atmosphere in which interns feel safe to explore such issues in training groups and in supervision. Supervisors provide mentorship and consultation to trainees to support their exploration and professional development. Supervisors may consult with one another about trainees when appropriate. CAPS internship program functions in a manner consistent with American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Standards (7.04 Student Disclosure of Personal Information).

Intern Training Goals

Goal 1:
To develop competence in ethics and legal matters.

Goal 2:
Interns will develop clinical skills required for professional practice in psychology.

Goal 3:
Interns will develop the skills to effectively respond to crisis situations.

Goal 4:
Interns will demonstrate the ability to consult and collaborate with an interdisciplinary staff, the campus community, and off-campus community.

Goal 5:
Interns will develop skills for working with individual and cultural diversity.

Goal 6:
Interns will develop a professional identity as a psychologist.



Intro Letter
Philosophy and Goals
Components of the Training Program
Meet the Staff
Application Qualifications & Process